I was excited, I knew who was missing still, and finding them both together was a heaven send all on its own. I scooped my girls up and gave them a firm squeeze on their bottoms, which got me slaps from both sides, at the same time. Then they showered me in kisses, almost making me drop them.
Behind us, Dragons were landing, so I set the girls down and we headed back into the cave to give the ladies room to land. Nuwari, Wendy, and Tescelle joined us and we walked back into where Greg was waiting for us. I let go of the girls and got to work, this would be home for a day or two, so I wanted to make it more comfortable.
I walked to the center of the room and sat down. I crossed my legs and put my hands down cupping my knees, then closing my eyes. I started to slow my breathing, keeping all five girls protected with planetary magic. I took a bit of it to block the noise around me of the great number of dragons coming into the cave.