Episode 119 - Cracked Dreams 5 'Offending the King'
Last Chapter: Eugene noticed that the weirdness of the hierarchy again. Crown Prince and Eugene defended Musician Hal. Unwillingly for Commander Kal and the King to take Musician Hal away, Eugene began to act. Ep ended with Eugene dramatically landing on the ground.
The audience room was like a place out of time. A room for holding hearings. A place people greet and pay respects to the King. A world normal citizens can't step into. A bright place that brings happiness and content to people. Yet as of this moment, it was dark. A dark claustrophobic, unbreathable room for everyone present in this room. It wasn't that Eugene couldn't step down, but she wouldn't. Rather, she needed to be crazy for a while, so in her form, she performed a skit in front of this holy place, not minding the consequences.
So what if she offended a King? A king that's nothing but a human scumbag.