Chereads / How to Tame Your Demon Prince / Chapter 61 - Chapter 61: Farewell Party

Chapter 61 - Chapter 61: Farewell Party

Aurelius stood awkwardly in the middle of his send-off party in the Pendragon Castle. Ruby's mother had set a very elaborate and grand celebration for him and he's quite touched by her gesture. Knights from Altria's court surrounded him, conversing with him amicably and asking about his relationship with their lady, Ruby. The prince did his best to answer them and made it clear that he's only her friend but he also implied that he's courting her, making the men cheer and clap him on the back wishing him good luck.

The knights seemed to be fond of him however they were very skeptical at first because they thought that he was just some pretty boy who's all posh and no bite but when ten of them challenged him for a spar he easily defeated them earning the respect of Altria's court of knights.

Soon enough he started enjoying their company because they're very welcoming and upfront and not pretentious like the nobilities who usually surround him. He was rather glad that Ruby grew up with these honest and kind people but he was quite disappointed since he hasn't seen her since the party started.

"Regent Altria if I may ask, where is Ruby? I haven't seen her all day. Is she alright? Is she ill? I'm very worried." he asked the woman surrounded by her knights. Altria shared a worried look with Bedivere who shook his head making the noblewoman sigh.

"She's fine physically, but she's still in pain because of Carmilla's demise. She can't really allow herself to celebrate after such a tragedy so please pardon her absence. It seems that my plan failed. I initially sent her with you to distract her mind from her sorrows hoping that you can make her happy but I suppose that neither you nor I can take away her grief." Altria said solemnly.

"I'm sorry for failing. I really wanted to cheer her up but it seems like I was just pushing myself on her. Can I please be excused? I would like to have some time to think before I rest for my trip tomorrow."

"Of course. Would you like Bedivere to show you to your room?" offered Altria.

"Thanks but that won't be necessary, my lady. I think I can find my own way."

"Very well. We shall continue our merriment for your honor. May the Sandman provide clarity for your mind and give you good dreams." Altria toasted raising her cup. A smile made its way to the prince's lips in appreciation before bowing and taking his leave.

"That boy... He truly fancies your daughter, doesn't he? I can see it in the sparkle in his eyes and his sincere sadness because of her absence." Gawain commented, stirring his ale. Altria only hummed as she assessed Aurelius' character.

"Whatever it may be, he will play a major part in her fate. Isn't that right, Merlin?"

"Certainly. From here on out he'll be the one to remain by her side forever even if centuries or worlds set them apart. He will be her only protector and her greatest enemy as well." The magus said as he stepped from the darkness and smiled at the prince's fleeting form.


Aurelius wandered through the empty hallways of the large Pendragon hold. He walked where his feet carried him while his mind soared in a pool of thoughts.

He soon found himself in the large indoor garden where Ruby had previously taken him during their tour. He remembers how she fondly talked about her favorite flowers that she planted herself so he decided to push through the doors and enter the enclosure.

He admired the sleeping flowers illuminated by the silver moonlight. Some of the plants are actually nocturnal and some are even phosphorescent, glowing brilliantly in the darkness. He looked at the small artificial cascading falls flowing to a small pond making him smile as he remembered Ruby playfully splashing him with water when he called her cute. Apparently, the little lady considers being called 'cute' an insult.

His attention was suddenly captured by the soft sound of weeping emanating from somewhere in the garden. He followed the sound and soon he found Ruby crying on a bench.

"Ru-Ruby? Are you okay?" he said carefully. His heart broke due to how devastated she was. The girl gasped in shock before turning to him with rage.

"What are you doing here?! Isn't it enough that you bothered me for this whole blasted week?! Leave already!!" She screamed before removing the bracelet he had given to her and throwing it at him. Aurelius' heart broke due to the gesture but he caught it nonetheless.

"Ruby, I just want to help. Maybe if you tell me what's going on in your heart it will help lessen your pain. Please. I want to help you."

"Can't you see that I don't need your help!!!" Ruby yelled, flinging a pot in his direction. Aurelius didn't move but the pot didn't hit him; however it collided against the wall and shattered. A rather sharp shard flew to his head leaving a long scratch on his temple yet he didn't scream nor winched in pain as he bled.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she yelled as she curled herself and wept harder.

"Ruby... Do you really hate me that much? Is my presence incredibly disgusting that it detests you by merely seeing my face?" Aurelius said with pain as his hand tightened into fists while he gritted his teeth.

"I told you to--!!" Ruby cut herself off when she turned and saw his bleeding face.

"You're hurt!!" she exclaimed in alarm before going in front of him to cup his face in her hand to inspect the wound. Guilt and regret bubbled in her chest as she saw his blood flowing profusely. However, before her palm even touched his skin, Aurelius had grabbed her hand before pinning her on a nearby column. Ruby yelped as her back collided with the hard stone, looking pitifully at the sad boy in front of her. He placed both of his hands near her head, trapping her with his body.

"Ruby... Why do you hate me so much for you to always push me away? I know I did a lot of bad things. I-I tricked you in the opera and hurt you badly with the truth. I was a puppet of the Abyss but I've changed now. I promise I'll be good. I'll be loyal. But none of that matters because... YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE!" Aurelius suddenly yelled, making her wince.

"I was only trying to be there for you but then you would always push me away and spit on my face! Why do you detest me so much, Ruby? WHY?!" he confronted, making the girl cower and feel smaller. Aurelius noticed her terrified face. Regret and guilt replaced his rage because of this. He lowered his head to rest on her shoulder letting his blood stain her pretty white nightgown.

"I'm sorry... I promise I'll be good. I'll never yell at you anymore. I'll--I'll be loyal. I promise I won't step on other people and consider them as equals. I'll even change myself so that I can be the man that you want so please... Please don't hate me anymore." Tears began to fall from his eyes as he cried on her shoulder.

Ruby was stupefied at first unable to formulate any reply due to the heavy emotions clashing in her chest. Her lips trembled in regret and anguish for hurting such an innocent boy. Even though he may have the appearance of a man now, Aurelius is still a boy. And he's a boy who never got to have a childhood because of the consequences of other people's actions. He's still fragile and vulnerable to his emotions and it made her feel terrible to have hurt him this much.