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Petite Sirene Parole

Baby Serendipity : Le monde entier est tombé amoureux de moi

La famille Su, la plus riche de la ville, a soudainement une chérubine de trois ans ! Tout le monde pensait que cette petite fille est la fille illégitime de Su Qi, le playboy notoire du cercle des divertissements, pour finalement voir les sept frères Su agenouillés et l'appelant tante ! Toute la Ville du Nord se mourait de rire : À quoi sert votre tante à part boire du lait ? La mienne peut au moins faire de la broderie pour moi. Su Qi : De la broderie ? Ma tante peut attraper des fantômes, des démons et des zombies, des talents qui attirent l'attention de tout le monde. Votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Liu : Ma tante peut poursuivre des avions avec une épée volante, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Wu : Ma tante peut guérir des maladies avec les treize aiguilles de la Porte des Fantômes, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Si : Ma tante peut faire un quintuple saut en patinage artistique, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su San : Ma tante peut facilement réaliser un pentakill dans les jeux, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Er : Ma tante gagne des prix en peinture traditionnelle chinoise, en peinture à l'huile et en peinture à l'encre. Votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Da : Ma tante aide ma compagnie à gagner un milliard par jour, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Plus tard, la petite tante de la famille Su a grandi et a discrètement commencé une romance avec son ami d'enfance beau, habile et à la peau claire. À l'unisson, les sept fils de la famille Su rugirent : Éloignez-vous de notre tante !
Fox's Charm · 24.7K Views

La légende oubliée de la fleur ensanglantée

``` « Vis la vie que tu souhaites cette fois. » Une assassine sans pareille, nom de code : Hua, a déjà commencé sa carrière depuis qu'elle était enfant. Son dossier de missions était parfait et quiconque était considéré comme son ennemi finissait mort sans savoir pourquoi. Lorsque la guerre prit fin, elle fut envoyée dans un établissement où elle était étroitement surveillée. Le médecin responsable lui donna un roman de wuxia ordinaire à lire. Une avalanche se déclencha après qu'elle eut fini de lire. À son réveil, elle était devenue Nan Hua, la jeune demoiselle d'une puissante famille militaire dans le roman qu'elle avait lu. La fille était également la fiancée de l'ancien personnage principal, qui mourrait à cause de son obstruction à l'amour du personnage principal. Maintenant qu'elle avait pris la place, qui oserait encore se comporter de manière si présomptueuse autour d'elle ? Ils ne sauraient jamais comment ils se retrouvaient si misérablement ! Mais… personnage principal, que fais-tu à rôder autour d'elle ? Ne devrais-tu pas te concentrer sur la guerre imminente et sauver ta protagoniste féminine ? Pourquoi essaies-tu par tous les moyens de la conquérir à la place, hein ? ... Histoire située dans un monde fictif avec une culture similaire à celle de la Chine ancienne. Rejoignez le discord pour discuter avec l'auteur et les autres lecteurs : ... P.S : Cette histoire est également publiée sur Amazon, si vous y lisez, merci de bien vouloir laisser un commentaire. Merci ^^ ... Suite : Fleur Astrale [en cours] ... Autres romans : - Les Fleurs Éclosent sur le Champ de Bataille [complet] - Sous le Voile de la Nuit [complet] - 7 Chemins des Lys [en longue pause] - 1 An de Commencement [complet] - La Dame Méchante [complet] - Science et Fantaisie [complet] - 2 Ans de Redémarrage [complet] - L'Impératrice Silencieuse [en cours] - Le Petit Chat du Méchant [en cours] ... Suivez-moi sur IG : @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 87.6K Views


Penny a trois frères : l'un est un PDG milliardaire, le second est le plus jeune lieutenant de l'armée, et le dernier est un acteur à succès. Ces trois hommes à succès n'avaient qu'un point commun : harceler Penny, leur petite sœur qu'ils considéraient comme un fardeau. La sœur qu'ils n'avaient jamais souhaitée avoir, et celle qui prétendait être leur vraie sœur, alors que la sœur qu'ils chérissaient depuis tout ce temps était une imposture. Après avoir vécu une vie de mauvais traitements chez sa tante, des personnes de haut rang sont venues annoncer à Penny ses vraies origines. Elle pensait enfin être sauvée des griffes de sa tante, sans savoir que ce qui l'attendait était pire. À 13 ans, Penny ne souhaitait qu'une chose : que ses frères l'aiment et la traitent comme une famille, tout autant qu'ils aimaient leur fausse sœur. Elle travaillait et étudiait dix fois plus que quiconque juste pour être acceptée par eux. Dans son désespoir, elle tomba naïvement dans un piège tendu par une personne malveillante, sans savoir que ses actions entraîneraient la chute de ses frères et qu’elle finirait en prison avec une peine de mort. Le jour de son exécution, Penny n'avait qu'une pensée en tête : Si jamais elle pouvait retourner dans le passé, ses frères pourraient choyer leur fausse sœur autant qu'ils le voulaient ! Elle ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec eux ! Et à sa grande surprise, Penny se retrouva le jour où tout avait commencé : le jour de sa naissance. Comme promis, cette fois, elle n'essaierait pas bêtement de gagner l'amour et l'affection de ses frères. Peu importe la famille ! Elle ferait juste beaucoup d'argent, vivrait dans le luxe, et créerait sa propre famille ! Mais attendez, pourquoi maintenant qu'elle ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec ses frères, continuaient-ils à se mêler de ses affaires ? N'étaient-ils pas censés choyer leur fausse sœur ? Pourquoi ne la laissent-ils pas tranquille ?! Et comment se fait-il qu'elle soit mariée dans cette vie ? Pour aggraver les choses, ce mari qu'elle n'avait jamais eu dans sa première vie se portait soudainement volontaire pour être le père de ses enfants ?!
BAJJ · 132.9K Views

Mythe du miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin

Xiu Wanxue se réveilla et découvrit qu'elle était renée. Cette fois, elle apprit qu'elle n'était qu'une personne insignifiante dans ce monde où existaient la fille et les fils de la destinée. Repensant à tous les événements tragiques qui s'étaient produits dans sa vie antérieure, elle soupira amèrement. Pas étonnant ; ils la détestaient tant, même si elle n'avait rien fait de mal, si ce n'est désirer obtenir 'leur' soin et amour. Pas étonnant ; ils aimaient tous 'elle' tellement. Il s'avéra que Xiu Wanxia, sa sœur jumelle, était la fille de la destinée, entourée d'opportunités défiant le ciel, d'hommes extraordinaires et de partenaires bêtes puissants. Le ciel et la terre lui accordèrent une chance de repartir à zéro, elle ne ferait plus les mêmes erreurs et ne se méprendrait plus sur les gens. Elle sera seulement gentille avec ceux qui la traitent avec gentillesse et punira ceux qui blessent ses proches. Le vieux bracelet qu'elle portait au poignet était en fait un espace portable avec un petit monde à l'intérieur où elle pouvait tout planter. Apprendre l'alchimie, dessiner des runes, contracter des bêtes, explorer les trésors... beaucoup d'autres choses excitantes vont se passer ici. A travers le sang et le dur labeur, elle entama son voyage vers l'immortalité et s’éleva au-delà du ciel pour trouver sa liberté et défier son destin de la vie dernière. Cependant, quelque chose clochait. Que se passerait-il, quand elle découvrirait que tout était complètement différent de ce qu'il semblait être ? Quand les secrets commenceraient lentement à transparaître, tout s'avéra être si....... Ce livre participe au Webnovel Spirity Award 2024. NOTE : Ce livre est un roman de harem inversé, la fin est absolument un harem inversé. Couverture de : Générateur IA de Webnovel Image du personnage : Pinterest, le crédit revient à tous les propriétaires originaux Les citations de chaque personnage ne sont pas de moi. Je les ai recherchées sur un site web. Le crédit revient aux propriétaires de ces citations. Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 Mon Instagram : Littlecarrot006__ #HaremInverséFL #Renaissance #EspacePortable #Figurant #Romance #PartenairesBêtes #Aventures #RomanceNoire #MondeImmortel #Xianxia #IntriguesTordues #Combat #RomanDétaillé #PasséMystérieux #MémoireDeVieAntérieure #RomanAvecMorale #Inspiration
Littlecarrot · 43.4K Views

J'ai réveillé mon mari handicapé pendant la nuit de noces !

# 1V1 # AFFECTIONAVECLETEMPS La belle-mère de Shi Qian l'a piégée et forcée à épouser un homme dans le coma. Il avait trois qualités : il était riche, séduisant... et incapable de se réveiller ! Fu Sinian, qui était dans le coma depuis plus de trois ans, s'est réveillé et a découvert qu'il avait soudainement une épouse. Sa petite femme était claire de peau, belle et avait de longues jambes. « Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je n'ai pas besoin de toi ! » a dit Fu Sinian en jetant froidement les papiers du divorce.***Peu après, la célèbre Shi Qian a été prise en photo dans la luxueuse voiture du grand ponte, Fu Sinian. Fu Sinian a publiquement clarifié la situation en disant, « Mademoiselle Shi et moi nous connaissons. »Les internautes : « Vous ne faites que vous connaître ? Ils se déplacent tous les deux dans la même voiture ! On attend que tu nous gifles avec tes mots, Jeune Maître Fu ! Neuf millions de fans regardent et attendent ! » Peu après, Shi Qian, qui était populaire dans le cercle, a été de nouveau photographiée entrant dans un hôtel en même temps que Fu Sinian et n'est sortie qu'après trois jours. Fu Sinian a de nouveau clarifié, « Mademoiselle Shi et moi n'entretenons pas ce genre de relation. Nous ne sortons pas ensemble. »Les internautes : « M. Fu a dû échouer dans sa conquête ! S'il y avait une fille que le Jeune Maître Fu ne peut pas gérer dans ce monde, ça doit être leur déesse, Shi Qian ! »Trente millions de fans ont continué à manger du pop-corn et à regarder le feuilleton ! Plus tard, Shi Qian, qui avait deux cents millions de fans, a eu des nausées matinales pendant la cérémonie des récompenses de la Meilleure Actrice ! Fu Sinian est monté lentement sur scène et a enlacé la taille de Shi Qian en disant, « Merci à tous pour votre attention. Mme Fu est enceinte de notre second enfant ! »Les deux cents millions de fans étaient perplexes. La belle Shi Qian était enceinte de son deuxième enfant ? Ils suivaient le feuilleton à la trace ! Quand est-ce qu'ils avaient manqué un épisode ?
Wisps of blue smoke · 109.2K Views

Mon ex me désire tellement après le divorce

# COURSE APRÈS L'ÉPOUSE Su Wan avait aimé Jing Chen pendant dix ans, et elle avait été mariée à lui pendant deux ans. Jing Chen avait toujours été le mari, que ce soit en privé ou en public. Il se souvenait de leur anniversaire et préparait des cadeaux pour elle à chaque occasion spéciale. Elle était la prunelle de ses yeux, et il la traitait comme un trésor précieux. Il aimait son corps au point qu'on pourrait dire qu'il en était obsédé. Cependant, seule Su Wan savait que Jing Chen jouait le rôle du mari parfait parce qu'il était un homme de parole. Elle n'oublierait jamais ce qu'il lui avait dit lorsqu'ils se sont mariés, "Je peux t'épouser, mais j'ai déjà quelqu'un que j'aime. Notre mariage durera trois ans. Trois ans plus tard, c'est toi qui proposeras le divorce à Grand-père." Donc, pour leur deuxième anniversaire, lorsque Jing Chen sortit les papiers du divorce et les mit devant elle, Su Wan ne fut pas surprise. Elle cacha secrètement son test de grossesse. "Bien que ce ne soit pas encore trois ans comme promis, Bai Lian est de retour. Je peux me rattraper auprès de toi," dit Jing Chen. Su Wan acquiesça calmement, "D'accord." "Tu seras celle qui demandera le divorce à Grand-père. Dis-lui que tu as déjà quelqu'un que tu aimes. Même si Grand-père ne veut pas être d'accord, il ne te rejettera pas," dit Jing Chen. Su Wan hocha la tête, "Compris, mais... est-il nécessaire de divorcer ? Et si je disais que nous avons un bébé ?" Jing Chen répondit, "Su Wan, il n'y a pas de si dans mon monde. J'ai toujours pris des mesures contraceptives. Même s'il y a vraiment un accident, je m'assurerai qu'il disparaisse. Je ne laisserai pas ce risque derrière moi." Le jour de son mariage, le bébé de Su Wan est né prématurément. Su Wan a été impliquée dans un accident de voiture, et la scène était remplie de sang. Allongée dans une mare de sang, Su Wan tenait son ventre fermement, désespérée de le protéger. Plus tard, il y eu des rumeurs disant que Jing Chen avait abandonné sa mariée ce jour-là. Il tenait le corps froid de son ex-femme pendant une semaine entière, ne permettant pas qu'il soit enterré. Jing Chen avait perdu la raison. Jusqu'au jour où, un jour, Su Wan passa à côté de lui avec deux adorables bébés...
JQK · 100.5K Views

Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
Mr. Yan · 221.7K Views

Carnivals: Claimed By The Deranged Alpha Prince [BL]

From fleeing for your safety and enrolling in a school filled with psychopaths… to being claimed by a deranged alpha prince? Yeah, you’re better off dead. • . • Jules’ life was picture perfect until his entire family got murdered all of a sudden, with him being the only survivor. A savior swooped In because he was still in immense danger, and that led to Jules taking on a new identity and becoming a completely different person overnight— and enrolling into Carnivals, a prestigious all-boys school for all supernatural beings. In Carnivals, monsters lurk the dark hallways and the strong preyed on the weak. You either become a predator or a prey… and from one look at Jules— a boy too pretty for his own good, with a slender and petite build, it was obvious that he was gonna be eaten alive by the predators. Here comes Blaze, a wolf who sends shivers down every predator’s spine in the school, an insanely hot Alpha who was as dangerous and deranged as the rumors claimed. He took one glance at Jules and decided there and then that Jules belonged to him. *** I inched backwards, eyes widening even more as my eyes zeroed in on the smirk tugging at the side of his lips. Blaze never smiled, and whenever he does, it never meant anything good. My heartbeat quickened as I scrambled backwards even more, breath stuttering to a stop as he began to narrow the distance between us. In no time, my back was plastered against the cold wall and that was when it hit me right in the chest that I was cornered and ensnared, like an actual prey… by none other than Blaze, when I had thought my life couldn’t get any worse. He towered over me effortlessly, emitting so much dominance and I had to tilt my head backwards for me to be able to meet his dark eyes, and my breath hitched when our eyes locked. He leaned down and my eyes snapped closed at once as I held my breath, waiting for him to strike. I’ve heard all the horrifying, endless rumors about him. He was an Alpha Prince whose presence someone like me should never be in. When I felt the tip of his cold nose glide over the length of my throat, my mouth fell open to release a startled gasp. He dragged in a long, audible breath and I felt a shiver rattle down my spine as I grew even stiffer, confusion clouding my mind. What was happening? Why was he doing this out of nowhere? Oh my gosh… he really was a deranged alpha like everyone says! *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: - Bullying. - Drug use. - Smut [a whole lot of it.] - Violence. - Harem [not between the main characters.] So… proceed with caution, you’ve been warned! *I don’t own the rights to the cover!
Bree_Airee · 1.5M Views

Class Reptilia [Progression Fantasy]

[Action/Science Fantasy/Battle Academy] Updating daily through Arc 1 One hundred years ago, being diagnosed with the "affliction" was the kiss of death. Whether by mutation or firing squad, Linnaeans lived notoriously tragic lives. The few that lived suffered from irreversible mutations. These creatures, few as they were, inspired legends of werewolves, mermaids, and sirens. Then came the treatments for the Linnaean affliction. The discovery of temporary gene repression meant that the development of mutations could be slowed and managed. This created an "unholy" new race that shared the DNA of both humans and animals. Feared and hated by the outside world, they created a stronghold to develop their medicines and amass their power. Today, Linnaeans from all over the continent live in the City of Mendel and train under the renowned Professor Corax, a brilliant and eccentric geneticist. Just before her eighteenth birthday, Ember is diagnosed with the affliction. Suddenly, instead of moving into her dorms and studying with the brightest in the country, she is whisked off to the City of Mendel by government officials who are as scared of her as she is of them. As she contends with a new city and her own treatment, she'll also have to face the tension of the half-baked treaty between the Linnaean people and the outside world. There's no doubt - life won't be easy in a city where the population is able to harness the abilities (and instincts) of animals. ----------------------------------------------------- Also available on Royal Road, Scribblehub, and Spacebattles Forum. Patreon:
Hekate37 · 2.8K Views

Veil of Reincarnation: The System Wants Me To Seduce The Alpha King

Synopsis #R-18 (Mature Content - No Rape) "If the beast inside you could be healed, I will heal it with my love," ~~~~ "What secrets are you holding, Delilah?" The Elder prince stepped forward. "S-secrets? W-what secrets? I am not hiding anything," Delilah whispered, her heart drumming against her chest as she tried her best to hide what was going on. The man in front of her smirked before he gripped her throat and pulled her close, loving the sound of her fast-beating heart. "Is that so? Do I make you nervous?" "A little," Delilah admitted. The smirk on the prince's face widened. "Good. Only I am allowed to make you nervous, just like only you are allowed to touch and have this kind of effect on me," The prince rubbed her lips with his thumb before leaning closer, their breaths coming sharp as he gazed into her eyes. "The moment you allow another man to make you feel anything, he will end up dead, and you, you my sweetheart will end up naked under me while I punish you for even looking at others," Zephyr whispered before he crashed his lips on hers, undressing her gently. ~~~~~~ On the mission to find the hidden secrets of the most powerful ancient wolves, Katherine Moon, the leader of the special task force, found herself in a fatal situation. Betrayed by her own organization, she closed her eyes with just one wish, the wish to find out why they betrayed her as she took her last breath. Bestowed by mercy from the heavens, Katherine finds herself reincarnated in the body of a petite girl, Delilah Rosewood. Delilah Rosewood, who had entered the royal palace as the cousin of the Alpha's daughter, committed suicide after being rejected by the commander of the royal army. Katherine had never thought she would get the chance to get her answers in this lifetime, but now that life has given her this opportunity, she must secure it. However, there were some problems with her plans. "Well, I am the problem that will lead you to a better life!" Her system shouted. First, she got a system to monitor her life. Task#12- Prepare a sweet dish for the prince. Reward#- 10 points in strength. Second, the system wanted her to seduce the future alpha king if she wanted to make this body stronger. If being reincarnated in a weak body wasn't enough, the body didn't even have a wolf. "Aaaaaa! Fuck my life!" Katherine groaned. "This isn't your life. You must help Delilah reach her destiny," the system's voice came again, making her groan. "If you want to become stronger, you must seduce the future alpha king," The system said again. What Katherine didn't know was that the man in the hidden palace already had his eyes on her. "Sir, is that lady the only one you can touch?" His subordinate asked. Zephyr's eyes shone brightly. "Yes, and I want that girl to be mine," Zephyr said. "But sir, it looks like after being rejected by the commander, she has made your brother her next target," Jacob whispered. "It's a statement, Jacob. That girl is mine. Full stop." Zephyr licked his lower lip as he looked at the girl dancing on the ground after eating a freshly picked cherry Katherine, unaware of the elder prince's intentions, gets ready to bear it all and live her new life with new tasks, but what happens when she finds out the system she was living with was fake? A fake system? It's bearable… Right? But what about the powers who have started to go haywire inside her? And why do Gypsies keep visiting her in both her lives? Just who was this Delilah Rosewood? Disclaimer- There might be scenes with high violence, stalking, dark romance, goth, gore, blood, details graphic visuals of deaths and murders. The first 50 chapters might look a bit dull because of world-building, but if you decide to stay after that, I promise to make this journey worthwhile. ~~~~~~ You can follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Or join my discord (Link only given in DM)
AngelinaBhardawaj · 241.6K Views

The Vampire King's Only Antidote - (Moved to a New Link)

Lord Ragnar Kamazotz is a vampire and the first ever of his kind. The beast in him only recognizes the tune of one lady…his Zeda. In his earliest years, she was the only person that could calm him down or get him close to sanity with the help of her instrument. All that stopped when she was gruesomely murdered by the greedy members of the royal family. He slayed everyone involved but he was never himself again. He survived by relying on The Prophecy that promised her coming back. Seven centuries later, he meets her again and his world is at peace until scenes from the ancient days rise up in this present one, threatening to kill her…again! People called her his poison but he called her ‘his Antidote”. ************************** “I remember…I remember you now my love” Zelda said as more tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the man who had suffered through centuries seeking her return. Kamaz was tongue tied…overwhelmed and his heart rate was faster than normal. She remembers… “I missed you so much Zeda” Kamaz said and Zeda lifted her hand to his face and he leaned into her small hand. “I missed you badl..” Kamaz wanted to continue but the rest of his words were buried in Zeda’s mouth. She had stood on her toes and slid her hands around his neck, dragging him to her level and placing her lips on his. Kamaz was stunned but not for long… He lifted her petite frame from her thighs and wrapped her around his waist for their heads to be at the same level and tears fell off their eyes as they kissed - pouring all of them into that soul uniting and heart joining kiss. She moved herself impossibly closer to him, making him second guess his decision of taking things slowly with her. “Quinzi toman,” Kamazotz groaned as their scents tangled.
SapphirePeter · 15.2K Views

Elven Way

Logline An unwilling pilgrim must guide three young elves across the realms in a timeless rite of passage, while they race to uncover the dark secrets of his Elven Way before their journey ends. Synopsis By Elven law, only when all men forget his transgressions shall an elf be granted parole. No living man remembers Latham’s transgression, and he must now walk the Elven Way as a pilgrim—an unwilling mentor bound by the arcane to reveal forgotten arts and lost magic to his cohorts—the least of his concerns. But after centuries imprisoned, the last thing he—or any pilgrim—wants is a show of secrets to snot-nosed gits. Here is a tale of some of Elven history’s most infamous—eccentrics and hoodlums—turned unwilling mentors to cohorts as eager as they are gullible. Aalto Stian, Son of Havelock of Nero—a pirate prince who drinks from his fishbowl, sailing waves that rage higher than most mountains stand. With nothing but flotsam for a foothold and the light of Fos as his compass, he grins right at the eye of the storm. Where will it lead him next? Hjordis Waldemar, Daughter of Hilde of Potiri—a noble’s eyes sting as she glares at her calloused hands, abashed. Will one who must swing her blade a thousand times for a reasonably decent strike ever reach the heights of the sword saints of yore? Wray Kaspar, Son of Ulf of Anemos—a hermit who calls the wind to play, only for her to take everything from him. In her wake, his path to reckoning lays bare—will he walk it? What to expect: Epic Progression Fantasy (Is that a real genre?) inspired by some of my favourite stories: imagine a whimsical blend of Avatar: The Last Airbender's bending/spirituality, with A Song of Ice and Fire's political intrigue (as best I can write), and Shadow Slave's insidious Eldritch horrors. A character drama first and foremost; I enjoy exploring what makes my characters tick—(but don’t expect a meandering, plotless story). Mature themes: body horror, intimate relationships (not just sex, but the emotional baggage—honestly, I think that’s the core of any relationship), trauma—whatever is true to my characters. I write what I’m creatively driven to express, but always with a view to move the audience, and never for indulgence. A writer terribly happy you’re here!
FlickerLantern · 3.6K Views

Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Allen, the legendary player "Godlike", finds himself thrust into the revolutionary fulldive VRMMORPG Hell's Gate's main villain, Azazel. Alongside seven skilled female players, he embarks on a journey filled with unexpected challenges. Confronting his old nemesis and countless players, Allen delves deep into the shadows of his own dark past. Soon, he becomes entangled in a complex web of new relationships and past betrayals. His companions develop feelings for him, not only in the virtual world but also in real life. Balancing his affection for his wives, the chaos of the battlefield, and his thirst for revenge, Allen sets out to attain everything he desires. The legendary player has returned once again, not as the hero but as the villain. He shall claim the title of ultimate villain! ---------------------- Each one of his subordinates represent seven deadly sins: Nefaris (Vampire) -> Pride // Player: Larissa Lullaby (Siren) -> Sloth // Player: Shea Lilieth (Succubus) -> Lust // Player: Vivian Eira (Fox Demon) -> Wrath // Player: Bella Selena (Witch) -> Envy // Player: Alice Abyssia (Kraken) -> Gluttony // Player : Zoe Grimora (Necromancer) -> Greed // Player: Jane -------------------------- Join my discord channel for illustrations: Bonus Chapters! *600 Power Stone = 1 bonus chapter *400 Golden Ticket= 1 bonus chapter *Magic Castle= 2 bonus chapters *Space Craft= 4 bonus chapters Important Note: No NTR, No Yuri, No rape, the relationship will go both in the game and real world. Tags: Mature Content , R-18 , Gore, Comedy , Revenge, Face Slapping, Monster Girls , Succubus , Magic , Demons , Devil , Beasts , Action , Mystery , Overpowered , Harem , System , Servants , Handsome Male Lead , Smart Male Lead and Slice of Life.
UnholyGod · 3.3M Views

My Siren University Revenge System

The system approached her because her rage in her unconsciousness refused to settle for death. She needed to be reborn to take revenge. [Siren Revenge System, Initializing…. [10% [23% [57% [72% [97% [100% [Installation Complete.] “What's that? Hello?” She rubbed her eyes multiple times, trying to get them open, but her head was pounding so much that it hurt. She tried to figure out where she was, but it was only until she opened her eyes that everything became clear. As soon as she opened her eyes, an interface popped up before her, one that only she could see. [Host - Sirena Waterford [Balance - 100000000000000000000000 dollars [Race - Siren [Body - 29/100 (weak) [Mind - 44 /100 (weak) [Age - 23 [Level - 1/100 [Skills - Needs to use siren revenge points to rejuvenate body, wits, skills, voice and powers. [Siren Revenge Points: 0/100] “What is this? Why is this in my head? Who are you? What do you want from me? Somebody, help me!” She screamed for help, begging her head to cooperate as it was all new to her. What had happened to her? [Welcome, host Sirena Waterford, to the siren revenge system. You have been reborn.] ....... Ayra Lanchester was killed by her husband and sister after catching them having an affair. On a quest for revenge, the system notices her and she is reborn as a siren, in the body of a young university student, Sirena Waterford. The system gives her another chance at life, and she decides to take revenge on all men and the people that hurt her. Immediately after starting a new life in her new body, she discovers that the old occupant has a complicated life, and is also related to the people that she wasn't meant to be related to. What does she do with these new powers? The chosen siren kills with no mercy, while dealing with the lesbian attraction she feels for her new body and other females in her university system. She protects, as much as she kills. With the challenges everywhere, We can only wonder if she overcomes all, or ANY. Find out in this interesting read. WARNING: There is harem and lesbian content in this book, and it is rated 18+. No kids zone! Parental guidance is advised.
Val_Sparks · 20.2K Views

Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

◾ SYNOPSIS◾ He stood motionlessly, his cloth dripping of excess muddy liquid, his gaze fixed on the retreating petite figure, riding away on her bicycle. His face was as phlegmatic as ever, his icy stare lingering on the lucky lass. "Just say the word, Zay", his friend nudged. An almost inaudible sigh escaped his lips. He dug his finger into his hair, ruffling it a bit. He turned around and walked towards his car, not even sparing his friend a glance. As soon as he gets in, he shuts the car door, placing his head on the car's head rest while closing his eyes. His men understood the message and put down their guns. Jove shook his head and turned to walk to the car. "It's your first time, dude. What the heck happened?" He asked, walking into the car. "Take the wheels, Damon." His mesmerizing yet cold voice rang, ignoring Jove's question. Jove sighed dramatically and leant back on the seat, bringing out his phone - he was used to his best friend already. Zayde Stoll was the name. His name alone triggered lots of emotions - love, admiration, fear, hatred and every other feelings one could possibly have. He was dangerously handsome; an exact opposite of his real self. At 25, he already was the world's youngest billionaire, having the least number of ten companies in each country. His name made great men fall to their knees and everyone wondered how his fame grew that much. He was known to be eerily cold and he killed without second thoughts. He only needed to say the word and whoever would drop at his feet. He was a real description of a merciless demigod and people shook when he entered college. Jove was his best friend and the only person he talks to aside his Dad, despite their very striking differences. Jove complimented his name - he was one hell of a jovial person and really cheerful...but the heck, he was the world's biggest player. Although he condemned the manner with which Zayde handled his victims, he knew he couldn't do anything about it, having known Zayde since childhood. "Damon! You want to kill us?!" Jove suddenly yelled, yanking off the earpiece he had on. He had fallen back on impulse from the near death crash they barely escaped. He glanced at Zayde, a mistake at first, because the latter never acted like something just happened. His men kept stoic faces too, leaving him dumbfounded. "Am I the only living thing in this car? Because Damon almost sent us to our earliest graves and none of you will f**cking tell me you didn't see that!" Jove yelled. He was this close to being infuriated. Damon chuckled loudly. "It was only a mistake", he said with a shrug. "Yeah, a mistake that would've marked an end to my beautiful life", he said bluntly, his voice unable to mask the sarcasm. "You should be shameless at times, Jove." Boris said, turning back to look at Jove. Just then, Zayde put on his headphone with a slightly irritated huff, a clear indication everyone were disturbing him. They all shut up at once, returning to their previous activities. "You'll watch them kill me one day." Jove mumbled, sinking down into the seat.
Astra_Qilla · 4.4K Views

God Shelter

Dans un monde où la magie et la technologie se mêlent étroitement...où des énergies mystiques sont exploitée et des royaumes sont en guerre, Areyos, un jeune prodige aux ambitions insondables, entame sa dernière année à l’académie Moore avec ses camarades Kaiser et Yoko, espérant une paix éphémère avant de se confronter au vaste monde. Mais leur quotidien vole en éclats lorsqu’une enquête sur le mystérieux meurtre de la sœur de Yoko les plonge dans les profondeurs d’un complot dépassant l’entendement. Des ennemis surgissent des ombres, porteurs de secrets anciens et de pouvoirs capables d’ébranler l’équilibre fragile du monde. Tandis qu’un groupe d'êtres aux pouvoirs extraordinaire traquent des reliques légendaires et mystérieuses, Areyos se révèle être bien plus qu’un simple étudiant. Sous son masque d’indifférence se cache une force implacable, une âme souveraine prête à briser toutes les chaînes du destin. Hybride entre deux races puissantes et mystérieuses, il se retrouve au centre d'intrigues complexes et de mystères ancestraux. Entre trahisons, révélations et alliances improbables, Nos héros s'élèvent, semant petit à petit le désespoir parmi leur adversaires et réduisant leurs volontés en cendres. Mais derrière chaque victoire se cache une vérité plus sombre : les véritables menaces, tapis dans l’ombre, attendent leur heure. Et lorsque le passé s’entremêle au présent, Areyos pourrait bien être la clé pour sauver leur monde… ou le précipiter dans un chaos éternel. God Shelter est une épopée de découverte de soi, de pouvoir et de responsabilité, où chaque choix peut déterminer le destin de nombreux mondes. (Note : la couverture n'est pas de moi, je l'ai trouvée sur Pinterest. Si le propriétaire souhaite que je la retire, je n'ai aucun problème avec cela. D'ailleurs, elle est vraiment cool ;) )
The_Great_Overlord · 26.5K Views

Tempest Bound: The Mermen's Lure

Brave individuals who travel beyond safe beaches have been plagued by terrible stories of sirens with deadly beauty and tunes that steal brains for as long as ships have flown. Presuming the life of young Captain Seraphine's father, a seasoned sailor washed ashore with unusual, magical tattoos scorched into his skin, these terrible tales For Seraphine, these tales have little significance; however, when she finds her father's abandoned ship floating on the sea, she understands there is only one path forward—to learn what happened and honor his name. But no one dares to join her on her journey because they believe curses follow women near water. Equipped with her father's blueprints and an iron will, Seraphine sails alone across the Seven Seas to meet the relentless storms, ghostly whispers, and forbidden waters. But one beautiful night her net catches an injured merman fighting the iron threads instead of fish. Uncertain but fascinated, Seraphine lets him aboard without knowing that this unusual creature bears the keys to the darkness she is searching for. Between loyalty to his community and developing love for Seraphine, Rowan, the merman, finds himself divided. They negotiate a dangerous half-truth territory where the sea and heavens entwine in a maze of secrets together. With every wave, Seraphine is approaching the truth even at a cost. Old powers seeking to claim both of them draw their attention as they walk farther. The Merman's Lure offers a horrible tale of love, dishonesty, and the thin line separating mankind from mythology, therefore it forces Seraphine to choose whether the answers she searches are worth the darkness they unleash.
Isaac_King_2965 · 4.6K Views


Celeste stood at the beach, feeling his presence behind her. She swallowed nervously. It was now or never; these four years of one-sided love were going to end today. "Marcello, I want you to know I'm in love with you. I was going to endure it, but I can't. Marcello, I want to be yours, so please give me a chance," she shouted, turning around with tears in her eyes as she quickly hugged him. "Please, Marcello, I can't do this anymore. I know it sounds crazy, but I have always loved you," she said, burying her face below his chest. Lorenzo froze. He had received an anonymous message meant for his brother Marcello and had come in his place, thinking it was a threat. He had not expected to see a lady by the beach. She looked so delicate and dream-like, with the way the moon glistened on her alabaster skin and raven black hair, which looked like it had silver streaks when it flowed in the evening breeze. The soft dress swirled around her, sometimes billowing around her too. She was a siren, and he was enchanted by her beauty. He stood staring as she confessed her feelings, his body coming alive from her touch. She hugged him tightly, like a lover scared to let go, but the name on her lips wasn't his; it was his brother's—Marcello. ________ Celeste confesses her love to Marcello, her first love, but in a shocking twist, she discovers she actually poured her heart out to his older twin, Lorenzo whom she suddenly found herself growing attached to. Lost in the pool of a complicated web of emotions, Celeste must choose between her original feelings for Marcello and her growing connection with Lorenzo that must satisfy her heart and at the same time not cause a riff between both brothers. Meanwhile, Marcello's heartbreak and sense of betrayal threaten to destroy the brothers' relationship which had proven to be as hard as a rock for years. Will Celeste find true love with Marcello or follow her heart to Lorenzo? Can the brothers forgive each other and themselves if she were to make an unfavorable decision to either or both of them? This book is a romantic drama about family, love, and betrayal, where the lines between true love and first love are blurred.
AngelQuill · 37.1K Views


Falling for a cryptocurrency scam can be one of the most tormenting experiences you can imagine. It’s a whirlwind of false promises and dire financial repercussions. I was swept up in that chaotic storm, lured in by a slick website and glossy testimonials that gleamed with potential. They promised me unprecedented returns on my investment—an eye-popping 240,000 USD. The siren song of wealth was intoxicating, urging me to dive deeper into this seemingly golden opportunity. But just as I embraced what I thought was my financial freedom, the reality unveiled itself like a cruel trick: endless demands for payments under a multitude of pretexts that only the scammers could understand. The anguish began to mount as I found myself borrowing money from friends and family, all lured in by the false hopes that clouded my judgment.  Reach out with  WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886  Email @  Telegram: website link:: It was during those darkest hours that a beacon of hope emerged: a friend recommended Digital Tech Guard Recovery, specialists in retrieving lost or hacked cryptocurrencies. They promised careful expertise and a determination to recover what felt lost forever. It felt like a sigh of relief amidst a tempest of despair. With their guidance, I started the painstaking journey of reclaiming my investment. They navigated complexities that left me bewildered, connecting dots I hadn’t even seen. Each step forward, each financial recovery felt like lifting blindfolds from my eyes. By the time I started to see results, I was beginning to wrestle control back from those heartless scammers. I couldn’t live in the shadows of despair any longer, and with Digital Tech Guard Recovery at my side, I regained not just my lost funds, but also a sense of security that had been stripped away. No one should have to face the torment of such treachery alone. As I reflect on this experience, the importance of vigilance and informed investments resonates deeply within me. If you find yourself caught in a similar labyrinth of betrayal, seek help—there is hope even when a fraud seems insurmountable.
Walter_Ronald · 483 Views
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