(Skips finally comes back with Pops,Muscle Man,And High Five Ghost)
Skips:hey, guys,I'm back with our friends
(As Pops walks in, he sees the kidettes,he is amazed as he watches them using their jet packs to fly and hover)
Pops:(to the kids) oooooooooo,Hello, I'm Pops,I love your jet packs
Jenny: oh, thank you
Countdown: he seems nice
Rigby: he's one of our friends
High Five Ghost: who are these kids? and why Do they look like astronauts? and why are they flying?
Rigby: these are our new friends from outer space, the space kidettes, Scooter,Jenny,Countdown,Snoopy,And their dog,star pup
Snoopy:(correcting Rigby) Pup-Star
Rigby: whatever they call their dog.(to the kids)guys,you already met Skips and Pops,this is Muscle Man,and High Five Ghost
Snoopy:(scared)GHOST?! (screams and runs under Skips Bed)
(Mordecai and Rigby go to where Snoopy is)
Mordecai:what's wrong,Snoopy?
Snoopy:there's a scawy ghost
Rigby: you mean fives? he's one of our friends, he's a really cool guy
Snoopy: he is?
Mordecai: yep
Snoopy:(coming out from under the bed)o-ok
(Snoopy goes up to Fives)
High Five Ghost:(to Snoopy) hey,little dude, I see you have the name of the character from Peanuts
Snoopy: I don't know why people keep saying that
Mordecai:anyway, we found them crash landed and unconscious in the park
High Give Ghost:oh,so that's what the crashed spaceship was about.
Mordecai:right, Fives
Muscle Man:soooooo, their from outer space?
Scooter:that's right, we are
Muscle Man:(freaking out)oh my gosh, they're aliens!
All four space Kiddettes:WAIT WHAT?!
(Muscle Man grabs the kids and Pup-Star)
Countdown:hey! what the?!
Jenny:get off!
Scooter:ow my back!
Muscle Man:(has the Space Kidettes in his grasp)I've got you now,you little monsters! you're not destroying our world while I'm around!
Mordecai:( to Muscle Man)DUDE! LET THEM GO!
Muscle Man:stand back,guys, they'll kill us all!
Scooter:(still grabbed by Muscle Man)no we won't! also,we're not aliens
Jenny:we're just kids
Muscle Man: but you're from outer space right?
Muscle Man: so you're aliens, and I have to give you all to the government, so they can kill you, so you don't destroy our planet.
Mordecai:(to Muscle Man) dude, let them go!
Muscle Man:never!
Rigby:(takes out a bag of chicken wings and holds it up) look what we've got
Muscle Man:(letting go of the kids, and running over to Rigby) WINGS!
(Muscle Man starts eating the wings)
Mordecai:(to Rigby) dude, when did you get those wings?
Rigby: A couple hours ago, I got them in case we needed them, and apparently we did
Countdown: thanks,Mordecai and Rigby, I don't think that guy showered in a long time
Rigby:he probably hasn't
Mordecai:(trying to get things back on topic) anyway,we're trying to get these kids home
Pops: what planet are they from?
Scooter:oh, we're not from a planet, we live in a clubhouse in deep space.
Rigby:what? where are your parents?
Scooter:our show never established that
Skips:(annoyed) just like Little Einsteins
Snoopy: what?
Skips: never mind. Look, just show us where your ship is, i'll try my hardest to fix it
(Time passes, and Mordecai, Rigby, the kids,Pup-Star,and their friends, are near the kids spacecraft. Skips is taking a look inside the kids spacecraft.)
Skips:hmmmm. so, The crash just damaged The outside of the ship. But I can fix the inside.
Countdown: how long do you think it will take?
Skips: I don't know, let me take a look at it.
(Skips starts to investigate the problem. Muscle Man is getting bored. He get an idea)
Muscle Man:I got a better idea(runs aways)
(Mordecai,Rigby,their friends,the kids,and Pup-Star all see Muscle Man running back to his trailer)
Rigby:what's he doing?
Mordecai:he probably has a dumb idea
(Time passes,and Muscle Man comes back with a bike)
Mordecai:(to Muscle Man)dude, what are you doing?
Muscle Man: you'll see(turns to the space Kidettes) alright,kids,get in the basket
(The kids look confused)
Mordecai:(to Muscle Man) dude, what are you gonna do?
Muscle Man: I'm gonna fly them home on my bike, like ET
Mordecai: dude thats stupid
Rigby: yeah, that was just a movie
Muscle Man: I know, but since their from outer space, i figure that they could do the same thing ET did
Mordecai: dude, ET didn't get home on a bike
Mordecai: fine, whatever(whispers to Rigby) apparently he hasn't seen the whole movie
(The space kidettes fly over to Muscle Man)
Countdown: so, what's the bike for?
Muscle Man: I'm gonna fly you guys home like ET, so I just need you to get in the bike basket
Jenny:(confused) can't you just fix our ship?
(The kids and Pup-Star get in the basket)
Muscle Man: Wait, something missing...I know
(scene Cuts to the kids and Pup-Star getting covered by a blanket)
(Muscle Man gets on the seat and starts peddling, the bike starts to move)
Muscle Man: all right, you kids ready?
Snoopy: for what?
Muscle Man: make the bike fly
(The kids use their jet packs to fly out of the basket,with Pup-Star still in it,and lift the bike into the sky)
Muscle Man: that's not what I meant! Use your powers to make it fly!
Jenny: we don't have powers.
Muscle Man: you have to have powers! you're from outer space!
Jenny:Mordecai and Rigby said that was just a movie!
Muscle Man: ya know what? I give up(gets off the seat,just remembers that he's in the sky, and starts falling)
Muscle Man: (starts squealing while falling)
(Mordecai and Rigby, on the ground, both facepalm about what their green friend just did)
(The space kidettes grab Muscle Man, but have a hard time bringing him to the ground because he's so heavy)
Jenny:(struggling to carry Muscle Man) my gosh, you're heavy
(The kids put Muscle Man down, and start to pant)
Countdown: well, I was right about that" hasen't showered in a long time" thing
Snoopy: We can tell
Muscle Man:(getting in Snoopy's face,with his Fist out, threatening) what was that, bro?!
Snoopy:(nervously) um,nothing
Muscle Man: that's what I thought
Mordecai: all right, dude, that's enough
Muscle Man:(annoyed) fine
Pops:wait,guys,I have an idea. we can build a Giant slingshot, like Angry Birds, and we can shoot the kids into the sky
Snoopy:that sounds scawy
Pops: about a cannon?
Mordecai:Pops,that's the same thing
Pops: no it isn't
Rigby:does the cannon idea involve shooting the kids out of the cannon and into the sky as well?
Rigby:yep,same thing
High Five Ghost: (turns around and notices the governments tanks and helicopters coming towards him and his friends) uh,guys? did someone call the goverment?
(everyone glares at Muscle Man)
Muscle Man:wasn't me, I swear
Mordecai:are you sure, dude?
Muscle Man:yes, check the contacts on my phone
(Mordecai checks Muscle Man's phone,and can't find government on it)
Mordecai: all right, we believe you
(Tanks And helicopters surround the park workers and the space kids)
Government official:we got a call about a 1-5-3
Muscle Man:what's that?
Government official: Aliens
Rigby:(looking nervous) what? There are no aliens here
Government official:oh no? Then what are they?(points to the space Kidettes,who are looking nervous)
Rigby:uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, those are new friends from Kansas
Snoopy: what's Kansas?
Rigby:(whispering)shhhhh! It's a state,Just go with it!
Government official: oh really? because we got a call about a crashed spaceship. and according to our extra terrestrial tracker,those four kids and that little dog aren't from around here.
Snoopy: we're not, we're fwom Kansas(whispers to Rigby)Wigby, I still don't know what that is
Rigby:(whispers back) I said just go with it!
Government official:(to wrist communicator) Drop the net
(One of The helicopters above our heroes drop a net on the space Kidettes)
Pops: oh no!
Scooter: Mordecai, Rigby, what's going on?
Jenny: I don't like this
Snoopy: i'm scared
Countdown: you and me both, Snoopy
Mordecai:(to the government official)hey! Let them go!
Government official: Stand back, you two, they might dangerous
Rigby: no! Their are friends
Government official:(being oblivious) oh my gosh! They brainwashed you all!
Scooter: we did not! And we're not aliens!
Government Official: shut your mouth, alien! And that goes for your friends too!
(The kids look scared)
Rigby:(to government official) dude, that was uncool!
Government official: sorry, but I can say whatever I want... and since you're brainwashed-
(The government official tases Mordecai and Rigby, and knocks them out)
Jenny: Mordecai! Rigby! (Angrily to government official) what did you do to them?!
Government official: I knocked him out, they'll be fine... also,I SAID TO SHUT IT!
Pops:(nervously to Skips, Muscle Man, and high five ghost) oh no! What should we do?
Skips: I would do something, but I can't
Muscle Man: why not?
Skips: It's just against my morals to go against the law
Muscle man: well, if you're not going to do anything, I wil
Skips: but they'll tase you like Mordecai and Rigby
Muscle Man:aw man! you're right!
Pup-Star: bark bark! (Runs over to the net his owners are in, tries to chew it)
Snoopy: good work,Pup-Star,get us out of here
(As Pup-Star tries to get his owners out of the net, he is shot by a tranquilizer dart, and gets knocked out)
All four Space kidettes: PUP-STAR!
(Pup Star is put in a crate by the government agents)
(The agents put the trapped space kids and dog in the tank, the helicopters and tanks drive away)
Skips:(to Pops,Muscle man,and High Five Ghost)guys, help me with Mordecai and Rigby
(the guys pick up the unconscious Mordecai and Rigby and being them to Skips house)