Chereads / The Silver Esper [Stopped] / Chapter 25 - Guns

Chapter 25 - Guns

Lukas and Avalon reach the shooting range currently the members of the unit were there practicing. They turned and looked when they arrived and saluted Lukas, he gave a slight wave of his hand telling them to relax before looking over at Ava who was behind him. He went over and picked up a gun, it was a pistol. Avalon looked out from behind Lukas and looked at the gun in his hand. "This is the gun you mentioned earlier. I want to see you fire at a few rounds."

"I understand but will you allow me a little warm up first Captain? It's been a long time since I've last held a gun that I'm sure I'll be a little rusty." Roan asked glancing over the the gun then to Lukas. It was the model pistol that Avalon mentioned it was one of the few there as it was not standard issue in the Niahurii military.

"Fine." Lukas replied before handing Avalon the pistol. She took hold of the pistol and took her place on the line. She had a clips on the table in front of her she looked at the target that was in front of her with a neutral expression.

'Further than standard but that should be expected for this unit. I also see a few targets that are capable of moving. If this was my past life I would not have much need for this gun. Where I was it was only for defence. The use of a gun was a last resort… here I do not get that option, I will have to shoot to kill every opponent I face when required by the army even though I dislike those that give me such orders.' Avalon muttered as she checked the clip that was in the gun.

After insuring that the clip was loaded with rounds she loaded the magazine back in the gun. Unlocking the safety on the gun she pulled back the slide and loaded a round in to the chamber. She aimed down the sights, her pulse was racing slightly from holding the loaded weapon. Holding this gun after such a long time brought back some memories of her past life that she choked down. With both hands firmly on the gun she aimed at the target steadying her hand and breathing she could feel herself calm down.

With her emotions back under control in a brief moment she then pulled the trigger on the 9mm pistol. The gun fired a slight trail of smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun. The first shot hit the target but in one of the lower rings. She fired a few more times till eventually the rounds begun to hit the kill point on the target. She then unloaded the rest of the magazine hitting the 'kill' point on the 'human' target. She hit the button to unload the empty magazine before grabbing the full clip that was resting on the table and loading it in the gun. "Thank you. I feel that the rust on my skills is no longer present." Roan stated as she loaded in the clip.

"Good cause your going to be firing at multiple different targets at varying ranges with different guns."

"Alright then. I have no problem with that sir." Roan replied she wore a neutral expression but her eyes were blazing. The members that were in the range looked at two of them in silence.


"There is no need for concern. This recruit is training with me that's all. Get back to training."

However that wasn't what they were curious about but didn't want to say anything else. 'I would have more trouble with shooting if I didn't have experience from my past life. Sigh… heh it reminds me of those stories. Having memories from a past life is defiantly helpful… kinda like a cheat.' Avalon chuckled with a slight smirk. She stayed at the line with the table in front of her as Lukas grabbed and placed down 3 different types of guns and ammo down on the table in front of her.

"I want you to fire these 3 guns at the targets. You get one clip each." Lukas told Avalon. She just looked at the guns in front of her, she was familiar with two of them from her past life though had never used them before personally, the 3rd she new of from her current life a gun made in this country. One gun was an AR-15 a carbine that is under the specification as a scout rifle, then a M4 carbine that is the type of a selective-fire carbine/assault rifle. The last one is called a NH-17 a sniper rifle that can use a large range of cartridges, with a long sight and barrel, with extending support legs that lighter than what you'd expect for a sniper of its size.

As Avalon begun too prepared to start the task Lukas had given her she looked over the guns in more detail how to remove the magazine, the sight, what position to hold it in. "Not like that, shift it over a little more." Lukas said as he moved the gun slightly in her hand to the proper position to insure that it was in the proper place and cause the least damage and discomfort to the user, and be in proper place for a fight. Lukas made such comments as she 'explored' the new weapons in front of her. This helped her learn the right thing for the basic use of these guns with him doing such.

After firing at the targets one after with each gun Lukas was a little surprised as he expected Avalon to miss a fair number of shots (not hitting the target at all), however as side from the first and second shot from each to the knew gun she quickly adapted and begun to hit the target though at the very rim of the target area. She was a sharp shooter, as her reaction time was fast and so was her ability to process information changing at a moments notice. Though her shots didn't reach a kill shot.

Avalon let out a slight sigh a little annoyed at the performance. She wasn't used to the guns nor the kick back of each weapon which made it a little difficult for her. "5-6 more I'm sure i'll be able to hit kill shots, 10 at most for the fast moving targets. I'm not use to this kick back on these guns, its throwing me off." Roan muttered placing down the last gun her right fist clenched.

'He's better than I expected being able to hit the target after just a few shots.' Lukas thought looking over at the small solider that was in front of him. "I'll let you do 2 more rounds for each gun. Then I'll have you do something else." Lukas told Avalon handing her a few more magazines, she gave him a nod before getting back at it.

Avalon was focused and aimed properly at each target, she took shots a little slow and methodical at this point to get used to the gun but each shot hit and got closer to the desired target. "I'm surprised with your aim." Lukas muttered looking at Avalon. She stopped firing and removed her hand from the trigger as she turned her head her violet eyes and long lashes were easily visible and looking to be shinning in the sunlight.

"I find aiming quiet easy. Since I've learned the general information on these guns it helped to fix up the small error's I made." Roan started before turning back to the gun. "I know not everyone can. But I process stuff very fast, the rate a bullet descends after firing, the wind speed. I can determine those and figure out where to position the gun in order to insure at least a hit. When I'm used to the recoil I'll be able to land at least one kill shot." Roan added before placing her finger back on the trigger and firing once again.