"But, wait! You gave them the choice!" The dragon whined.
"They didn't drop me into a thirty-meter hole!"
"In my defense, it did say not to stand there! Come on! Don't be such a hard ass! I can cook! Yes, I am a very good cook!"
"You're a dragon, I would like something other than burnt to a crisp to eat," I said, crossing my arms.
Kyra was giving me a tongue lashing about being a big old meanie, but I wanted my treasure before I accepted any more orphan monsters. Plus, this was a bone dragon, what was he going to turn back into? A skeleton? That might actually be funny.
"My husband is just being a tool, Mr. Dragon. Hyde! Quit torturing him with your boring question and let him in already!" Kyra called over the intercom.
Couldn't I shut that damn thing off? Was this not technically my body? I guess Kyra had technically turned me into her home, and that sounded cute if you didn't know what it actually meant.