"Yo, Grace! It's time, come on!" A blonde wearing pastels clothes . She was running towards me. "Hey! I know you heard me," she huffed.
"Why do you think I stopped?" I asked looking down at her smiling. She hated when I did that knowing she is the shortest one out of the four of us.
"You're mean you know that?" She hisses at me.
"I know that," The smile never leaving my face.
"Were you ever like when you were-" She stopped knowing if she keeps speaking she will be sorry. I want to cry and scream at the same time. "I'm sorry Sa- Grace I'm sorry grace, really I'm Grace," She said my name as she reminded herself, I go by a different name then when I was born.
"It's ok Alexy it happens," I started to walk away but stopped when I was right by her and whisper in her ear, " Do it again and you will be sorry." I walked away. She turned to look but didn't say anything. I went down some more stairs because I was on the third floor. I smelled cookies? Which is rare here. We lived in an abandoned hotel. I corner and started towards the kitchen. Before I got in the kitchen, I heard some children. I walking in to see the children and a guy cooking cookies. The guy had brown hair. HIs back was turn to me.
"Yay! Cookies!" children shouted trying to get one.
"Ok, ok, one at a time," He was so kind to everyone. Even when people don't want him too.
"You were always so kind to kids huh?" I was leading on the door.
"Oh Grace I didn't see you come in," The kids were dead quiet, slowly lining up. They act like soldiers when they see me.
"No need to just passing by," They stop trying to line up. The kids seem to relax a little.
"Grace why are you here?" The boy asked. I stop looking at the kids and now at him.
"Jack I had nothing better to do than walk around talking to people."
"Grace you can go outside or go hunting."
"Oh yeah hunting, I like hunting," I walk over to them.
"Do you need something grace?" Jack asked. I took a cookie from Jack and ran. "Hey! That cookie wasn't for you!" He shouted.
"Well, now it is."
"Fine Grace have it!" He yelled after me. I ran until I was outside. I jumped onto a rock and turned to look at my home. The place I and countless others grow up in and call it home. Outside was peaceful, no war, no nothing well around the hotel. I heard some cars coming I tried to look at the plants but they were none. I ran inside, hoping this wasn't what I think it is. I made it to the door. Opening and hitting a button and shouted.