Chereads / Adorkable - Neville Longbottom x Reader / Chapter 9 - Please Be Safe

Chapter 9 - Please Be Safe

Neville's POV

It was our last night at Hogwarts, we found out that Professor Lupin was a wolf and Sirius Black is the last of Harry's family. Professor Lupin had to quit since he wasn't allowed to teach anymore. Y/n was the most upset about his resignation since he was one of her top three favourite teachers along with Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall.

Y/n was upset about having to go home, which she had every right to dread going back. I told her that she was allowed to stay at Hogwarts but she said she had to go back because of her job and needing to earn money since her parents weren't paying for anything. I felt horrible that she had to go back to a family like that. We were all talking about the Quidditch world cup that was being held in the break. Ron Hermione and Harry were already going.

"Do you guys want to come with us you just need the tickets." Ron said.

"My Gran isn't buying tickets so I can't go" I said sadly.

"What if someone bought you tickets then she wouldn't be able to say no because they have already been paid for" Y/n spoke for the first time tonight.

"Well I guess, but-" She cut me off.

"Good I'm buying you the tickets no buts I want to do it" She said. I just hugged her.

"How will you come though, your parents won't let you will they?" Harry asked.

"I'll just have to sneak out" She said.

I took her hand in mine.

"Please be careful" I said softly.

○○○○○Time skip to the next day○○○○○

Your POV

I didn't take much home with me because I wanted to be able to leave as quick as possible when school started again.

"Dumbledore said I can't use my powers at home but if I accidentally develop a new one that it's okay I just can't practice them until I get back to school" I told Neville. He nods and takes me over to where his Gran was waiting for him and introduces me.

"So you are the new girl Neville is so fascinated with" She said looking me up and down. I felt nervous.

"Gran" Neville said embarrassed. After a few minutes of talking, his Gran agreed to let him go to the Quidditch world cup.

"Well I should head home I'll see you at the Weasley's house." I said softly.

Neville nodded and hugged me tightly.

"Please be safe" He said. I nod and head off.

"Don't get your hopes up Neville she is quite attractive, popular boys will be the ones she wants to date." I hear his Gran say.


I walked into my house and was immediately being yelled at. My mother threw things at me until my father came down stairs.

Soon I had blood rolling down my face. I had a couple cuts on my face my nose was bleeding and I had a split lip. I lay on the floor unable to move.

The next few days were the same, I got really good at using makeup to cover up my bruises. I worked everyday and earnt a lot. My boss was really nice he even gave me a raise.

It was the night before the Quidditch world cup. I decided to leave really early in the morning since I couldn't sneak out when my parents were awake. I served up dinner for them, I haven't eaten much since I got back they would only let me have a piece of bread every few nights. I was pouring my mother's wine and I accidentally spilt a bit on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry I'll clean it up" I said.

"Useless girl, you can't do anything right." My Father yelled and stood up.

"It's clean now, j-just sit down and relax. I'll get you another beer" I said thinking it would help.

"Are you telling me what to do you little freak" He punched me over and over. Everything hurt.

○○○○○○○○○○○○TW over○○○○○○○○○○○○

It was 3am I grabbed my bag and skateboard and snuck out of the house.

I stood outside of the Weasley's house worried about my friends reaction to what I looked like now. I lost heaps of weight and I had a black eye, cut face and split lip.

I walked in and met Mr and Mrs Weasley I was glad that it was too dark to see my injuries but I knew that wouldn't last long. Mrs Weasley asked Hermione and I to wake the boys.

We went up stairs and Hermione shook Harry and Ron awake. I gently shook Neville's shoulder.

"Nev wake up" I said softly. He woke up and when he saw it was me he jumped up and hugged me.

"I missed you so much" He said.

"I missed you too" I said.

"Y/n... you're so small. Have they been starving you?" He asked really worried.

"I-Its nothing new" I said softly.

"Your face" Neville said cupping my cheek. I lean into his hand.

"I've had to live with them for 15 years, it's nothing I'm not use to" I frown.

"Mom can fix you up" Ron said.

"Thanks Ron" I said.

"This is fresh" Neville was really upset.

"Yeah...I spilt my mother's wine accidentally and well my father wasn't happy about it" I said looking down.

Neville's POV

I picked her up and carried her downstairs so Mrs Weasley could heal her wounds. Mrs Weasley fixes her up while Mr Weasley asked her how she got here.

"Oh I skated here well I did get towed by a few cars" She smiled. We all were confused by what she meant.

"Oh right umm I'll show you" She said and grabbed her skateboard skating around the house. I smiled. She got me to stand on it as she pushed me along.

"Does anyone else think they would make a perfect couple" Mrs Weasley said. When I got off Y/n kissed my cheek I blushed bright red. The twins take the skateboard and try to use it.

She taught them how. She is amazing I just wish I could help her.