Chereads / Augmentation / Chapter 1 - Freshman


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Chapter 1 - Freshman

A/N: This is my first non fanfic book. I hope you like it

Ryu's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I threw my pillow at my alarm clock and got up. I reached for my glasses and put them on and yawned as I got off my bed and stretched and headed towards the kitchen.

"Morning mom." I yawned

"Morning honey, are you ready to go to school?" asked my mom

"Yea, I have my bags and my boxes ready." I replied

"It's going to be a two hour drive to make sure you have everything." said my mom

"I know mom." I smiled

I sat down on a chair and ate my sandwich that was sitting on the dining table. After I finished up I headed to the bathroom and got ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and fixed my hair.

'Damn, I'm already in college.'

Oh wait I forgot to introduce myself, sorry but my name is Ryu Kim. I'm 18 and I'm going to be a freshman in a university called Princeton University. I live with my mom, my dad left us a long time ago for some reason but I never found it weird to not have a dad. A lot of people call me a nerd and bully me but do I care? No not really, they do scare me but it does motivate me to do better and stand above them.

"Mom, I'm ready." I said

"I'm sorry I can't go with you to your university." she replied

"No, don't worry about it." I replied

"Get there safe, remember if they're bothering you just come back home." she said

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." I replied

She nodded so I kissed her on the cheeks and left the house. I put all of my boxes and bags in the car and started the car. My mom stood in front of the house as I drove out of the driveway. She waved to me and I waved back to her. I live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and it takes 2 hours to get there.

"I hope my time there is nice." I said to myself


2 hours later


I walked around the field looking around the school in amazement. I was so amazed by the view that I accidentally bumped into a person. I fell onto the ground, dropping my books and other belongings onto the ground.

"Watch it!" yelled the person I bumped into

I looked up and there stood a tall white guy with a football jacket holding a football. Behind him were 3 other guys wearing the same jacket.

"Sorry." I apologized

He smirked and walked away, but he kicked one of my books and the others behind him laughed. I got up and grabbed my stuff and headed towards my dorm. Once I got to my room I knocked on it but no one responded so I opened it and no one was in there. I set up my stuff in my room and sat on a bed right next to the window.

"Great start." I sarcastically said

I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to my mom saying that I got there safe and not to worry.

"My class starts in 30 minutes." I whispered to myself as I checked my phone.

I grabbed my books, notebooks and my schedule and headed towards my first class. I entered the room and it was a huge auditorium with at least 80 people in it. The desks were on steps so I had to climb up the staircase before finding the perfect spot in the middle of the room.

"Morning class welcome to your very first day here in Princeton University." greeted the professor

The professor was wearing a sweater with a collared shirt underneath it, khaki pants and some nice shoes.

"This is a psychology class for those who don't know. So those who aren't supposed to be here please leave and follow the schedule." said the professor

No one got up to leave so he started the lesson.


1 hour and half later

I grabbed my lunch and headed towards the benches.

"Hey nerd think fast!" I heard a voice call over me

Before I could react, something hits the left side of my head and I fell to the ground. My lunch spilled all over me, ruining my clothes and my hair. I heard laughter and when I looked up it was those 4 football guys from before. But I heard even more laughter and I saw that everyone around me was laughing at me.

I just got up and brushed off the food and grabbed the football. I walked over and just threw it in the trash can.

"Hey!" furiously yelled one of the guys

I walked away and headed back towards my dorm room. When I opened the door another guy was standing there, he looked at me and looked away laughing.

I sighed and went to my room and changed into some new clothes and threw the old clothes in a laundry basket.

"Jerks." I grumbled under my breath

I checked my phone and my mom replied saying that she loved me and to stay safe.

'I have an hour left until my next class.'

I sat on my chair and pulled out my homework and set them up on my desk and started doing them.

'Simple, easy, too easy.'

I breezed through it and before I knew it I finished it. I leaned back on my chair and complemented myself. I checked the time and I had 40 minutes left until my next class so I jumped on my bed and set a timer to 30 minutes and took off my glasses and went to sleep.


35 minutes later

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Will you fucking shut that off!" I heard a loud voice outside my room

I gasped and sat up from my bed and turned off my alarm. I looked at the time and I overslept 5 minutes.


I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the room. My dorm-mate looked pissed off but I left before he could start ranting. I ran through the hallways, fields, doors until I got to my class 3 minutes late.

I took a seat in the back of the class which I hate because it was filled with slackers. A guy sitting next to me was just scrolling through instagram, snickering at girl pictures. I felt annoyed but to be honest, I felt really tired. I put my hand on my chin and my eyes started feeling heavy.

The words of the professor became distant, I couldn't figure out what he was saying. It just sounded like gibberish to me. I rubbed my eyes and tried staying awake but I just couldn't. My head bobbled around as I drifted off to sleep but every time my head fell off my hand I would wake up again. But one time I was sleeping and someone hit the arm my head was resting on and my head hit my desk hard enough for the professor to hear.

"Sir?" called out the professor

I quickly sat up and looked at the professor.

"If you're going to sleep please leave my class." said the professor

I heard chuckles throughout the classroom.

"Sorry professor." I quickly replied

He goes back to teaching and I rubbed my eyes in embarrassment.

"Now back to the topic-"

The professor continues teaching but this time I was awake and writing down notes. I took out my phone and started voice recording just in case I fell asleep in the next hour.

"Class, this is a very difficult class. Why? Because every week there will be either a test or a quiz." said the professor

Everyone around me started groaning and complaining but I stayed quiet and smiled.

'Now this is what I wanted.'

"Anyways answer this question, who here believes in other dimensions?" asked the professor

Some people raised their hands, others didn't and I was one of them. I thought the ones who raised their hands were idiots.

"And why do you believe in them?" he asked the guy sitting next to me

"Because it sounds cool." he replied

Some of the students in the class laughed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you think we'll be able to find other dimensions?" asked the professor

"I hope so, I want to travel to another world cause this world is way too boring." said the guy next to me

'You must be high.'


1 hour later

I slumped down onto a chair in the library in disbelief. My astronomy class is filled with idiots and geeks. Like who believes in gods, alternate universes, different dimensions, and other bullshit like that.

I decided to forget about it and started to do my homework. I started writing down answers, copying notes onto my notebook, reading the textbook, watching documentaries on my computer and other things to help me pass the class.

I felt the ground underneath my shoes and the table tremble. I thought my phone vibrated so I checked my phone but there was no notification at all. Thinking that it was nothing I ignored it and went back to work. But then I started hearing distant screams and cries outside the library.

"What's going on?" I whispered to myself

I felt the ground tremble harder than before causing me to fall to my knees.


But before I was able to get up, something crashed through the walls of the library, crashing into shelves causing books and papers flying all over the place. One of the shelves somehow hits me in the side and I fall over and the side of my head hits the edge of the desk. My vision becomes blurry as my glasses fall off and my ears are ringing. I laid on the ground for a few seconds before I looked up to see a hooded figure on the floor near me.

I couldn't see well so I reached for my glasses and once I put them on my vision became clear. The hooded figure looked up as well and I gasped.

"You-you look just like me." I whispered

The me looking guy eyes widened and he tried getting up but fell back down.

"Run get out of here!" he yelled

But in a blink of an eye his head was gone. I screamed as the body collapsed and blood started leaking out and onto the floor. I sat up and backed up until my back hit the shelf. I looked around and I saw another hooded figure standing near the body. On one hand, she had a sword but on the other she had my head. No not my head, the me looking guy's head.

The hooded figure looked over to me and I noticed that it was a female holding his head. It looked like she was wearing some tight body attire with armor plates covering her body.

"Oh my oh my, I found you." she smiled at me

I was so scared that I got up and ran out of the library. Other students were running away as well so it was hard for me to run straight.

'What the fuck was that?'

I ran as fast as I could out of the school and into some neighborhood. I ran for my car but once I turned a corner on a block and bumped into someone. I fell onto the ground on my butt and when I looked up I screamed. It was that same lady from before but the head wasn't in her hand but the sword was.

"Don't you run from me." she said as she smiled

She approached me and kneeled in front of me.

"You're the one I'm looking for." she said

She started to raise her sword at me and I closed my eyes in fear as tears streaked my cheeks. I felt the cold metal touch my neck and my chin.

"Why are you crying?" she asked

"P-please, d-don't kill me." I pleaded my eyes shut tight

I heard her chuckle and heard her move in a bit closer.

"I won't kill you, not just yet." she said

More tears started coming out but then I heard her gasp and a huge gush of air hit me, sending me back. I opened my eyes and there stood another female but she stood in front of me. Another figure was fighting the first female who was talking to me, they were both doing shit that humans can't do.

"Are you okay?" asked the second female

"What's going on?" I asked

"No time to explain, we're getting out of here." she replied

She pressed on a button on her wrist and then held onto me. We then started flying into the air so fast and into space. I screamed throughout the entire ride and closed my eyes. Then suddenly we stopped and I slowly peeked open my eyes and we were in a room, standing on some circle that was lighting up.

"Wh-where are we?" I asked

"Welcome to the MVA." said the female