Chereads / Augmentation / Chapter 24 - Overtake

Chapter 24 - Overtake

Ryu's POV

"The heroes who are gathered in this room have the most important job." said Kurt

"We don't have any plan to take out this Demon." said a guy with pink hair.

"I don't know her that well so I don't know what she's really like." replied Kurt, "The only that knows her super well is him."

He pointed to me and everyone's eyes were on me, all 200 heroes in the room.

"How are you the only one who knows her so well?" asked Naruto

I stayed silent, anxiety and stage fright was making my heart beat so fast.

"Well I uhhh..." I stuttered

I took a deep breath and just took out a cigarette.

"We dated, she was my girlfriend." I said

"HUH?!" gasped the entire room

Everyone began chattering and yelling.

"Okay okay calm down!" yelled Kurt, "Ryu tell us everything you know about her."

"Well, where should I start?" I questioned myself

I thought about it.

"If we came up with a plan and Demon figured out she'll get pissed off and finish all of you off." I said

"But a well coordinated plan can work." said an old man with a beard

"I highly doubt it'll work." I replied

"But I have a question." called out a blonde girl with a tattoo on the back of her hand, "What happens if we destroy earth prime?"

"Then every world will disappear like it never existed." replied Kurt

"How come you can't kill her? Can't you go to her past and kill her off?" called out the guy in all black who's always next to Naruto.

"She's a rare person, we don't know who her parents are. She was able to reach Ryu's powers when she was only a child about 6 years of age. We don't have anything on her history before 6 years of age." said Kurt, "When we first met her when she joined the MVA she already mastered her augmenting skills to the point where she was already unstoppable in the first place."

"Plus it's out of protocol to go in the past to do that. It can lead to other things we may not know about." said Lydia, "And let's say we do and we fail, it'll only bring more uprising in her reasoning to conquer the multiverse."

"I'll deal with her, while you heroes deal with her minions." I said, "But don't think that just because you're fighting her minions, it's going to be easy."

I finished smoking the cigarette so I pulled out another one.

"She has very horrifying minions, one of them can make you see your greatest fear and it'll cause you to commit suicide. Another can be manipulation or illusions or some other things." I said, "Her minions are just as unpredictable as her but she controls all of them."

"What's the worst one in your opinion?" asked a blonde man standing next to a giant robot

I shrugged in response.

"Augmenters will be able to counter it right away but I don't know about humans like you." I said

"What about moving whatever we're protecting?" asked the girl I met from before, red tie with red metal gloves and a sword.

"We can't, the thing we're guarding is protected by some kind of spell that cannot be broken. Only the queen can break it." said Kurt

"But if Demon goes straight for the thing you're protecting, then it means Demon knows how to break it." I said

I snapped my fingers at the tip of the cigarette and a small lightning bolt lit the cigarette.

'So if that's the case I have to hold her off for as long as I can.'

"I'm going to come out." said Thunder

'Huh how, you can't.'

"Not physically, let me take over your body." he replied


I immediately blacked out and then I saw myself looking through my eyes but it was like I was looking at a screen. I looked around and I saw that I was physically somewhere else.

"Where am I?" I whispered to myself

"In your mind." I heard a booming voice from behind

I jerked around and saw a giant bird who looked injured towering over me.

"What the..." I gasped

He had four wings, four fucking wings.

"Wait, can't I heal you right now?" I asked

"You're in your mind that's different from being here spiritually." he said, "Just watch."

Lydia's POV

I backed up as Ryu's eyes became bright white and lightning appeared from his body and started flashing and dancing around his body.

"Ryu?" I questioned

"I took over his body." Ryu's voice boomed

"Thunderbird?" I questioned

He nodded and he looked at his hands.

"I am the Thunderbird, a god stored inside of Ryu. I wanted to discuss what you're going to go into." said Ryu

He clenched his fists and we all fell into some kind of illusion. We all got up confused and I looked around the scorched terrain, everything was burning, the sky was red as blood and the air was filled with cries.

"This was the earth we were born in." said Ryu well Thunderbird

"What do you mean by we?" I asked

"Phoenix and I were born in this world." replied Thunderbird

I heard a loud caw in the air and the wind picked up. We all looked up and saw flashes of lightning above us and then light began to grow inside the clouds.

The clouds erupted into flames as a giant flaming bird began to fall down towards the earth, there was another bird which was darker and it had four wings instead of two. They crashed and began fighting, causing the earth to shake under our feet.

"What's the point of showing us this?" asked Naruto's friend

We all fast forward to when the Phoenix was being captured while the Thunderbird flew away.

"I transferred myself to Ryu since I was injured but I fell into a deep sleep. The Phoenix on the other hand was detained in earth prime." said Thunderbird, "And was carefully guarded using the same spell that guards the Matrix."

"Is the Matrix the thing that controls earth prime?" I asked

"Yes, since Demon was able to break into the spell it only proves that Demon's stronger than ever." said Thunderbird

We were suddenly back in the briefing room and the lightning bolts disappeared and Ryu's eyes went back to normal.

"Oh my god, I'm never letting you take over my body that felt terribly uncomfortable." complained Ryu


2 hours later

"They'll greatly outnumber us." said Lydia

I nodded in agreement.

"Dwarves, elves, humans, aliens, orcs, all of them are going to be fighting in this battle." said Lydia

"I'm not worried about the knights of earth prime." I said, "More worried about the heroes."

"The bald guy can destroy anything in one punch, the heroes will be fine." replied Lydia

"Demon knows the bald guy, she's probably going to send someone to fight him." I said

"I don't think there's a single demon she has who could go against him." said Lydia

"Who knows, she might have something up her sleeve." I replied

Lydia nodded in agreement.

"We can't be a hundred percent sure and plus some of the refugees on the fleet are mostly heroes." I said

"So how many heroes does that make up?" asked Lydia

"A lot, a lot." I replied

I took out a cigarette and just as I was about to light it, Lydia glared at me.

"Want one?" I asked

"Do you think that's the appropriate question to ask right now?" she asked

I backed up in fear a bit so I just put both cigarettes away.

"Geez." I groaned

Lydia looked out the window and sighed.

"How are you going to save Kishimoto?" asked Lydia

"Once I kill Demon I'll have the powers of Lucifer. I can save him and if there's more to it, save the rest of the worlds." I said

"That's not you plan is if?" asked Thunder

'You know it's a lie.'

"Very well." he replied

Lydia looked at me and sighed.

"But I feel like there's something you want." I said

Lydia looked at me surprised and I just shrugged.

"You want the other Ryus back don't you?" I asked

She looked back at the window and took a deep breath before exhaling.

"You can say that." she whispered

"Sure I'll make sure that happens." I said

Lydia looked at me with eyes wide open.

"But you're going to have to deal with the whole who do you love more and who's going to get you." I said

"I'm not really worried about that right now." said Lydia

I raised an eyebrow.

"I was wondering if that'll somehow fuck up you augmentation." she said

"I don't care about that." I replied

Lydia looked at the stars in the distance and just placed a hand on the window.

"But I care." she said

I looked at her and just smiled awkwardly.

"So even if I do revive the Ryus you'll want me?" I asked

"No I probably stick with the first, earth prime." she said, "Why am I even saying this so easily?"

She balled the hand on the window into a fist.

"But I just wish I knew better." she said

My smile disappeared and I looked at her with pity.

"So I have a favor to ask you." she said

She lowered her hand and looked at me.

"Erase all the other Ryus' memories except for earth prime." she said

"Demon said it's hard for her to erase memories. I don't know if that's true or not but I'll try." I said, "But with their permission."

I thought she would fight back but she just nodded and left.

"She just left." I whispered dumbfounded

I decided to head over to the cafeteria which was completely emptied but just as I was about to close my eyes to take a nap I felt something creeping up from behind.

"Someone's behind you, at least 3 guys." said Thunder, "You're about to get hit."

I stopped time and got up to see this huge guy with a metal hand about to crush me, a girl who was in midair ready to pounce on me and another guy with purple hair, they were all wearing the same hat with the letter S on it.

I just moved to the side and took a seat at a table behind them. I snapped my fingers and time started again as the huge guy's hand crashed onto the table breaking it.

"Are you going to pay for that?" I asked

He turned around and gasped but the girl looked excited.

"Show off." said Thunder

'Damn, don't throw me under the bus like that.'

The huge guy got angry and swung so I slowed down time again and just left the cafeteria. I started time again and I heard a loud crash as I got a bottle of water.

"Why is everyone's attention on me?" I grumbled to myself

"What out behind you." said Thunder

I just duck under as someone swung their arm at my head.

"I mean I don't get it." I said, "No one paid any attention to me before."

I dodged as this blob of meatball was shot towards me.

"But now, I'm starting to want loneliness." I said

"Hey just focus." said Thunder

"There's no point." I said

I slowed down time and dodged three tables that were thrown at me.

"Like what's their goal right now?" I asked

"Can you stop asking yourself those questions?" asked Thunder

"I'm not asking myself, I'm asking you." I said as I took out a cigarette

"Can't you just finish off those three?" asked Thunder

"I would but come on, I'm pretty sure they're just trying to have some fun." I said

"Or they're actually trying to kill you." said Thunder as I jumped up to dodge the girl and planted my feet on the ceiling and forced the wind around me to help me stand up on the ceiling.

I just snapped my fingers and lit my cigarette.

"Oi oi, stop destroying property that's not even mine." I said to those three

The three of them looked at me.

"I can tell from your skill level that two of you have more experience than that chunk head." I said as I pointed at the girl and the guy with purple hair.

"What did you call me?" growled the big guy

"What's your intention on fighting me?" I asked

I jumped off and landed on my feet but they didn't respond.

"Oi I don't have time." I said

I summoned lightning to my hand.

"Are you going to kill us?" asked the guy with purple hair

"I'm not like that." I said

I smiled and just stopped the lightning bolts from coming out of my hands.

"You're just a bunch of kids who just want to learn." I said

The three of them started looking guilty but when I looked behind them more heroes started piling in, but before I could do anything the loudspeaker started making noise.

"Attention, we're approaching earth prime. Please prepare for dispatch." said a voice

"Looks like that's my cue." I said

I blasted off leaving the three of them and ran to the hangars. But when I got there I gasped as I saw that half of earth prime was engulfed in red.

"Ryu go down first." said Kurt

"I'll see you down there." I said

I jumped out through the invisible field and blasted off towards earth prime.

'Where's the capital?'

"I marked it." replied Thunder

My eyes started to feel tingly but I saw everything from up here so I blasted off towards the capital.

I started to enter the earth's atmosphere and I had to cover myself from the burn but it didn't hurt.

I saw the floating city land on the surface so I decided to head over to the castle so I flew down there. As I got close to the palace I slowed myself and entered it without the knight's permission and ran to the main place where the throne is.

I barged into the room and there she was sitting down on the throne looking worried but she gasped and smiled when she saw me.

"Ryu!" she gasped

"Your majesty is everything ready?" I asked

"The knights are under your command." she said


I looked around and I just noticed that inside the room were a bunch of earth prime knights in their armor. But once I looked around they all took one knee and bowed down to me catching me by surprise.

"I'm so not used to this." I mumbled