"Stations now! Unknown cars coming!" Soon after then I heard footsteps from everywhere in the hotel. Red and some others ran down to the first floor.
"What do you mean?" Red half yelled and asked.
"I was outside thinking about somethings and heard some cars coming and saw they had no plants. We both know the only people who drive cars with no plates." I said running towards the doors to try and hold them off, But before I could a bomb went off. It causes me to fly back and hit the wall. My vision started to become blurry. Shouting and screaming coming from every inch of this place.
"Sam!" Red shouted at me while running towards me. He had cuts and was bleeding a little. He put his hand on the back of my head, putting pressure on it. He loses his grip and soon I got to see his hand drowning in my blood. "Sam stayed with me. Please stay," Red was about to cry, "You are like family to me. I don't want to lose you too," Soon my vision becomes blurry and I black out.