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Red Like Roses

This is gonna be a Doctor Who fan fiction with elements of RWBY and SAO in there. It will have me, the Doctor, obviously, the companion, whoever it might be. It will also have characters from RWBY and SAO in there, all of us interacting with each other. God knows what will happen in there, I don't even know, but if I know one's gonna be awesome.

Chapter 1 - Rose

(Jared's POV)

Jared's bedroom...

Well, this cycle kept restarting time and time again, hasn't it? Me living my life throughout the Whoniverse.

And every single fan fiction that has me traveling with the Doctor, it just gets scrapped later on due to me, or someone else losing interest.

Well, not this time, since I have some tricks up my sleeve to spice things up. Or I think I do, and I think this is the day I've been waiting for.

I'm walking around my bedroom and I spot what looks like this blue diamond, that looks like a portal.

I smiled and I packed my things, not knowing what to expect next, and I placed the items inside my traveling backpack.

I stepped through the portal, and I looked around in awe at my surroundings. Yes, I'm five foot nine inches, I'm a Filipino American with black hair and brown eyes.

I'm into a lot of things, and you'll know what I'm into if you read my previous fan fictions, that I pretty much scrapped back then.


"Whoa!" I said, as I appeared in what looked like the TARDIS console room, and I looked back at the portal behind me. "Definitely something out of Xenoblade Chronicles 2."

I looked across the room to see what looks like Ruby Rose entering the room in a flash of light with Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long.

"Ruby!" Weiss said, as she is now starting to get annoyed at her team leader. "I said not to enter the portal. Until we know where we would end up!"

"Sorry…" Ruby said, quietly, as she spotted me in the distance. "Oh look, someone fun!"

"Why do we even bother with her?" Blake asked, as Ruby ran up to me to study me closely.

"Because she's my baby sister." Yang said, proudly. "And I love her."

"I know who you are, Team RWBY." I said, looking at Team RWBY. "Let's see, early days for you, yeah? Met Penny yet?"

"Who's Penny?" Ruby asked, as she looked back at the portal she came from with her team. "Is she from the world that we came from?"

"Where did you come from?" I asked, looking at the girl with silver eyes.

"Can't you see it?" Weiss asked, looking back at the portal they came from. "Oh, you can't. Can't you?"

"Nope, but this place. It's one I never imagined would be real." I said, walking up the stairs with Team RWBY. "The Doctor is probably busy with the plastic head right now, anyway."

"It's going to follow us!" Rose said, entering the TARDIS in a hurry.

"The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now, shut up a minute." The Doctor said, as I sat down on the jump seat. "You see, the arm was too simple, but the head's perfect. I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source. Right. Where do you want to start?"

"Er, the inside's bigger than the outside?" Rose asked.


"It's alien."


"Are you alien?"

"Yes. Is that all right?"


"It's called the Tardis, this thing. TARDIS. That's Time And Relative Dimension In Space." The Doctor said, and he spotted me and Team RWBY in the console room. "Who are you? And how did you get on my ship?"

"I'm Jared, big fan!" I said, waving my hand, as Team RWBY is standing near me on opposite sides of me. "Your universe to me was just a TV show. As well as theirs. I'm a big fan, and I'm pretty knowledgeable."

"How knowled…" The Doctor said, as Rose bursts into tears. "That's okay. Culture shock. Happens to the best of us."

"Did they kill him? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead?" Rose asked.

"Oh. I didn't think of that."

"He's my boyfriend. You pulled off his head. They copied him and you didn't even think? And now you're just going to let him melt?"

"Melt?" The Doctor asked.

"The head is melting, you great big, outer space dunce!" Weiss said, as the plastic head is melting on the console, where it is attached by cables. "Now fix it, before she tears up again!"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" The Doctor said, as he sets the Tardis in motion.

"What're you doing?" Rose asked.

"Following the signal. It's fading. Wait a minute, I've got it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Almost there. Almost there. Here we go!" The Doctor said, as the TARDIS lands.

"Ooo, new world outside of Beacon." Ruby said, looking at me. "Have you been here before?"

"Nope! Not in this world." I said, running for the door with Team RWBY. "Come on Little Red, ice queen, Kitty Kat, and Bumblebee!"

"Something tells me that he likes us." Blake said, as I exited the console room. "Like way too much."

"Obviously." Weiss said, with Ruby, Blake, and Yang behind her. "It's just crazy how we were doing something and ended up here."

"You can't go out there. It's not safe." Rose said, angrily.


Nighttime on the north back of the Thames next to the RAF monument.

"I lost the signal, I got so close." The Doctor said, crossing his arms.

"You could say that the signal deserved a reception." Yang said, coming up with a joke as she exited the TARDIS with Ruby, Weiss, and Blake.

"We've moved. Does it fly?" Rose asked.

"Disappears there and reappears here. You wouldn't understand." The Doctor said.

"If we're somewhere else, what about that headless thing? It's still on the loose."

"I think the headless...whatever. I think it melted with the head." Weiss said, coming up with a theory. "I don't know much. But we're all new to this as much as you."

"Snow White is right. So, are you going to witter on all night?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

"I'll have to tell his mother. Mickey. I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him, again! You were right, you are alien." Rose said, annoyed.

"Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey…"

"Here comes the first argument between the Doctor and Rose." I said, laughing a little. "And when the Doctor's stressed, he likes to insult species."

"When you say the Doctor, you mean 'big ears' over here." Blake said, looking at the Doctor. "You knew us the same time you've known them. Is this normal for you?"

"You mean entering a portal not knowing what would happen. And then ending up here at the same time as you guys. If only Team JNPR, Team CFVY, and Team SSSN were here."

"Team SSSN? What team is that?" Ruby asked. "Is it a cool team?"

"That team has enough blondes already." I said, laughing again. "Or will have enough blondes. Time travel makes tenses so confusing."

"You know everything there is about us." Weiss said, as I nodded my head. "How far in advance do you know?"

"Way too much, especially here and now. When it comes to the Doctor's life."

"What's a police public call box?" Rose asked.

"It's a telephone box from the 1950s. It's a disguise." The Doctor said, leaning against the TARDIS.

"Okay. And this, this living plastic. What's it got against us?"

"Nothing. It loves you. You've got such a good planet. Lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air, perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. It's food stock was destroyed in the war, all its protein plants rotted, so Earth, dinner!"

"So, how do we stop them, big ears?" Weiss asked. "Got a plan?"

The Doctor holds up a tube of blue liquid, he then spoke, "Anti-plastic."

"Anti-plastic." Rose said.

"Anti-plastic. But first I've got to find it. How can you hide something that big in a city this small?" The Doctor asked.

"Hide what exactly?" Yang asked. "And this city is huge. We could help you find it."

"So, what are you looking for?" Blake asked.

"He's looking for a transmitter." I said, smiling. "Basically an equivalent to a WiFi signal."

"The Consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal." The Doctor said.

"What does this transmitter look like?" Ruby asked. "We don't know this city!"

"Like a transmitter. Round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London." The Doctor said, explaining the object to us. "A huge circular metal structure like a dish, like a wheel. Radial. Close to where we're standing. Must be completely invisible."

"It's not invisible." Weiss said, looking at the London Eye. "We're all looking at it."

"What? What?" The Doctor asked, as he turns and looks at what Rose, Team RWBY, and I are staring at on the south bank but the penny doesn't drop. "What? What is it? What?"

"Round and massive. Slap bang in the middle of London." Weiss said, recapping what the Doctor said. "And what's this thing called?"

"The London Eye!" I said, as I'm looking at Team RWBY. "It's one of the biggest ferris wheels in the world so far."

"Oh. Fantastic!" The Doctor said, happily.

South bank…

The Doctor, Rose, Team RWBY, and I run across Westminster Bridge.

"Think of it, plastic all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables…" The Doctor said.

"The breast implants." Rose said.

"And Yang, you are a bit top heavy." I said, as Yang got a bit angry.

"What did you say?" Yang asked, walking towards me.

"He said that you were…" Rose said.

"Have you considered buttoning up your shirt?" The Doctor asked, and he got back to the situation at hand. "Still, we've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath."

"What about down here?" Rose asked, as she looks over the parapet and sees a large manhole entrance at the bottom of some steps.

"Looks good to me." The Doctor said, as I tossed Ruby Rose an iPhone 6 Plus. "What are you doing?"

"Ruby, there are mannequins going to cause havoc around London. Basically plastic that comes to life. I want you, Weiss, Blake, and Yang to defeat them when they start killing innocent people." I said, looking at Team RWBY closely. "Can you summarize what I said?"

"You don't want people to get hurt. And for us to save them. I don't know, this older version of a Scroll looks really fragile." Ruby said, looking at my phone. "Are you sure we should use this to call you?"

"Yeah!" I said, running with the Doctor and Rose towards the hatch. "Good luck!"

"I can't believe we're helping people. With creatures that aren't Grimm." Weiss said, walking away with the rest of Team RWBY, and the Doctor opens up the hatch. "Why do I even try?"

"Geronimo!" I said, and there is a red light inside the hatch. "This is gonna be great."

Nestene chamber…

We climbed down a short ladder into a brick-built area with lots of chains. From there we go through a door and down a flight of steps into a multi-level chamber.

"The Nestene Consciousness. That's it, inside the vat. A living plastic creature." The Doctor said.

"Well, then. Tip in your anti-plastic and let's go." Rose said.

"Killing isn't his thing. He has to give it a chance, and hopefully change its mind." I said, looking over at Rose. "It's been a while since I last saw this adventure."

The Doctor goes down to a catwalk overlooking the seething vat.

"I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." The Doctor said, as the stuff in the vat flexes. "Thank you. If I might have permission to approach?"

Rose spots someone on a lower level and runs down, she then spoke, "Oh, God! Mickey, it's me! It's okay. It's all right."

"That thing down there, the liquid. Rose, it can talk!" Mickey said, terrified.

"You're stinking. Doctor, they kept him alive." Rose said.

"Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy." The Doctor said.

"You knew that and you never said?"

"Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?" The Doctor asked as he continued downwards. "Am I addressing the Consciousness? Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilisation by means of warp shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?"

"Rose, phone." I said, looking over at Rose. "Phone."

"What for?" Rose asked, as she tossed me her cell phone.

"Thanks." I said, as I immediately called Ruby Rose. "Ruby?"

"We're outside a place called Queens Arcade." Ruby said, her voice coming out of the phone. "What's up?"

"Just go back to where I am." I said, pacing back and forth. "You don't know how to deal with Autons properly yet. Like you do with Grimm."

"If only you could make up your mind already." Weiss said, ending the call. "We're on our way."

"You had to make a phone call." Rose said, as I tossed her phone back to her. "To your new friends. And us three being some of them too."

"Yup." I said, happily. "I had to."

A door slides back to reveal the Tardis.

"No. Oh, no. Honestly, no. Yes, that's my ship. That's not true. I should know, I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them!" The Doctor said, angrily.

"What's it doing?!" Rose asked, panicking.

"It's the Tardis! The Nestene's identified its superior technology. It's terrified. It's going to the final phase. It's starting the invasion! Get out, Rose, Jared! Just leg it now!" The Doctor said, as the plastic in the vat keeps roaring.

"Not gonna happen, Spaceman." I said, annoyed.

Rose phones her mother.

"Mum?" Rose asked.

(Open POV)

Outside a police station…

"Oh, there you are. I was just going to phone. You can get compensation. I said so. I've got this document thing off the police. Don't thank me." Jackie said.

Nestene chamber…

"Where are you, mum?" Rose asked.

Outside Queens Arcade...

"I'm in town." Jackie said.

Nestene chamber...

"No, go home! Just go home right now!" Rose said, worried sick.

Outside Queens Arcade...

"Darling, you're breaking up. Listen, I'm just going to do a bit of late night shopping. I'll see you later. Ta-ra!" Jackie said.

Nestene chamber...

"Mum! Mum!" Rose said.

Jackie goes into Queens Arcade, which contains the Underground station entrance.

The Consciousness starts throwing energy bolts around.

"It's the activation signal. It's transmitting!" The Doctor said.

The Eye lights up with energy.

"It's the end of the world." Rose said.

Queens Arcade...

"There's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend summer money in winter months." Clive said.

A shop dummy moves.

"Oh, my God! I thought they were dummies. I nearly had a heart-attack." Caroline said, excitedly.

Everyone stops to watch the show in all the store windows until one dummy smashes the glass and comes out. Jackie is coming down the escalator.

"It's true. Everything I read, all the stories. It's all true." Clive said, as an Auton's fingers drop and it shoots him.

Nestene chamber…

The plastic in the vat is getting extremely agitated.

"Get out, Rose, Jared! Just get out! Run!" The Doctor said.

"The stairs have gone." Rose said, as the Autons try to push the Doctor into the vat.

"Come on, TARDIS!" Jared said, as he runs to the blue box with Rose and Mickey, he tried opening it. "Damn…"

"I haven't got the key!" Rose said, annoyed.

"We're going to die!" Mickey said.

"No we're not." Jared said, and Rose looks around for other possibilities. "We're not gonna die here."

Shopping center...

Autons start coming down the escalator, shooting at anyone. Jackie finally screams, throws away her plastic bag and runs. But outside the Arcade is just as dangerous. The Autons shoot a passing taxi driver. She hides behind the crashed vehicle, then three brides smash their way out of the shop behind her.

"Everyone get out!" Jaune said, leading people away, as he and the rest of Team JNPR lead the people away from the Autons. "Get out of here!"

"Run like your lives depend on it!" Ren said, as he and the rest of Team JNPR are taking down Autons. "You need to leave!"

"We're sorry about the property damage!" Pyrrha said, apologetically, as she took down an Auton. "We really are!"

"Woohoo!" Nora said, doing destruction whenever possible. "This is amazing!"

Nestene chamber...

"No!" The Doctor said.

"Time Lord." The Nestene Consciousness said.

Rose stands up and looks at the Doctor, then runs round the chamber.

"Just leave him! There's nothing you can do!" Mickey said.

"I've got no A Levels, no job, no future." Rose said, as she grabs an axe as the three brides prepare to shoot Jackie. "But I tell you what I have got. Jericho Street Junior School under 7s gymnastic team. I've got the bronze!"

Rose chops through the rope holding a very long chain to the wall and takes firm hold. She runs and swings out along the side of the catwalk, kicking the two Autons into the vat. The second one also drops the vial of anti-plastic into it. The golden Nestene screams as it starts to turn blue.

"Rose!" The Doctor said, as he grabs Rose as she swings back. "Now we're in trouble."

"Yup!" Jared said, as explosions start and the signals from the Eye stop. "I wonder if Team JNPR found the portal. Who knows?"

The shop dummies start to stagger then fall over. The Doctor, Rose, and Jared, run to the Tardis, where Mickey is holding on for dear life, and they all go inside. The Tardis dematerialises.


The Tardis materialises on the Embankment by a row of shuttered kiosks and Mickey runs out, terrified.

"You left us to save people." Ruby said, crossing her arms, and pouting. "When all of the action was down there! Even if I wanted to kick some bad guy butt."

"Sorry, but did Team JNPR come here?" Jared asked, as he looked over to see the rest of Team RWBY and he saw all of Team JNPR. "Great…this will make the story more difficult to work with."

"What story?" Weiss asked.

"Sorry, talking aloud." Jared said, rolling his eyes. "But the more the merrier in my case. And Team JNPR can always go home through the portal."

"Why would we want to go home?" Jaune asked. "That was cool."

"Really cool!" Nora said, grinning. "I loved it!"

"But the next adventure, I don't want you guys to experience it yet. Maybe stopping World War Three." Jared said, looking at Team JNPR. "I don't know."

"You'll decide eventually." Pyrrha said, reassuring Jared. "You are the writer after all."

Outside Queens Arcade…

Jackie answers her mobile phone, she then spoke, "Rose, Rose, don't go out of the house."


"It's not safe. There were these things, and they were shooting! And they…" Jackie said.

Outside Queens Arcade…

"Hello? Hello?" Jackie asked.


Rose goes over to Mickey, who is trying to hide behind a pallet. The Doctor stays in the doorway of the Tardis.

"A fat lot of good you were." Rose said.

"Nestene Consciousness? Easy." The Doctor said, snapping his fingers.

"You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me."

"Yes, I would. Thank you. Right then, I'll be off, unless, er, I don't know, you could come with me. This box isn't just a London hopper, you know. It goes anywhere in the universe free of charge."

"Don't. He's an alien. He's a thing." Mickey said, looking at the Doctor.

"He's not invited. What do you think? You could stay here, fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go anywhere." The Doctor said.

"Is it always this dangerous?" Rose asked.


"Yeah, I can't. I've er, I've got to go and find my mum and someone's got to look after this stupid lump, so…"

"Okay." The Doctor said, and he looked at Jared with the two teams from Beacon Academy. "What about you lot? You have the entire universe to explore."

"Yeah." Jared said, running into the TARDIS with Teams RWBY and JNPR. "We do! This is gonna be great."

"Rose, I'll see you around." The Doctor said, entering the TARDIS console room and closing the door.


"Ten people in my ship, it's gonna get cramped in here quickly." The Doctor said, flicking switches on the TARDIS console for them to hear the wheezing noise. "What will you do now?"

"Do you have a kitchen?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I do. Why?"

"I want to make some chocolate chip cookies." Ruby said, happily, as she ran off.

"I'm gonna keep an eye on her." Weiss said, running after Ruby.

"Hungry…" Nora said, looking at Ren with puppy-dog eyes. "Me...want...pancakes!"

"Of course you do." Ren said, dragging Nora towards the direction WhiteRose went.

"So, do you want to help me train some more?" Jaune asked, looking at Pyrrha.

"Sure. Why not?" Pyrrha asked, walking away with Jaune to find a sparring room.

"It looks like its me and Bumblebee. Me, Blake, and Yang." Jared said, looking at the Faunus and the blonde. "I love this. And did you mention that the TARDIS is a time machine?"

"Oh, I didn't." The Doctor said, flicking some switches on the TARDIS console.


"Come on, let's go. Come on. Come on." Rose said, looking down at Mickey.

The Tardis materialises.

"By the way, did I mention it also travels in time?" The Doctor asked.

"Thanks." Rose said.

"Thanks for what?" Mickey asked.

"Exactly." Rose said, as she kisses Mickey on the cheek and runs into the Tardis.