Barry was silent at the moment, but the rest of the nobles and knights present began to look at Shane with fear in their eyes.
Originally, from the moment Shane arrived, his commanding presence had already intimidated many scheming nobles, causing them only to seize the opportunity to kick someone when they're down during Barry's lead. Beyond that, many were already hesitant, daring not to blatantly do anything.
Now, after Shane's reminder, their fear and apprehension intensified.
Here was a man who cared nothing for appearances, possessed considerable strength, and if he became ruthless, would undeniably be a disaster.
Was it really okay to offend such a person to death?
The nobles were both shocked and frightened.
It was Liyadella who couldn't help but laugh, turning her head to look at her sister.
"No wonder you fancy this man; he really is quite amusing, much more entertaining than those tedious noble sons."
Liyadella chuckled, looking quite pleased.