Chereads / Astro boy x Aurora / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

It has been 2 weeks since Aurora and her mother stayed in metro city and yet nothing changed either. Her mother was still absent in her life leaving her in the house alone when she leaves to do some work business giving Aurora access to the kitchen whenever she needs to make herself a mean to feed herself.

Aurora didn't mind being alone in the house and loved it especially without the testing and near death experience but anything could happen and change the girls perspective of life that it already has.

Aurora's PoV:

"I'm bored" I groaned laid down on my bed looking up at the freshly painted white ceiling above me making me miss the underground and it's horrible colours but it was noisy and full of robots which I wasn't used to. I hated them every single thing here but if I don't them I would be in trouble with my mother and be highly I grateful but I really don't care about what she thinks anymore.

I decided to get up from my bed and go towards my window to look out of it seeing what there was to catch my attention and maybe quicken the day got me but all I got was hundreds of feet high buildings as highways were built almost as high as them going past with different kinds of cars and colours to look at and count to make anyone fall asleep.

"Maybe going out for a little walk to the nearest park wouldn't hurt anyone would it?" I thought to myself seeing the huge green trees in the distance that would take 10 or 15 minutes to walk but it'll be worth it to see all the nature they had their and maybe meet some people too.

"Talking about going out, mother hasn't come back yesterday? I wonder if she's doing double today" I thought again since mother was the usually home late but never this late as i grew a very bad feeling before beginning to panic but it could be me being over dramatic right now. But I don't know where her work is but she always seems to hang around the park all the time after work to calm her down so maybe I should check it out if it's that's good.

I decided to make my way out of the apartment and down the elevator to ground floor to begin my quick little journey to the park to hopefully find my mother there before heading back before she does. And I was right it took me more than 10 minutes to get there but it was a very beautiful day with hardly any clouds as the ray of sunlight beamed down everywhere guiding me to the entrance of the park seeing that there was hardly anybody there but I continued to proceed anyway.

"I wonder what she'll be doing here..... maybe looking up at the sky and napping?" I innocently thought to myself as I saw strangely dressed people in full black and gray and bulletproof jackets on while I got closer to see what was happening. One of the men seemed to look back to see me looking as I locked eye contact with him despite him wearing a visor covering his eyes not allowing me to see him.

"Stop kid! This isn't the type of place to be right now so can you please stand back" he said as I grew confused but I can't stop I wanted to find my mother since she mostly comes here in the afternoon when she gets early days off from work.

"But I'm trying to find my mother, she didn't come home last night" I responded as his body stiffened hearing my words before coming towards me kneeling to my height removing his visor.

"Your mother wouldn't be here sweetheart how about I take you back home" he said ruffling my hair as one of the men moved as I saw a puddle of blood revealing the hair colour of my mothers laying on the floor which was a beautiful sunshine blonde.

"But that's her hair colour" I said pointing back as he quickly got up looking back covering my view as wanted to know if it wasn't my mother and I hope it isn't here or I'll be all alone here in this world.

"What eyes does she have?" The man asked as I looked at him seeing his worried expression while he kelt the body hidden from me. I began to think since it's the eyes I always seem to look at when we used to talk and have fun when I was younger.

"Blue just like mine" I responded as he stopped on his words unsure of what to say to me as I waited patiently for a response.

"I'm so sorry kid, I really am" he said as my heart dropped of the thought of loosing all the ones I love and care about the most Beyond anything else. The man hugged me as I cried comforting me from this but why does everyone have to die is it because I was too carful or caring is that why they died.

As the body of my mothers was taken away one of the men gave me something that used to belong to my mother so I held onto it wrapping it around my wrist like the necklace of Dr, Hope that still hangs skeins my neck.

"What are we gonna do with this little one?" One of the soldiers said to any other as I began to feel the loss of emotions draining everything I use to feel out if my body leaving nothing but a emotionless vessel.

"She completely lost everything poor thing... We need to tell the chief about this" they continued to talk about me and what they were deciding to do with me as one of them escorted me to one of the cop cars that waited for me but I didn't care anymore I just wanted to die.

I was taken to what seemed to be a police station taking me inside to see if I had anyone left to take care of me but found nothing. My mother was the only one I had left and she was taken from me like everything else, for now reason. I wasn't bad I did everything right I followed my mothers instructions and yet I still lost everything even my friends.

"Looks like she has to go to an orphanage then" a police officer said to another as I sat alone waiting for them to take me away again to another unknown place I haven't even heard off.

"I wonder who did this?" I though to myself as the doors opened closing behind whoever entered catching my attention as I looked up to see a old man in a white scientist lab coat but he wasn't seems to notice me yet.

"I heard that you discovered something today in the park? It better not be another mystery murder again! We have already lost 7 scientists this month I don't want anymore either" he said yelling at the cops as one of them looked at me catching the mans attention seeing me so down a depressed.

"She the daughter of the body we found in the park earlier sir" he said as the scientist and I made eye contact but I didn't care even though he reminded me of Dr, Hope despite being a nice warm hearted man.

"Did she see anything?" He asked turning serious to concerned before noticing my blanket lifeless eyes giving him enough proof.

"Poor thing, is there anyone to take care of her?" He asked as the police man shook his head no leaving the scientist in distraught knowing that something like this could potentially scar a child for life with or without seeing the body.

"She was my everything despite that she hated me" I said telling him a bit more about my mother as he gulped and sighed.

"I'll take her in" he suddenly blurted out surprising most of the people in the place that I would be adopted by a stranger who hardly knew me at all. "I'm not allowing a child to go through his alone! She needs someone to be by her side, not more stress and yelling at the orphanage which you would probably going to send her to" he said kneeling down to me as I sat on the chair in front him seeing the kindness in his eyes allowing me to trust myself with this man but I still wouldn't trust him too much.

"I promise that I'll try and do anything in my power to give you the love and attention you desire, without the negativity" he said as I sighed knowing that this would be my only opportunity to get away from endless yelling and screaming form kids and babies.

"Fine" I responded as he stood up holding a hand out for me to hold as I hesitated but eventually grabbed it before leaving the station with him without anyone stopping us like they knew him.

"You can call me Dr, elifun or father whenever you're ready to accept me" he said as he got into a car that was being driven my a robot which I quivered a bit from it but it seemed to be more fixed to the road than anything else around it.

I stayed quiet as the car began to move taking us somewhere a place I yet have to discover and know. It was big and seemed to be a lab more than anything else.

"We'll be visiting Dr, tenma before going home which will now be your home too" he said as the car stopped allowing us to get out and head inside while I stayed close to Dr, elifun since he seemed to be confident and not afraid.

"T-tenma" I stuttered obviously afraid of his name from what my mother used to tell me about him with his scary robots and what he did making her loose her job.

As we entered the lab tenma looked back at us seeing elifun way before noticing me hiding behind him only experiencing the only emotion I'm now stuck with 'fear'.

"Who is this?" He asked coming closer to me making my heart beat faster than it usually did seeing him in person as his voice didn't seem to match the description mother told me.

"Oh, I just took her in today, she just experienced the loss of her mother in the park this afternoon" he replied back surprising tenma as I looked at him seeing that he was worried before looking at me, kneeling down to my height.

"It's alright I won't hurt, but what's your name he asked but I really didn't want to speak to him but if it makes him go away then I would do it.

"Aurora..... Aurora Angelica r-rose" I shyly replied seeing him frozen of realisation of my name knowing that I blew it he was gonna kick me out like mother said.

"This must be a miracle!" He said seeing a smile appear in his face knowing who I am but wasn't he supposed to be mad at me right now.

Elifun placed a hand on the top of my head before gently ruffling it but I yet didn't feel anything towards him for yet I haven't trusted him.

"But she died months ago" a scientist said catching my attention in an instant but I was more enough alive and walking in front of them.

"Yes but how is she standing here before us?" Another asked confused as tenma and elifun began to think about the reason of my random appearance and how I am alone which confused me.

"Aurora could you allow me to do a quick X-ray of you quickly please before you head back to elifun's place?" Tenma asked me nicely as I nodded approving his request since he ask so nicely and seeing that he wasn't as bad as mother told me but I still want to be careful around him.

It took 5 minutes for him to finish the x-ray allowing me to sit up on the lab table as he looked at the results seeing that everything looked normal to me.

Tenma called over elifun to show him the results leaving them but dumbfounded of what was inside of my body before looking at me.

"It seems that you aren't really human or robot Aurora like if you're a completely new being!" elifun said looking at me confusing me but I grew up thinking I was just as human as my mother but I never really knew my father at all.

"But I'm human just like you" I responded liking at them but they seemed to be very serious and concerned about me thinking that I was actually human. The situation would get worser if I continue on thinking like that which would be bad fir my health.

"It shows that you're a robot but you're also human and very much alive but the way things look we are unsure of what you are, but you act and do things what robots can't do like eat food without exploding or glitching" tenma began to explain to me but I didn't want to believe it that I was one of those things that killed and damaged my home and the forest that surrounded it.

"I don't wanna be a robot...." I said as he sighed a pitiful, while is stopped looking at them really hoping that this was a dream but maybe it was true. I am scared of robots and being one would make me way worser wouldn't it?.

"Do you think she has Automatonophobia?" Elifun asked to tenma as he looked at me seeing the possible traits of developing that type of fear for robots.

"What's Automatonophobia?" I shyly asked as tenma walked in front of me while I sat patiently waiting for an answer.

"Automatonophobia is a fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots. It's a specific phobia, or a fear of something that causes significant and excessive stress and anxiety and can negatively affect a person's quality of life." He explained to me as I understood and knew that he was right, I did have a huge fear of robots despite finding out that I might be one.

"But why do I have to be one?" I asked again as elifun showed me the X-ray allowing me to see how my body was built seeing all the body parts were built to mimic the exact bones of my body making me more realistic but I was like this ever since I was a baby. I looked at myself then back at the X-ray finally seeing that I was not just human I was a human robot that was capable of doing things only humans do.

"Don't be scared of yourself alright. We know it's strange but we'll find out soon" tenma said to me before his lab doors opened allowing a bit through the one I recognised very well before quickly hiding behind elifun for protection. I was still afraid of them no matter what I do I'll always be afraid even if I want to try and be friends with them the fear and anxiety builds in me preventing me from doing so.

"Toby? What are you doing here?" Tenma asked seeing the boys walk towards him v He exhausted a bit and a little beaten up. I peaked at him seeing his wounds i Really wanted to help but I couldn't my feet were glued to the floor.

"I'm fine, just taking down more of those evil bots that's all dad" Toby replied before seeing me liking at him so I quickly hid fully behind elifun not wanting to be seen at all. "Who's that?" He asked pointing at elifun but really he wanted to see me but I really didn't want to be seen or go near him.

"That's Aurora but I don't think it's time for you two to meet yet so clean yourself up and go home Toby" tenma said as foot steps were heard leaving the lab as the door closed after him.

"Maybe we should head home too Aurora" elifun said to me as I looked at me showing that I really didn't like robots so going home would be a big yes for me as fear was the only emotion I had left.

Most of the scientists in the laboratory lived in a huge tall building which was well built and had their own floors where they had families with their own robots too. The floor me and elifun was staying on were a floor below tenma's which was close but I didn't mind as long as no robots try and get close to me.

"This will be your room but it might need some decorating though" elifun said seeing the plain room that had a bed, closet and my own toilet which was good enough for me and plus I can decorate my own room if he lets me.

"Leave it to me I know what to do" I said as he ruffled my hair before stretching and heading into his own to get some Z's which he need while I went into mine to plan what I really wanted to decorate my room to make it feel more like home. I ain't the type of girl to like pink but I am a fan or lilac and red but too much would be ruining the room so patterns would be a great sight in my room that having it with one plain colour. Drawing would make things easier for me to plan and time makes focus and focus leads to perfection.

3 hours in the little scotch and I managed to draw the 3D views of the room and where everything I plan to make would be placed and make sure nothing is out of place or too empty or cramped. I was quite pleased with my drawing but my tiredness was catching up to me so I got up put my drawing away out of reach and went to bed to get some sleep.