Chapter 3 - MoM

Narcissa looked at the Grandfather clock once again. It was past eight in the evening.

Hermione should have been back by now.

Her brows furrowed as she looked at the child in front, busy transforming a rat into a cat. She was her pride.

But she was dying.

Narsicca knew, Missy's mother would leave no stone unturned to bring her back to normal.

She also knew her Mini had compkicated plans that were taking too long to execute and Narsicca was not too happy about that. The stupid girl needed to ground Draco and get married at the earliest. But she also knew her son. He was arrogant, angry and delusional. He would never understand what a parent can do to protect the bloodline and she, Narcissa, the proud daughter of the Blacks and the proud daughter in law of the Malfoys would do anything to ensure that Missy survives.

The child was bored playing with the cat.

She rubbed her palms together and looked at the creature and it was just gone.


Narcissa widened her eyes.

It was not transfiguration, Missy was conjuring things out from the elements of nature. And that too in a wandless form. It was a high level magic. Most adult witches or wizards will not be able to do this even with a wand. And this six year old was doing that so effortlessly!!!

This child was unbelievably talented.

But certain things needed to be corrected before she could manifest her true self. Narsicca sighed and crawled beside the child to sit behind her. As a grandparent, she knew what was coming next and she was prepared to hold the child before she collapsed.

And like she thought, slowly, Missy's face turned pale and she fainted in Narsicca's arms.

"Too much for your frail body to hold sweetheart. But don't worry Missy, Mamma will find a way out. After all your Mamma is the brightest witch of her era..."

Just then Hermione apparated back and opened the door. She became disturbed by the sight.

" Again?", she asked worriedly.

" 2nd time today."

Hermione took a deep breath. This was getting out of control and she didn't know how to stop Missy's frequent magical outbursts.

Narcissa knew from a look what Hermione was thinking.

"Don't you dare to think about stopping the outbursts, it will cause more harm than good. Focus on the means of doing that surgery that your muggle friend talked about."

"But Mom, her body is breaking... I don't even know if she will survive that long...its all my fault... all my fault..."

The mighty Hermione Granger collapsed on the floor.


It was truly her fault. She shouldn't have been so thick headed back then. It was about a life... it was not a subject of experimentation.

Narsicca looked sadly at Mini.

She had always been so strong.

And so alone.

And so hard on herself.

"But I am happy you were impulsive Mini. Its because of your ego I have this pretty grand daughter and this absolutely perfect daughter now. If you were rational back then, I would have never felt pure bliss in life honey. Don't blame yourself, its just a phase and it will pass", slowly Narsicca stretched out her hand and patted her so called daughter lovingly.

Draco didn't know what he was missing.

Life was waiting for him here and he was wasting his precious time being an arrogant spoilt brat.

What a pathetic child.

"So, got your binding date? I received Minerva's owl just before your arrival. But she wrote ITS COMPLICATED at the end. What happened?" , Narsicca looked at Hermione in anticipation.

Hermione looked down.

She couldn't meet Narsicca's eyes.

How could she?

She committed openly to the entire Wizarding Community that she will carry forward two of the most famous bloodlines. How could she face Narcissa now? After all, she was Draco's mother. Will she understand her reason for standing by Harry too?

"My brains lost to my heart mom...." , she answered while looking at the floor keenly.

" Since Tom Riddle, I am allergic to the word riddle Mini. Look up and speak." , Narcissa commanded in her ever imposing voice and Hermione felt a chill running down her spine.

For a moment she forgot that she had this orthodox old lady back at home and she will not take the news so well.

" I chose him, like I decided. But then Harry's results came and I was his only hope. One of his option was Gennie and his second option died yesterday morning while defending the western frontier. So I committed in front of everyone that I will carry forward both the bloodlines Mom. I dont need physical intimacy for bearing progenies. So that way I will help Harry and Gennie live happily ever after and I can also have other children with your son, using science and magic, of course."

Narsicca looked at her in horror.

" You did what?"

" I am ashamed but not Sorry Mom."

" Damn girl, Potter and Malfoy bloodline together? Don't you know the curse you are already bearing?"

Slowly realization hit Hermione.

Mom was worried, not angry.

And she smiled.

" I will not repeat my mistake Mom, I promise", she whispered with teary eyes.

Narcissa gripped her hand tightly.

She was too afraid of losing this stupid girl.

She almost lost her once and she shuddered at the thought of losing her in future.

Missy started stirring in her arms and Narsicca slowly handed the child to her mother.

" I am sending for Potter and Draco, they need to know the truth", she said sternly as she rose from the floor and walked towards her writing table leaving behind a pale and trembling Hermione.

Narsicca was about to blow her cover.

And Hermione could not stop her.

She sighed in defeat and hold her daughter tight.

There was no reason being afraid, she thought.

Missy was her daughter and she had Malfoy's blood running in her veins. Only that, her father never knew about it.

She watched passively as Narsicca sent out two big owls.

Slowly her eyes started drooping and Hermione slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep while Narcissa waited patiently for the boys to arrive.