One month has passed and somehow, we got to identify two royalties.
From the kingdom of Heiman, a prince named Angelo is in class-a and from the kingdom of Elitaty, their princess named Francesca is in class-b.
And with that, it comes down to the remaining royalties of the two kingdoms named Haco and Netheil.
We have yet to identify their genders but it is positive that the royalties are in this school.
Even though we are still looking for the two, Kesha and Ginger already made a way to get closer to the identified royalties as I do the same with Delora while maintaining the personality that I show to them.
"I'm seriously tired from roaming around this wide school just to gather rumors and stories." Kesha said while restlessly sitting down on her couch. "I looked like a girl looking for gossips, 'ya know?"
"Huh?" Ginger turned to Kesha, surprised for a bit at what she said. "Don't you love gossip?"