As we sat down in the principal's office, I on one side and Cyra on the other side, he looked calm and collected and who could blame him, this seemed like an everyday thing for him. Me on the other hand, I had my palms folded in front of me, my fingers clammy due to the constant twisting of them on my lap. I could feel the devil sneaking glances at me from the side, and every time I felt his stare, I wanted to grab the pen from the principal's desk and poke his beautiful eyes out. But I was fully in control of myself.
Oh, who am I kidding? The constant stares from Cyra were not because I was nervous, but because each of those times, I kicked him under the table, and every time he presented me with one of his death stares. Which only made me feel worse, I didn't want to hurt him but this was all happening because of him. So, trying to push the guilt away and replace it with the thought that he was deserving of it, I kicked him another time, earning yet again, another death stare, his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head.
I bent my head, smiling because of the fact that I was getting to him, and pretty soon he would blow up, right here in front of the principal and that's exactly what I wanted. Maybe he would have a longer punishment, and that would also be deserving of him. I was also secretly hoping that maybe I would be let off, and so I wouldn't have to take part in whatever punishment I was about to befall, and have Cyra take pleasure in seeing me suffer, the insufferable pain in the universe!
I wasn't even paying attention to what the principal was saying but, I did hear "...and so you and Mister. Valentine will be doing the classroom pickups of books and return them to the library for the rest of the week. Understood?" Looking up at him, I ask, will we both have to do it together?"
Zeus! The rest of the week? It was only Monday for his mother's Rheia sake!
"Well yes Miss Quintia. That's the whole point of getting detention, you were both wrong, so you both will have to work out doing detention together without getting more time."
Incredulously, I asked, "More time?" The man shook his head impatiently at me. "Sorry," I quietly muttered. "Now, both of you, quietly go, and don't try to get smart with Miss. Quintia, Cyra!" he says, giving a knowing look to Cyra, and I wouldn't put that past him. Looking at Mr. Flores, he says, "Never!" but then he looks at me with a promising glint in his eyes.
And it was that exact look he had to blame for what I did to him next; I deliberately lifted my feet expeditiously and kick him on the back of his legs, which you may all know the outcome by now, but I quickly got up and left saying I was late for my next class, and promised to not forget my detention duties. What I didn't promise though was that I wouldn't take all the books and return everyone on top of Cyra's head with a hard smack, which would most likely lead to his untimely death, and leave me very guilty, but satisfyingly happy to be free of him.
Dashing out of the office, I start to head to History II, only you realize I was like half an hour late. Stopping short, I turned right back around and head straight into the office, in front of the assistant. "Hey, Mrs. Saz, can I have a late pass?" "Sure Honey, give me a minute," muttering to me as she looks up.
As she hands me the slip, I take it from her hands, swiftly turning around, only to go smack dab into a hard body, almost falling on my ass, but before that, someone grabs my shoulders and steady me. Looking up I see no one other than my beautiful blue-eyed devil. It's like the gods above have cursed me. I just always happen to go point black into Cyra's body.
"You know little tigress, if it wasn't for your cute, but very scary looking scowls, and the fact that you just mercilessly kicked me about fifty times in the principal's office, which FYI, at this point, I can't even feel my left foot anymore, I'd think you have the hots, and seem very much interested in me. I mean you just keep running into me at every turn, literally."
Completely shocked by his opinionated confession and horrified that he just said ALL THAT, in front of Mrs. Saz and the principal hot on his heels, my face turns red with embarrassment and as I sneak a look behind him at the principal and Mrs. Saz, I see their own shocked and dumbfounded expressions.
"I- I" That was all I could get out. Not bothering to explain myself any further, I turned and quickly walked out. In no time, I was already at the door, knocking, and as Mr. Clark opened the door; I handed him my late slip and went straight to my seat next to Gina.
"Well, hello gorgeous, you clean up well!" Gina whispered out to me. Smiling at her I say, "Oh yeah, the principal had the gym teachers give us a change of clothing since Cyra and I both looked and smelled like strawberry." We both chuckled at that, then she looked at my hands, my hands that was in my lap, as I was wringing it, sloppily slipping out of each other by how clammy they were from sweat.
"What happened?"
"Uh, so Cyra and I have detention for the whole week, starting from today, at the same time, in the same space. We have to take all the books from every class back to the library."
"Oh wow, that sounds jolly. Wonder who'll kill whom first?" she laughs out.
I roll my eyes at her. "That's not funny!"
"It kind of is though!" she lets out a little chuckle.
Thinking over her words, I thought just how right she is, sending a sneaky smile her way. Her eyes widening an inch when she catches me, then starts to laugh. "You sneaky little devil!" I start to laugh along with her.
After that, we both turned around, giving the teacher our full attention, as we start to learn about the history of our fore parents.
As the teacher starts talking and we start to take notes, I momentarily pause at the sentence I was writing. What if I didn't do my detention times today. Or maybe I could ask one of the teachers to help with an assignment and do my time afterwards, so then I won't be in the same breathing space as Cyra. But, no, I didn't have any assignments to begin with.
"Hello? Earth to Lia," looking up, I see Mr. Clark, his fingers snapping as I suddenly remember I was in class. I turn and look around, and sure enough everyone had their eyes on me.
My neck got warm and I'm certain my cheeks are now stained pink. Looking back at the teacher, I smile and mutter sheepishly, "I'm sorry." He starts to walk to walk back around the class, continuing his speech as I pull Gina's notes closer to me and start to jot down everything I've missed.
After proceeding to run out of class as the bell sounds, giving Gina a little wave, bumping into angry teenagers who I smile at while they greet me with their scowls.
I get to my next class, making sure to give Rose the rundown of what happened at lunch in the principal's office. The girl totally agrees with me not promising to not kill Cyra on my first detention, no matter since I started it, since he mainly was the cause of me getting detention.
I knew my next class was with Cyra, Esme and Dora. I was worried about how Cyra would act, I hope he wouldn't sit with us like he did yesterday. I couldn't handle that. I would probably die due to holding my breath in, because I won't be able to breathe while he was all up in my space.
Just as quickly as the class started, it was all the soon over, much sooner than I'd anticipated. Wishing me a good luck, Rose turned the corner to her next class, as I went to mine. I bumped into Esme on my way then we both proceeded to class. But as we got there, Dora and Cyra were already there, apparently in a staring match, both looked less than happy to be staring into each other's eye.
There seemed to be tension, so thick in the air, it fogged around the classroom making it difficult to see the rest of students in the class. Esme left my side and quickly made his way to them, whispering something that had them breaking eye contact, and then both of their stares turned to me, one less than happy to see me, that would be Cyra and Dora a smile gracing her lips.
I felt small with Cyra's stare on me, but I shot a smile Dora's way, as I moved towards her. As I'm almost there, Cyra quickly moved farther away, like my presence burned him. And though that was exactly what I wanted, him sitting as far away from me, it seemed like the mood he just left in, was not going to be good for me later in detention.