Chereads / Adorkable - Neville Longbottom x Reader / Chapter 3 - Girls Are Confusing

Chapter 3 - Girls Are Confusing

Your POV

"Okay since I have no clue where I'm supposed to be going you are taking the lead, handsome." I said clearly before registering it. I looked up at Neville kind of worried he would tell me off for being weird. He's turning red. Good job you made things weird. Maybe I should say something to break the tension.

Neville's POV

Does she really think that, Ron's right girls are hard to understand. Surely she is just saying that to make me feel better after what Malfoy said. Yeah that's what it is. "Umm so w-what does your p-parents think of you g-going to school here?" I asked still unable to shake this stutter around her. "Oh they uh...don't care I guess" she said. She looks sad, I'm such an idiot I upset her. I need to change the topic. "So was t-there anything you liked to do back home?" I asked. She smiled. "I use to do gymnastics" She said. I give her a confused look. "Oh right sorry it's a muggle thing. So it's basically tricks in multiple areas, like floor, bars, vault and more. My favorite is floor" She said happily. "That sounds fun, c-could you show me s-some stuff you liked?" I felt like if I got her to do the thing she loved she might cheer up, after all I brought up a touchy subject. "Oh! I think I'll show you a double back fullout, it's my favorite and I've only just mastered it" She squeals happily. She's cute when she's excited. "But keep in mind I'm wearing a skirt so it might not look as good" She said and let go of my arm. She walked a few feet in front of me and finally completes a series of amazing flips.

Your POV

Soon as I landed I quickly fixed my skirt and walked back over to Neville who's jaw was open. I giggled. "T-That was amazing h-how did you do that" He asked. I smiled and linked arms with him again as we continued walking to the Greenhouse. "Lot's of practice and training" I replied.

"Your p-parents must be proud of y-you" Neville said looking down at me.

"Yeah...they are" I mumbled softly. More like they would yell at me for doing something for myself instead of them.

Soon we got to the Greenhouse and I instantly fell in love with all the beautiful plants, I ran around looking at them all. "Oh my God they're so pretty." I said. Neville laughed and came over to me. "C-Choose one you like and I'll tell you about it. I-I mean that's i-if you want to hear about it" He said softly. "Oh my God I would love that. Okay ummm, this one" I said, excitedly pointing a the plant I found interesting. Neville gave me a bright smile. He's cute when he smiles. "That one's called Mimbulus Mimbletonia" He said and began showering me with knowledge about the plant.

"You seem to really like this plant" I said as I sat on the bench swinging my legs. He nods "It makes me happy" He said smiling. "I'm sorry I must be boring you, you don't have to stay if you're bored" He said looking like a sad puppy.

"No I'm not bored at all, I like listening to you, I can tell you are really passionate about plants and I think it's cute. Oh by the way you didn't stutter once the whole time you were talking about this plant" I said and jumped off the bench and walked over to look at another plant.

Neville's POV

I can't believe it my stuttering stopped and she likes the exact plant that I do.

"Can I ask you something?" I turned around to face her. "You just did." She said and laughed. "Okay sorry that was a bad joke. What's the question?" She added. "Why did you choose that plant instead of a flower or something pretty?" It doesn't make sense what would her reason be.

"I don't like to judge things by their appearance I like to look deeper than that. This flower is without a doubt pretty but that might be the only quality it has whereas a plant that isn't so appealing in appearance might be able to cure some horrible disease therefore making it special. I think the same way with people, just because a guy might be hot doesn't mean I have to be like every other girl and fall in love with them. They might be attractive but their personality might not be. For example Draco, he is kind of attractive but he's mean and says horrible things about people, that's not attractive. I preffer personality before physical appearance." She said. If that doesn't make me like her more I don't know what will. "Woah" I didn't know what to say. "Sorry for that" She said and fiddled with her hands.

"No don't be sorry, I mean that's just another thing that makes you beautiful"  

Why do I always say stuff before I think about it first.

"Umm what class do we have next?" She asked clearly trying to avoid what I just said about her. "Potions" I said as I  turned around to write in my book.

Your POV

I looked at one of the potted flowers and wanted to know the difference between the scent of muggle flowers and magic flowers. I picked up the pot and smelt the flower. At first I didn't smell anything but then a familiar scent filled my nostrils. All at once my mind was flashing with memories of things that I wanted to forget.

I started to get anxious and I knew I needed to focus on my breathing because if I didn't I would end up having a panic attack. While Neville was still busy with his book I closed my eye's and practiced the breathing techniques that were supposed to help.

It's not working why isn't it working.

I turned so Neville wouldn't see my face. "I'm not feeling well see you in c-class" I said trying to speak steadily but my voice cracked at the end. Neville looked at me. "Are you okay?" He said before he looked at the flower I smelt. My legs became unstable and I fell to the ground. My breath was fast and shallow. Neville got on his knees and pulled me into his chest. "Shhh you are okay it'll be over soon" He whispers into my ear as he held me. After a few minutes I started to calm down. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that in front of you" I mumbled embarrassed. He moved back to look at me. "No it's okay that generally happens after you smell that flower. It makes you think of your most feared memory, it causes a different reaction for everyone depending on how you take the memory." He said in a calming tone. "Thanks for all this" I sighed gesturing to him holding me. He blushes. "Any time" He replied softly.

Neville's POV

Her memory must have been bad for her to react like that. I wonder what it was.

I ran my fingers through her hair. Seamus told me that he read a magazine and it said girls like it when boys do this. "I should get cleaned up before class" She said and stood up.

Maybe I didn't do it right or maybe she didn't want me to do that. I'm such an idiot.

"Do you want me to come with you" I asked trying to be helpful.

"No it's okay Neville, plus I've just been distracting you from your work anyway. See you in class" She said and walked off. You could never distract me in a bad way.