Chereads / A Coomer's journey. / Chapter 5 - Himawari arc : Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Himawari arc : Chapter 5

"There's no sound," Naruto said.

"You don't need sound for this Daddy."

I smiled relieved. "So, this is it?"

"No, it's not, and don't you think it's weird that mom says she goes there to work out, and there she is laying on the couch head-on uncle Neij's lap watching a movie."

I slid my finger over the screen to speed up the video. while we were waiting for it to catch up I said. "So far this doesn't prove anything honey, maybe they just wanted to watch a movie first."

"When did I say this was all that happened Daddy? I don't want to hurt you Daddy, but you have to see this. They are obviously fucking."

"No, they are not, they are obviously talking, I don't see him fingering her or her with her hand on his dick," I said starting to get anxious, as I saw them talking in double speed. She never did that with me.

"Remember that's still not cheating Daddy." She said.

"Oh, so If they started doing what we did, would you be okay with, I'm sure you'd say 'That's not cheating Daddy, they're not fucking.'"

She blushed, "I don't know what you see in her, she doesn't care about you."

"She is your mother honey; she was there for me when no one else was. She was by my side before I even knew she was. She would have given her life for me no questions asked, I owe her the benefit of the doubt."

She stayed quiet after I said that, while she and I stared at the tablet, watching my wife resting her head on Neij's lap, as she smiled and laughed all the while rubbing his extended calf. It pained my heart to see her like this, so content, I hadn't seen her this happy in so long I couldn't remember when the last time was.

I felt a hole expand in my gut as I started wondering If perhaps all of this was my fault. Maybe if during our wedding night I had acted less like a child, if I had been more understanding, less concerned with my needs. Then perhaps even if we were still inactive sexually, we perhaps wouldn't be so distant. Maybe, if I had been less selfish the girl who'd told me she loved in front of Pein would still be there. God, what had I done? Of course, Hinata wasn't cheating, this was just a cry for attention, just a way for me to justify my pent-up lust, neglecting my wife to mess around with our daughter, how pathetic.

Even now, she was just talking, seeking comfort and companionship somewhere else because I wasn't there for her, it's not like Hinata was… reaching over and unzipping Neji's pants, fishing out his dick, and lowering her head, wrapping her lips around it. Rage exploded inside me, 'THE BITCH' how could she?

"What the fuck?" I zoomed in to make sure it was really Hinata there, elegant Hinata who refused to use her tongue while kissing putting her lips around Neji's cock, gentle Hinata who refused to let me touch her ass and titties, who was letting Neji grope her with abandon. I dropped the table on the ground, defeated, "I can't fucking believe it. Why?"

"Daddy?" Himawari asked, I could hear her in the background, but couldn't understand anything she was saying. This all felt like a dream. How did this happen? What was going to do? Should I go home right now and confront her if she was there? Or perhaps I should go and see Neji? And then what? No matter what Himawari said, I know I had cheated as well, no I had done worse, I was cheating with our daughter, I definitely didn't have the moral high ground.

I got up and started walking away, needing to clear my head.

"Daddy!" Himawari called from behind me, she ran towards me holding up the tablet. "OH MY GOD! Daddy, did you see?"

I looked at her and kept on walking.

She followed. "Daddy, I knew it! Look!" she said holding up the tablet, Hinata was on her knees between Neji's legs, his hands on her head, fucking her mouth. "Haha! See I told you! I knew I was right!"

"FUCK!" I shouted, all my muscles flexing with rage. "I can't fucking believe it.��

"Oh, sorry." She said. " Yeah right, sorry. This kind of sucks. Oops not suck, you know because… you know this blows… I mean I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry Daddy, do you want to go home? We can tell we caught her."

I snorted. "Caught her? How? I'm no better."

"It's not the same Daddy."

"You know it is honey."

"It really isn't Daddy, and even if it was, she did it first. She has obviously been doing this for years. I bet if we keep watching they start fucking."

"I really don't want to watch the video Himawari."

"Oh." She said turning off the tablet as if just realizing why. "I think, we should go home and confront her Daddy."

"Yeah? And then what?" I asked voice filled with venom.

"Well, after that you divorce her obviously. Then she is gone, out of our lives. You and I can be happy together, I'll take care of you in ways she never did Daddy."

I shook my head. "I can't believe she did this. I would never… I mean last night I got out of control, but I was just trying to make you feel good, it's not the same right?"

"Of course, not Daddy, and it did feel good."

"I was just trying to show you what it looked like, just to teach you because you asked." I said." But to let you or anyone else do what she was doing, I don't think I could ever have done it, right?"

Himawari swallowed. "I know you wouldn't Daddy, you're loyal. But not, anymore right? She did it first, so you can do whatever you want with whoever you want now Daddy. Let's go home and expose her now."

"I can't believe she denied me a simple grope while that's what she was doing. I'm her husband for God's sake. There she was while I was at the Hokage's office with Neji, sucking his cock. Even the Anbu bodyguards must have known what she was doing. They never told me the bastards. They'll pay for that, Believe it."

Himawari took my hand and held it in hers. "I'm sorry you're hurting Daddy. I love you, I'd never hurt you like she did."

I sighed, "Thanks Himawari."

I took my hand back and started walking away.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to confront her?"

"No, there is no need, I know now and that's all that matters, I still love your mother, let her have her fun, I won't break our family apart over this. You kids will have both parents in your lives."

"Daddy, we're already adults, it would totally be okay if you guys got a divorce, we'd understand."

"Maybe you would, but I refuse, our family although it's not perfect, it's still there, and we're still together, you have no idea how much that means until you lose it."

"But… I mean we could…"

I looked back at her. "I wouldn't have wanted Hinata to confront me about what we did last night, I understand what she did, and I'll deal with it on my own time, my own way. I'll win her back; I just need to forgive her first."

Himawari looked ready to explode into an argument, but then she hung her head and sighed. "Fine."

"Didn't you make me promise not to tell her anyway? Forget about what you saw, I'll deal with it on my own."

"Go back home before me, and don't say anything please."

"I won't."

"Promise? I know my little girl wouldn't break a promise with me."

"I promise." She grumbled.

Relieved that she promised I walked away to clear my mind. I realized that although Hinata had obviously fallen out of love with me I still cared for her in a way. But that wasn't what was bothering me at the moment, it was what my daughter had said, I didn't have to be loyal anymore. I could be with whoever I wanted to be with. It made me think as I wandered aimlessly through the village, ignoring the hollers and waves of the villagers lucky enough to run into the man who had saved the ninja world.

Was she saying I could be with her? Was that an invitation? But did I have the guts to do that? No matter how attracted to her I was, Himawari was still my daughter. I knew it was wrong but deep down, I also knew that I didn't care. I didn't know how I would go about it but from now on, I would have no more regrets, no more holding back, I would take what I wanted, even if in this case it was my daughter. She was mine to do with as I pleased, I could feel it.

Even with that sorted out, I really didn't want to go home and continue living my lie of a married life. Or did I? If I did confront her as Himawari had said, then I was free to do with her as I pleased. Damn, admitting it to myself made me feel rotten somehow.

I glanced at my phone, no calls or texts. I hope Himawari kept her part of the bargain. I shouldn't leave her alone with her mother for too long. I made my way back.

When I crossed the threshold, I called out for Hinata or Himawari, but neither answered they must still be out. I didn't want to think of what Hinata could be doing. I made myself a cup of instant ramen and locked myself in my office with my thoughts.

A few moments later I heard the front door open and close along followed closely by a knock on my office door.

Himawari stepped in having unlocked it somehow.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Oh, Himawari," I said brightening up.

"I figured you would want some company." She smiled shyly,

She came around the desk and leaned against it. "I waited to see when you would come home. I didn't want to be here alone with her when she came back."

I rolled my chair away from the desk so I could take her in better. She was still wearing the same black workout skirt and sports bra, her huge breast still looked like they were about to explode out of the top, and her skirt was doing such a poor job of containing her fat ass, I could see a hint of succulent luscious flesh even from the front. I wondered if she knew how much I wanted to bend her over that desk and have my way with that ass. Probably not.

"Sorry I shouldn't have abandoned you like that." I apologized.

"It's okay Daddy, so what were you doing?"

"Just trying to get my mind straight before coming home."

She nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I'm not sure if you want to hear this, but I watched some more of the video when you left…"

I held my hand up. "Honey, I don't want to know."

"I know but she—"

"Himawari please, I've already told you what I was going to do, you can't change my mind. I won't break up our family. She has been doing this for so long already, it doesn't matter if I know, it doesn't change anything in a positive manner."

She pouted. "Ok."

"Ok. Try not to look too happy." I said sarcastically.

She frowned. "I'm sorry I just don't understand."

"You don't have to, just respect my decision."

"Ok, Daddy."

"Good." I sighed.

"Can I give you a hug?"

"Always baby."

She came closer sitting on my lap and wrapping her around my neck. Her soft fragrance enveloping me as her firm breast pressed into my chest, I was instantly hardening under her ass. She curled her feet up snuggling even closer to me, having taken her boots off at one time without me knowing.

She snuggled into my chest mewling like a happy kitten, as I was now completely rigid under her. My cock as always, a trouser snake throbbing down my leg. She kissed me on the cheek, lingering softly before saying. "You're going to be okay Daddy. I have you now."

"You know what? I think you're right."

"I'll always be yours, Daddy," She whispered in my ear, before nibbling my nose. Shivers ran down my spine as my cock lifted her up slightly in excitement. She continued her affections by brushing her nose against my cheek. "So scratchy, I love your whiskers."

I smiled, loving the feel of her hot breath on my skin. "And I love your lips on my skin."

She giggled, rubbing her lips on my cheeks again, planting soft kisses, and nuzzling the spot behind my ears like a naughty kitten. I turned my head and she kissed my chin, before gently capturing it with her teeth.

"You missed a spot," I said touching my upper lip.

"We can't have that, now can we?"

Himawari pressed her soft lips to my upper lip and kissed me. I immediately opened my mouth and captured her soft bottom lip, sucking on it.

She squeaked. "Daddy! You're getting a little daring aren't you."

"You caught me," I said. "I was hoping your kisses would cheer me up."

"And did they?"

"I don't know, I think we have to try again to make sure." I smiled.

"Let's try then." She said, once again pressing her lips to mine. I opened my mouth to receive her heat, and our tongues immediately started tangling. Cherries and heat, it was perfect. Neither of us pretended this was something other than what it was, Daddy and daughter, sucking face for all they were worth. We licked each other's mouths as our lips kissed and suckled furiously. We were both panting, need too great, I couldn't kiss her fast enough, deep enough, I felt like I wanted to drown in her, completely forgetting Hinata at the moment. I just wanted the gorgeous creature in front of me.

Her hands started to explore, running over my shoulders, and down my chest, meanwhile, mine started running up and down her back savoring the soft flesh exposed there. A gift from the Gods. So soft and willing.

"Mine!" I growled in her mouth.

"Yours." She answered in response our lips barely disconnecting for an instant before we were back to devouring each other.

I slid my fingers under her butt and as much of that perfect ass as I could in my hands. My other hand on her waist, moving up her abs onto her ribs. I needed to feel those sweet tits, or I felt like I would die.

"Is it helping Daddy?" She panted, breaking the kiss long enough to suck air into her greedy lungs.

"A little I think," I said.

She frowned, God even then she looked adorable. "Only a little? Would it help If I sucked your tongue again Daddy?"

"It's worth a try."

���Mmm, open wide, Daddy."

I allowed her access to my tongue as her lips softly enveloped it, before pulling it possessively into her own mouth, bobbing on it as she sucked and licked.

My cock was now harder than steel, pinned in place under her thigh all the while she worshipped my tongue. She was really pulling on it, sucking with all her might in between wanton moans.

"Fuck baby, I love you," I said pulling my sore tongue back into my mouth where It was safe from the needy vixen.

"Mmm, I love the way you fucking taste Daddy." She groaned. "I'm helping, aren't I?"

"Yes, it's a little better."

"Still only a little?"

"I don't think just sucking on my tongue is going to be enough honey. I'm really sad." I said trying to sound depressed.

She bit her lip, looking into my eyes. "What If I sucked your cock?"

"Don't joke like that." I swallowed nervously, as my cock responded by throbbing even harder against her, obviously the fat fuck wasn't opposed to the suggestion.

She brought her lips closer. "It wasn't a joke Daddy. I've never joked about that; I would always have sucked it if you'd just asked. Please let me suck your beautiful cock Daddy."

"Himawari, I don't think we should…"

"Daddy, she sucked that asshole's tiny cock this morning. You deserve to have your cock sucked. It's only fair."

"That's different."

She shook her head. "She cheated first. Now it's your turn."

"I'm not sure," I said nervously.

She came closer, her lips right against mine. "Your cock is stabbing into me, Daddy. It's so fucking hard and ready right now. I know you want it."

"I worry we'll regret it."

"We won't"

"You don't know that."

She changed positions, turning on my lap, spreading her legs to straddle me. Her skirt spreading open as she hitched it up until it was out of the way. I looked down at the already soaked white panties under them.

"What are you doing?��� I said.

"I'm going to take it out. It must hurt when it's stuffed in your pants like that."


I observed her as she started tracing the outline of my fat cock over my pants going from tip to balls, alternating between squeezing and barely touching. She then surprised me with her flexibility by bending directly at the waist, and planting wet open kisses over the outline of the head, before opening wide and gently biting the shaft and shaking her head from side to side while maintaining eye contact.

"You fucking like seeing your daughter teeth on that fucking monster, don't you?" she growled like an animal, drool coming out the sides of her mouth like a faucet. "Yeah, you fucking do." She said sitting back up, a huge smile on her seeming dazed face.

She then slid her hand into my pants. I held my breath as I felt her fingers working their way inside my saliva-soaked boxers. Then I felt the electric touch of her fingertips on my bare cock. It took everything not to come as my cock throbbed like a madman in response to her touch. Her finger coiled hard around my shaft as she bent my dick, painfully tugging it out of my pants, shaft scraping against the zipper.

"Mmm." I moaned.

"Doesn't that feel fucking better?" she said, holding my cock in her hand. She looked so small in comparison to the behemoth of a cock now standing proud between her open legs, all red and angry veins ready to pump blood through the shaft.

"Yes," I said.

She pet it like a lonely dog starved for attention. My cock constantly throbbing in response to her fingers running up and down the length of the shaft.

"Ooh, you like that, don't you?" she teased.

"I don't know, we'll have to see."

"See what?"

"If you can do better."

She smiled. "Thinking of all the things I'm going to do already uh?"

"No… I mean yes fuck, I can't concentrate." I groaned.

"That's because you need to cum Daddy."


"So, let me help you, Daddy. I want to, I need to. Let me suck your big, beautiful cock Daddy, please?"

"Baby, we shouldn't…"

"Shouldn't what? Shouldn't suck your cock until you drain your balls down my throat, as I cum like a good little Daddy slut, you don't think I deserve this."

"Of course, you do. You've always been good to me, loyal, caring, present. You spoiled me really. You're the best daughter a father could ask for."

"Good, because let me tell you, Daddy, you deserve to have your cock sucked, and your balls drained by your daughter."

"I never thought of that," I said looking into her eyes. I couldn't find a reason to fight this anymore.

"Well, you should. I feel like every girl who has ever had a daddy who really loved them owes him at least one good blow job to say thank you." She stroked my cock again, running her hand up and down the shaft. "So let me say thank you. Let me suck on your cock. Let me do something for you for a change. Please."

I tensed as I watched her stroke my cock up and down. I was losing control, too horny to remember why this was a bad idea. I just wanted my cock sucked, and I wanted this hot busty woman in front of me to do it.

"Alright. Suck my cock."

"Thank you, Daddy." She beamed.

She climbed off my lap, stepping between my leg, as I reclined in my chair to give her better access as she knelt down between my legs her face flushed, eyes distant as she seemed to enter a sort of trance. She smiled sheepishly at me as her face came close to my cock. Her hands wrapped around the base, as she adjusted them to get a full grip all-around right at the best base, the rest of it rising past her hands covering her face completely.

"I'm really going to do it, ya know?" she said.

"I know," I said, watching her in anticipation.

"Okay," she whispered, looking at my cock. "If I do it wrong, just tell me."

I stroked the side of her head. "I promise, baby, you can't mess this up. I just want to watch my beautiful daughter suck my cock."

She smiled at me as her pink tongue rolled out of her mouth and all trace of intelligence seemed to flee her eyes. Himawari seemed to go into another zone entirely, a zone where nothing existed but the fat cock before her eyes and her mouth. She tentatively licked the underside of my shaft, her whole-body trembling as her throat grumbled at the contact.

She dragged her wet tongue along the length of it slurping up and down with increasing speed, leaving bubbles of saliva in her wake. She glanced at me for direction and then moved down at breakneck speed her face colliding with my swollen balls as she nuzzled and slobbered all over them while using one of her hands to corkscrew the wet cock about her.

"Muahh, God I love your fucking balls, Daddy." She growled while taking a deep breath her face still buried in my sack. "They smell so fucking good, they're SHO FUCKING BIG." She groaned not stopping for a single moment as she used an unoccupied hand to separate one of the balls, gripping the sack of flesh around as the orange-sized testicle hung languidly on her fist like an ice cream cone. She immediately ravenously licked it with what seemed like anger, slobbering all over it like a madwoman, before opening her mouth wider than Naruto thought possible and stuffing it in her cheeks.

"Fuucck!" I groaned closing my eyes in pleasure.

Her tongue kept twirling around my nut as she slobbered all over it giving it a tongue bath, drool falling onto the other like a fountain. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of sweet torture, she pulled her head off my nut with loud pop before repeating the same process with the other one. By that time, I had completely forgotten the events of the day, as I was lost in the warm wet sensation of her mouth bathing my balls in her drool. I was startled when she popped the other nut out of her mouth and shrieked like a banshee, burying her head in my soaked sack. She stays there for a few seconds her whole-body quaking before she started to speak again. "Ooohh, Daddy, FUUUUUCK, I could drown in your fat balls." She said in her best little girl voice. She kissed the tip of my cock letting me know she hadn't forgotten about it, as her hands kept corkscrewing up and down my slick fuckstick.

She grinned at me like a drunk person pleased with the sensations she was giving me. Her hands stopped all of a sudden holding my cock in place at the thick base as she once more slurped up and down, her once flawless face now covered in drool as she looked possessed.

I exhaled and just watched her, as she purred while liking the tip like candy. I cursed myself for waiting so long to let her do it. She cooed as she kissed the tip of my penis, then her mouth opened slowly. She glanced at me. "Himawari hashh to have thisssh, I wants it."

Her jaw stretched as her lips opened, not waiting for my response as she slammed her head onto my cock all the way to the fucking root, her throat closing around me like the tightest of vices.

Naruto's mind went blank for a few seconds, unable to process anything that was happening. When he came back to himself he watched as her cheeks caved, her beautiful face pressed up against his abs, sucking for all she was worth. It was too much.

"God, baby you're so good." He groaned.

After what had to be at least 3 minutes. she came back up for air, giggling. "Daddy ishh shhoo biigg and yummy.HEHEH." she licked me again, this time starting at the bottom of my cock and going all the way to the tip, where she again swirled her tongue all the way around the tip of my cock. "GOSH, I lub your cock so much Daddy, ish Perrrrrfect." She says as she started rubbing the massive thing all over her face as if marking her territory." Himawari wants, Himawari wanshts yummy cummies."

She then plunged her mouth all the way down my cock, burying her nose against my pubic bone once again, taking a deep drool and precum filled sniff for good measure. It was then that in my mind my beautiful daughter Himawari went from the girl whom I had raised to my big titted baby girl whimpering for Daddy cock and begging for Daddy cum to fill her mouth and Daddy cream to help her cum.

For more than thirty minutes Himawari kept bobbing her head up and down on my rigid cock, whenever she would come up for air she'd whisper that she loved me, or cum her brains out while praising my massive fuckstick.

"Jesus fuck," I mumbled, watching her give me the most intense and only blowjob of my life. I held her head lovingly in my hands. "Fuck, yes, Honey."

Her eyes looked at me as she came up and started using her hands to stroke half of my fat cock, while she sucked the other, all the while squealing like a madwoman every time I hit the back of her throat. She took deep breaths through her nose and sucked on my cock again all the while jacking me off. When I looked into her eyes I found them devoid of light as if all thoughts had fled her head, and I loved it.