The story takes place shortly after the release of Igor de Igneous from the domains of N'Tirlay, through the intervention of kalael D'Leruiel, a Urodelan who leads troops from the Galactic Confederation.
Planet Earth is just another colony of genomes to preserve alien species threatened with extinction. Guardians of the planet look after guinea pigs for hybridization processes and keep the first K'Aldriants hybrid hidden.
Angel Forrest lives with the adoptive family. Her cousin Anne is abducted in her place by a mistake when a party is suddenly interrupted. In laboratories, experiments with genomes sometimes bring mutations that are impossible to control.
An aberration is loose between the guinea pigs' cages. The first attempt to capture the hybrid will change Zorack's fate by agreeing to deliver the first female to the K'Aldriants. Time is scarce. The bargain is very clear. The delivery of the hybrid in exchange for the cure of his only brother, infected by the K'Aldriants virus. Latent hybridization genes can awaken at any time. Koriander, one of the captured guardians will assist Zorack in the neutral market, defying all guidelines for smuggling time-space.
Collection Books K'Aldriants
Runnin- The fight against K'Aldriants
The Final Frontier - Ravenack's Awakening
Ravenack- the Final Frontier
Hybrid- the Apocalypse
The Wrath of a Gargoyle
Romance with scenes of explicit sex, dark and blood.
Copyright © 2020 Cassie kassuim Morgan and neo( Marcia Gioseffi)
All rights reserved. This ebook or any part of it may not be reproduced or used in any way without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in an ebook review.