Chereads / Astro boy x Aurora / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

It has been a week seminar the horrid scene of Dr, Hope's limbs being stripped from her body stuck in Aurora's mind on a continuous loop and recurring nightmares of that scene.

Aurora is in one of the testing rooms yet again ready to be assessed by the scientists with her supposed mother absent again mostly disappointed or not bothered see the face or her daughter in a robotic testing room designed for fighting.

"X, you'll be going through a series of tests to see if you are capable to become our new champion!" One of the spike through the speaker as she sighed not really liking these tests that come and take most of her time every day of the week.

"I hate these stupid tests! I'm a human not a robot!" Aurora yelled back at them as they just glared at her mostly waiting for her to finish having her little tantrum.

"X, we are well aware of what you are but by the look of things... you aren't aware of what you are? We don't care about how you alien-human-robots feel or what you want, you're just some toys which we know the genetics for so you can just destroy robots for fun!" They spoke back as Aurora froze in response hearing those words in disbelief especially walking around them for years so she thought.

"I don't get it?" Aurora said not wanting to believe anything they were saying especially not seeing her mother to prove any of this to her. "I'm not a robot!?" She thought to herself clenching her fists not wanting to face the truth especially when they're highly intelligent way smarter than her when it comes to robots and elements.

Aurora's PoV:

The way they kept me inside was obvious enough that they didn't plan to let me go anytime soon especially with some tests about some X even though my name was Aurora. I felt quite offended that they didn't care about my opinions and that I saw myself as a human while they are left to believe that I was a Robot with the skin of a human, but they called me a alien too but I don't get it I feel every much human.

"Let the tests begin!" They said before cutting all contact as the room when black before a light shined at the back of the door as the doors opened allowing something to stomp its way towards them as the vibrations could be felt under my feet the closer it got the more aggressive they get.

"Is this how I die?" I thought to myself seeing a shadow of something huge and bulky heading in my direction as I began to fear of what will come to me next. Was I going to end I'm the same fate as doctor Hope the one person who actually cared for me and loved me while my own mother used me and hated me but for what? Why does she hate me!?

As I brought my thoughts together the rumbles continued slowly revealing the robot that was going to destroy me like any other robot would to especially with the war. It was slow very very slow taking it about 10 minutes to reach me allowing me to see what it was. It seems to be not too old and not too new with a bit of rust in some weird places as it locked eye contact with me which scared me knowing that it actually can see me while it's eyes glowed red meaning it was either gonna kill me or just kill me there really any other way I could say what it's gonna do to me.

"Destroy! Robot!" It said lifting its arm ready to punch me but I really wasn't gonna let myself get killed by a robot that easy so I quickly moved out of its range of attack as its metallic fist hit the ground causing me to tumble as I tried to get back onto my feet again but instead it swung at me knocking me back a few feet away from it and it bloody hurt like a crowbar hitting my kneecaps full force. The air was knuckle sour if me as it hit the cold floor below as I groaned slowly sitting myself up with a hand on the back of my head from hitting it, and man that bot knows how to swing.

"Why do I have to fight this!?" I thought to myself before looking at the robot huffing at the sight knowing that I have to do something about this and rip the bit to shreds but how am I going to do that. I quickly used my eyes and began to observe the robot analysing it's physic and metallic features to figure out a way to win against this without dying.

"Destroy! Robot!" It repeated again which was beginning to irritate me quite a lot before it got me, the back neck of the robot their was a trap door that allows me to go inside and possibly access its wiring to shut it down or cause it to explode both options were good but also dangerous.

"I'm gonna rip the fuck out of your software and hard drive you stupid scarp of metal!" I yelled at the robot before allowing it to come at me again waiting for it to throw its second punch which was going to take 4 seconds to hit the ground which was enough for me to move and try and get onto his back.

As it's fist hit the ground again this time I managed to keep my balance and climbed onto the robots hand never preceding to climb quickly my an acrobatic flinging myself onto the shoulder of the robot seeing it's trap door which was an easy pull to open one. As I began to reach if the handle the robot moved cashing me to slip and dangle from the handle of the door holding on to dear life since I was at least as high as 5 story house enough to kill any child off. So I quickly put my brain back in gear as I quickly flipped myself back up on the robot again and this time keeping myself balanced and aware of my opponents movements before owing the door jumping in before it closed behind me entering the robots body seeing how old the gear and machinery was in here anything could've easily broken this even a human could've broken this bot with a simple trip of the foot and it'll just break.

"Oo, I love to mess with my mothers work an all but 'stuff to destroy and more to make' she says" I said to myself before beginning to tear the wires of the robot never connecting some blues with reds and yellows with greens making a very dangerous loop and the sparking began showing that it was going to explode which was plan B if A doesn't work but oh well. I made my way though a emergency exit of the robot which was like his butt but it was the only way out since I can reach the trap door I fell from.

I quickly made my way in the opposite direction as the robot began to glitch and malfunction before it's head, arms and legs popped off from It's body reminding me of the cruel fate Dr, Hope had making me cringe of the through off being responsible this time but for a robots something not as important as a humans life to begin with.

The scientists opened the unbreakable glass before entering seeing the destroyed robot I successfully token apart with nothing but my intelligence which intrigued them that I Aurora had intelligence besides being mischievous half of the time.

"Project X had successfully passed the test, let's rose know of the results of this specimen" one said to the other as they left as I quickly took my leave out of the room without them seeing me knowing that this wasn't the last test but I really hope that it was.

"Aurora Angelica rose! Where do you think you are going!?" My mother yelled as I stopped with a flinch knowing that she was very angry at me but for what? Am I not aloud to see the other kids my age in the daycare area or am I too much X for them.

"Umm, going to the daycare watch room....why?" Replied back turning around seeing her very serious as she was for being a scientist at the most doing her job. Her arms were crossed and the foot was tapping showing that she was most definitely mad about something.

"I am well away that you love to communicate with other teens but you still need your check up, you are a week overdue" she said as I sighed hating those things and I would do anything to get out of it and she knew that I hated them too but she didn't care right now.

"But mum" I wined as she pointed in one of the rooms next to me as I lumped over mumbling to myself secretly cussing about my mother and how she was a witch before entering the room seeing Dr, Reece he was one of the least favourite people in my life and was Dr, Hope's assistant when I have my checkups but now it was just him and I alone in a room without anyone observing us.

"I guess I'll be your doctor today Aurora" he said with a little chuckle and soft smile which was giving me some sinisterly vibes not good.

"I hate you" I said as he didn't care he just smiled without a care in the world before pulling out a needle filled up with some weird liking substance before heading towards me as I began to feel fear fill my body again.

"It's just an simple injection, nothing bad it'll calm you down while I give you your check ups sweetheart~" he said as he grabbed my arm using his elbow to press against my neck pinning me down as my eyes looked dow seeing the needle slowly getting closer to my arm as he nudged his elbow up my chin not letting me see the needle, a sudden sense of pain was pressed as he slowly put the needle

Into my arm as it stung like hell before feeling something enter my arm while the needle was pulling out again allowing him to let go off me.

"What did you inject me with you perverted old man!" I asked aggressively as the room began to spin making me feel sleepy all of the sudden before blacking out not remembering anything at all.

I don't know how long it was but I could feel myself slowly wake up as my eyes opened up revealing that I was still in the check up room but I couldn't anybody it was just silent. I managed to get enough strength to lift myself up a bit resting on my elbows seeing nobody around me but as soon as I sat up I saw that blood was splatted all over the wall as every wardrobe and cupboard was smashed and ripped off clean from the walls as I looked down seeing a very squished Dr, Reece below my feet seeing that his intestines were exploded like a balloon just popped from being poked by a pin. I really didn't care about the man but the sight of blood as Dr, Hope's body was replaced there making hallucinate again so I quickly shook my head before getting if the medical bed landing in the dead corpse below me as the squishy noise was heard making me cringe before making my leave but luckily the doors were already forced open allowing me to walk through the crushed doors seeing blood everywhere Down The hallway as lifeless bodies laid either crushed or ripped apart missing body parts, limbs or intestines.

I knew that I have to get out of here and seeing all of these dead people wouldn't be helping at all but I really hoped that whoever did this wouldn't be after me too.

"I need to get out of here! I don't want to see anymore dead body ones laying around anymore!" I thought to myself as I ran through the endless hallways that surrounded me tuning through the puddles of blood that covered them making look like a scene form horror movie or something more sinister.

I panicked as I got to the end seeing the daycare also broken meaning that everyone isn't there was either dead or captured by who did this to my home but it really wasn't like home anymore. I huge bang was heard followed by screams as I looked seeing scientists and people being shot and stepped on my huge war machines with machine guns like the ones in the war that destroyed he forest. I really wanted to punch the crap out of this thing but I was just a kid and I really didn't know much about this robot but I was worth a try. A little girl was seen running from the robot as it didn't even acknowledged her before crushing her making me mad and full of rage and adrenaline as I unintentionally began to run straight at the robot while it wasn't looking before punching one of its legs closing my eyes waiting for the pain to come but all I felt as a little pinch as I opened them to see the robot falling in my direction so I quickly ran and jumped out of the way as it hit the floor in front of me struggling to get up.

"Could I be able to rip it apart?" I though to myself as I began to climb into the machine grabbing one of its guns before beginning to pull hearing the sound of snapping metal as i threw its armed weapon away before pounding the living heck out of it avenging the innocent lives that were killed today.

"Aurora! What are you doing!?" My mother was heard yelling at me as I looked at her seriously before continuing to punch the fuck out of this robot. "We need to go!" She yelled as I looked at her seeing the damaged robot I'm front of me giving the innocent time to run as I slid down to her as she grabbed my wrist taking me away out of the robots view as they focused on other beings while we took our leave.

"Why are we leaving? Are people are being killed?!" I yelled asking her but she didn't seem to stop as we reached the similar staircase that I flew down when Zak and Zoey abandoned me. She quickly headed up as I followed after her watching her open the door seeing the untouched grass and trees on the other side I sighed not really wanting to go but what would I do I don't even know why I am.

"It's too late if we don't go now we'll get killed too!" She said taking me outside as the door closed behind us locking whoever was down there to die. My mother was very much of a coward when it comes to being defeated and cheering death leaving those who she doesn't care about behind saving her own life instead.

"But they're are people! Are family!" I yelled back still confused but yet she doesn't even care about my opinion or what I think about our people as the though of them dying still remain in my head looping around continuously taunting me.

"Those people betrayed us and they'll die because of it!" She yelled back furious that I spoke back to her but I quickly noticed that she had a change of clothes which seemed to be a bit too posh for behind firm the underground or the surface.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked as she looked at herself then at me seeing that I have finally noticed her dress wear.

"Oh, we're going to metro city" she said as I froze shocked but wouldn't she be caught standing foot their since she was from the underground, And was well known fir being a highly dangerous person there too.

"But won't you be see?" I asked as I pulled out some sun glasses and a hat matching her outfit as I sighed knowing that she loves going in disguise while hiding from Others.

"You need to at least hide your hair" she said before putting a light blue hat on me that seemed to be what most homeless people use when they get the change to get one.

I followed my mother as we headed by foot in the direction to metro city which I knew was closer to this exit that it was to the other connecting these to both sides making it easy to travel without going the distance.

"I haven't been to metro city before" I said as she smirked of the thought of me not seeing metro city before bringing her joy.

"Oh you'll love it" she replied which was one of the first times she was actually being nice and communicating with me without getting angry or anything of the above.

I could see the huge buildings and floating cars as they went passed which were very interesting for me seeing how well things were made here as robots were not as scary looking like the war ones showing that rubrics have other meaning than just fighting and killing others and people.

Mother seemed to know her way around this place but I don't really remember anything here at all but all I could really do was stay by my mother's side while she makes her way to one of the tall buildings in this city.

"So are we gonna live here?" I asked as we walked side by side on the path while she leads the way somewhere. I really like the city with its colours and flying vehicles but i do miss the underground too, if I was to go back now those robots would have my head and mother wouldn't want that.

"What else, it isn't like we can go back home now?" She replied as I gulped as robots walked past me with doing their jobs or with their humans minding their business while I grew a bit afraid of them.

"I really don't want to be near any robots right now mother" I said hoping that she doesn't continue to do tests on me while staying in this place before coming to a stop. It seemed to be a very posh hotel but how would my mother be able to afford this.

As my mother made her way to the counter some of the staff seemed to recognise her despite having the disguise on covering most of her face coming towards her greeting her.

"Welcome back ma'am! We have your room settled up and freshly cleaned just for your arrival" one of the robot staff said as i stayed by her side before staying in the lounge for a little bit as she was guided away which I didn't mind at all.

I looked at the place seeing how well decorated it was which was nothing compared to the underground which had no wallpaper decorating its walls making it plain and cold looking. I want to wonder around the city but I really don't want anyone to recognise me but that'll happen if I see Zak and Zoey around since they seem to be good friends with Astro and Cora.

"Miss Aurora" a bit asked as I jumped back surprised but mostly scared of it that it was of me making it back up a bit due to my response.

"Y-yes?" I replied back not engaging it to go anywhere near me so it stopped keeping its current distance from me to prevent any disturbance.

"I was told to escort you to your room" it responded waiting for me to follow it as it headed towards the elevator so I fill it allowing it to show me to my room which was on the top floor with my mother but everything seemed to be way bigger than a hotel room or house should be.

As we reached the designated floor my room was at mother was seen waiting for me without her silly disguise on showing that she trusts this place and so should I but I really don't really want to trust anyone or anything within these walls.

I spent most of my day in my room reading or playing video games but mostly I like to draw to pass the time before I am aloud to go outside with my mothers permission or sneaking out when I get the chance. But the boy that I saw from the underground can be seen flying around doing what a so call hero does and help the innocent while I keep myself hidden away anyone who could possibly know me and take my mother away leaving me all alone in this sickened world.