"And when the right time comes, both of you are ready enough to conquer the world and to chase the fear away. But, like today, you have to trust the process to reach your destiny."
I didn't expect that I'm good about giving bits of advice to a person.
But seems like a statue as he remains standing and quiet.
I said, "You look frightened. Why, did I say something bad?"
I abruptly take my hand away from his cold face upon realizing.
What I've done? I am too careless and would always give someone with false hope!
I look away from his gaze and stares the dark, calm sky.
The night is evident, but still, we are here at the secret terrace, watching the entire scene.
"I... I am astonished when you lay your hands on my face! I know it's a meaningless action, but I can't help to assume things like..."
"Wow! Gray, take a look! They are all walking towards the wide hall!"
To distract him, I point out the vampires who begin to show up from their hideaway.