Episode 139 - Headless doll.
Previous ep: Levis mentioned a stone figure being sent as a gift to Xenperia. Aernest expressed his concern over the King of Zene's health. Levis was afraid that a noble might overthrow the King of Zene from his throne. Eugene and Levis began to doubt if the hand found by the river was a coincidence or not. Lise discovers her parents are alive and that her memories were fabricated. Lea was a friend of Moniqua and Levis. Readers learn that Moniqua and Levis... eloped. hehehe. Con in distraught.
A brilliant light shone as they neared the exit. The light was hugging the land as if stretching out its heavenly arms to relieve people of their dark days. The contrast between the dark palace and the brightly lit exit made Eugene feel relieved. She loves black, this can be seen with her old house which was designed in mostly black and grey by a famous architect designer. But right now, she was feeling… white! White, the light after darkness!