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I walked down the alley past the two buildings behind my apartment.

Rage stuffed inside me like cotton in a pillow. I was so angry.

So angry that I'd even kill a person....well at least I thought so. I am not a murderer but why would someone want to have me killed? What have I ever done wrong? Is being alive a sin? If so, then why does the great God keep us alive? I am so sure he'd have wiped us all out by now.

With my hands in my pockets, I walked all the way past the mini tuck shop toward the subway. Still lost in my thoughts, a car honked at me. I didn't notice I was in the middle of the road.

"HONK!", a lady screamed from inside. She beamed angrily through her window flapping her arm.

"Am sorry" I said running toward the pedestrian road right beside the main road.

"Don't you see the yellow line?" she asked restarting her car.

"Am so sorry", I tried to reason with her.

"Make sure you see it next time", she spat and accelerated.

She must have had a bad day too.

Seriously, who talks rudely like that?

I lifted my hood a bit to make sure I was walking in the right direction as I didn't want to cause World War 4 since World War 3 happened minutes ago. I heard the sound of a train.

I crossed the road onto the other side. I didn't know where I was going but anywhere unlike this place would do. This place was filled with dark memories.

I never knew the one girl I trusted with my life would do this to me. I lost all hope in love. Love isn't as sweet as they claim it to be. All those movies, those books and plays; thats just fiction. It's not real. So fake. I heard the train sound again. I intended to cross the railway right before it got any closer.

"Omar!" I heard someone scream from behind me. I knew that voice. I was certain of who it was and I wasn't turning around.

"Omar! Please stop" I heard her again. I walked faster. Faster than ever before. I just wanted to get away from her as far as I could. The crazy part is I didn't know why.

I managed to jump the railway before the train passed.

I looked behind to see if she was still following me.

She was!

She jumped the rail way too and followed me. I stopped and turned around to look at her. She was running toward me screaming my name and giving me a warning

"Omar lookout!" She screamed. I saw the pain in her eyes.

Why was she concerned about me?

I didn't even know her. Neither did she know me....well...I think so.

"Omar duck!" she shouted getting closer to me. I looked around to see what was bothering her. There! My eyes got fixed on a man in a hood. He was in this cool black outfit, carrying a chisel in his hands......aiming it at me!

Horror crept up onto me giving me goose bumps. I got so nervous I almost peed on myself.

He threw the chisel, targeting me. I sure bet he misses.

I was about to start running when I saw her get in the way.

The chisel was going to get through her if she didn't move out of the way.

She didn't seem to notice though, her eyes were on me as if I was the force her life revolved around. I got speechless.

I couldn't shout. Or move.

My body got numb. I forgot how to think,speak let alone breath. Right in front of me, I saw the chisel getting into her.......

She stopped, looked at it then at me then at everything around and fell down backwards pushing it further in.

"NO!" I shouted running to her aid. I was so shocked to figure out what to do.

She'd just been shot and here I was crying over her.

Who was she?

"Are you Okay?",she asked with a smile on her face. Blood started leaking out through her smiling lips.

"No....Please don't leave me", I cried as I saw her eyes close.

"Please don't go..." I stayed there with her body in my arms not knowing what to do. I let out the loudest cry I ever have. I am never compatible with life. Everything of mine gets lost..Everyone of mine goes away, they always leave me behind. I guess I don't deserve a family. I love but always get hurt. Here I was, in the subway....with a girl I have no memory of, not knowing what to do with her after she had just died for me.

Her snow white hair got blood stained and looked somewhat reddish brown.....I closed my eyes as tears gushed out.

"Omar" I heard another voice from behind me. "Get up buddy let's get kickin',it's a Saturday" I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes only to see my best friend Liam.

He raised his eyebrow to piss me off. He knows I hate it when he does that. I violently woke up remembering all that happened.

"Whoa....", he exclaimed. "Take it easy, I'll wait till you're ready" he finished while walking out.

"She body... was in my arms....and...that guy....threw a chisel at no no....he threw it at me but she got it for", I tried to explain.

"where is she? " I asked completely losing it:out of the picture.

"The same dream again?", he said twisting the door knob to open it. He turned his head and looked at me. There I was looking at him.....with the most confused expression on my face.

"There is no girl and no one's gonna die. You just had another nightmare....again!!!" he said getting out and slamming the door.

"I won't wait for more than thirty minutes...." he screamed from the outside and walked down the stairs to the living room.

This is insane.

Insanity does exist.

Clearly... I just had the same dream for the third time.

I kept thinking about it on my way to the bathroom.

What could it mean?

Over and over again the same dream;a girl dying to save me. A girl I have no idea of.

Why would someone want to save me? Someone I don't know. I even felt betrayed by her. I felt utmost affection for her; as if I was in love with her and that's the part I don't understand....

I have nobody.

No mother, no father, no sister, no brother, no cousin, no uncle or aunt. I ain't got nobody. Just old me.

I live alone in the CLEOPATRA, one of the most big apartments in town. I am not surprised if you'll find it weird that a person with no family lives in it...someone who doesn't know who his parents are. I've never seen them before. I don't ever wanna see them.

I used to live in an orphanage in the countryside of Remoria. I didn't know who dropped me there. I used to think the woman who was taking care of us was my mother until she finally told me the cold truth. I was ten by then.

She was one kind and loving lady. Everyone of us loved her a lot. I was surprised one day when Sir Marco,the owner of the orphanage decided to fire her. I asked her why but she didn't tell me.I intended to find the truth myself.... I knew Sir Marco would have the answers I needed to I targeted him. I started spying on him for weeks until one day I decided to bring an end to this mystery.

I crept under Sir Marco's desk one night and hardly noticed because I was too small.

"The cargo's ready,you can come and collect some tonight",I heard him talk over the phone "....and don't worry about that grumpy woman, I told her who's boss around here" he laughed maniacally.

I wondered what he would be talking about.I vowed to find the truth hidden in these closed doors. It was 8 o'clock and the siren was heard. Everyday at 8, we were supposed to be indoors,in our rooms to be specific. No child was supposed to be loitering around. The older kids were allowed to stay until 10 since they had to do some chores ready for the next day. I tried to not leave any trace behind that would leave me in hell the rest of my life. What I was doing was risky. Me getting caught meant bye-bye my life.

Sir Marco was a cruel man.

At times he never gave us snack.

No food for days too. The older kids had to sneak into the kitchen at night to steal food for us.

They were like family.

They surely made my days.

One day, my friend Hendrina confronted him in front of everybody about his behavior.

Surprisingly, he apologized. The next morning no one knew the whereabouts of Hendrina ever again. We definitely knew he had something to do with it. Since then, I tried to never see him face to face. Yet there I was in his office trying to figure out what was going on in his mind.

"Ooo-mmm-aaa-rr-iiii-oooo-nnnn", Luen called me from outside the office. I think she noticed I wasn't anywhere to be found. "Tania,have you seen Omar?",she asked Tania, the girl in charge of all kids. "I've looked everywhere but I can't find him". I could feel that she was crying from the sound of her voice. I wish I'd just go outside and tell her not to cry but I couldn't. I had to get to the bottom of this whole matter. After Hendrina went missing, a few other kids went missing too. I think that's why they had to fire Madam Violet. She must have tried to get in the way of Sir Marco's deeds. I miss Madam Violet a lot. She treated me like her own child. Making me wish she was my mother.

"Go inside ",Tania assured Luen "I'll find Omar and bring him to you,okay?"

"Okay", Luen sighed and left. Tania left too calling my name. Sir Marco overheard them and went out of his office ; "Tania!",he screamed her name as if he was having an asthma attack and needed her to bring him some inhaler.

"Yes sir", she came trembling.

Who's the kid that's gone missing?"

"Well....he's not missing,he just isn't in his room yet",

"Trying to act smart with me?",he asked intimidating her.

To the expression on her face, his look was piercing through her flesh like light rays through a transparent piece of glass, breaking every bond and smashing it all to pieces from the inside.

"No no sir...his name is Omarion ....Omarion Green....",she replied in an attempt to save the little that was left of her miserable life.

"Oh.....Canadian?", he asked.

"Yes sir",she replied. I could still feel her trembling. The vibrations might have been minor but their frequency was strong enough to make them reach extents as far as where I was.

"Well find him,will you?" he glared coming into the office "I can't afford losing more kids".

Yeah.....since you'll also miss a million dollars. I said to myself.

Minutes later, silence covered the whole place. You could literally hear a fly laying eggs and it reminded me of Hendrina. She was afraid of flies. So afraid that she wouldn't sleep until I chased all the flies in our room.

I really miss her. A lot.

I wonder what this wizard did to her. I'll find out soon....maybe I can reach her in time. Save her from these maniacs and give her a better life.

Away from people who look at us and all they see are printed pieces of paper. People with no passion for the needy. Only the passion to make money out of them. I really hope one day I'll bring a change. I truly hope. Maybe I'd make this world a better place for someone out there.

"We're outside sir....", I heard someone talk on he other end of the phone.

"I'll be right there", he got out, locked his office and left.

Now, to get out of this office.

I looked for the windows but they were out of my reach. I dragged one of the chairs to the window, twisted the knob and jumped out.

Unfortunately, the glass broke due to my weight. It shattered as it fell and left a cut on my forearm. I didn't want to groan for it would bring attention toward me. I crawled to where Sir Marco's car was. He wasn't there. I couldn't trace any tracks to lead me to him and due to the darkness, I kept bumping into objects and falling giving me more bruises. From a distance I saw lights. They must have been coming from torches. I followed them while trying not to get caught and at the same time enduring the pain from the cut.

I tiptoed a lot more closer so that I'd pick something from the conversation.

"Sir Marco, you know just how to do business",one of the men said. "Cheers!" the all cheered slightly hitting their glasses against each other's. What business is going on here? I kept on wondering.

"A boy is missing. I am so sorry but you're getting half the plan today...I can afford to give more. My donors will be coming next week and I can't afford to lose more children, y'know for the coaxing....", he sipped his drink down and broke the glass.

I hope Sir Marco isn't involved in what I think it is. Is he selling us? Child trafficking is real? He just uses us to coax donors into giving donations to the orphanage. Then he will use the money for himself.

Later on, he sells us to people heaven knows for what. I never knew this man would be this evil. All this for money?

I leaned on the wall and squeezed myself through the space the car left so that I can at least see something. I saw two children with their heads covered and five men around them,Sir Marco inclusive.

"Get the other one back inside", Sir Marco ordered a lady who's face I didn't clearly see. I just saw her arm around the child. She was wearing a red bracelet with tiny rose shaped stones around it.

Oh My God! I have never been so afraid. I hoped that I would survive the phase. I felt the need to get to Luen. I crawled back to get onto the trail that lead to our rooms but a stone sloped into my wound making me feel the real pain. I tried not to cry but I just couldn't.

They say men are strong and won't shed a tear but I guess when in extreme pain even men become women. I let out a loud cry attracting the attention I've tried so long to avoid.

"Who's there?",Sir Marco asked. Seriously man? Who would respond to that? I just fine it weird when people ask 'who's there?' when clearly no one would ever respond to that.

"Check it out", he gave an order. Two of the men came my direction.

Full of fear, I crawled as fast as I could making a turn behind Sir Marco's office. Should I jump in? No! My conscious replied instantly....who knows what will happen this time around when you get in? Good point. Still figuring out what to do, I felt hand around my mouth pulling me backwards..I mumbled but I was ordered to be quiet. It was a man! He hid me in the bushes and pretended to groan. The two men found him. Shone their torches at him and told him to go back on duty if he wanted to live. Then they left. He quickly rushed to where he kept me

"What are you doing out here? Are you out of your mind? Do you want to die?",he asked angrily carrying me on his shoulders unto our rooms. He sneaked me through the toilet window and told me to go straight to bed.

"Death is better off unlike witnessing misdeeds and doing nothing about it", I whispered to him when he motioned to me to run.

"Wait until you grow up...and you can regret ever saying those words".

He turned around and left. I quickly rushed to my hostel and into my room... Luen wasn't on her bed. Where could she be? My wound was bleeding a lot and I had to control it. I went straight to the sink in the bathroom to wash off the blood.

"Omar", a familiar lady's voice whispered giving me a warm hug. I knew who it was. Luen.

"What happened?", she asked. "Get the first aid box,quick" I panted and she did. She helped me wash and dress my wound. I explained everything to her. She got scared especially when I told her about the lady and her bracelet. She looked at me and tightly hung onto me.

"What are we going to do?", she began to cry. "Am so scared,am so sure.....they took Hendy...too"

"Don't worry,it'll be okay:we'll figure out a way to leave this place safe and sound,right now,let's go to bed so that no one suspects anything",I whispered trying to make her calm at the same time bringing my heart to it's normal pace.

The next morning Tania came to inquire about my last night whereabouts.

"I fell into a ditch....and there was no one to help me out..." I lied trying as much not to expose myself. "...and I hurt my arm too"

"Oh,am so sorry", Tania said stirring the porridge she had brought for me. "Next time tell someone where you are going",she said almost feeding me with a spoon full giving me a chance to see a familiar type of jewelry on her arm. A red bracelet with rose shaped stones around it. I quickly spat the porridge.

" that your brace...bracelet?", I asked completely shocked. Luen was shocked too. She must have figured it out too that Tania was working with Sir Marco.

"Yeah",Tania smiled "My mother bought it for me on my tenth birthday", she said looking straight into my eyes and wiping the porridge I had spat off my mouth and on shirt. Her eyes began to scare me. A lot. I never imagined Tania would be a wolf in sheep's skin.

I totally didn't expect that the woman i was looking up to had been looking down on me all through the while. We finished the porridge and she left still maintaining the eye contact.

"We must leave as soon as possible", Luen whispered into my ear.... We certainly should. This is getting creepier...

Hours later during the day,Tania called us for an assembly. We normally had assemblies when something was wrong or when there was an emergency or they had something to tell us.

"Someone sneaked into Sir Marco's office last night....",she began with her eyes and mine in contact.

Did she know it was me??

Do they have any evidence to prove me guilty and worth of the verdict?

Oh No! This can't be. It just can't be.

I rubbed the back of my hand on my palm and looked at Luen who mirrored my expressions.

She knew well what I was feeling and tried to make me feel calm by rubbing my hand against hers. Its a magic trick of hers that always works but to the looks of things, it had expired. I didn't pay attention to the rest of the announcement,I was thinking of a way to escape before they figure out it's me. Tania said 'someone' meaning they had no clue whatsoever leading them to me.

"What are we going to do?", Luen asked me so full of fear and tears gushing out her eyes.

"It's gonna be okay", I pacified her "We'll be gone before they know it".

I went around the campus that afternoon to find a way to go out through. I found a spot. A place where they use to dump litter outside the fence. Sir Marco doesn't let anyone outside the campus. Not even the workers. They all have their houses in the orphanage campus. No one comes in or goes out, that's why they built a hole in the wall so that all litter can be pushed out.

Perfect spot for me and Luen to leave this horrible place. I told Luen about the plan. She was scared but gave in after some convincing.

At nightfall, we hid behind the kitchen waiting for all the hostels to close.

However, they did not. They noticed two kids where missing and no one would sleep without us. I quickly pushed the cover of the hole aside so that we would fit through. Good thing Sir Marco's evilness made us very thin,w we managed to get ourselves outside the fence. For the very first time in forever.

"Now what?", Luen asked breathlessly.

"We run", I replied. We ran as fast as we could. Not looking back just were going. Trying as much to reach the unknown destination of which only our fate knew. No one to go to, no where to run to we still ran anyway. Away from this place was our motive. Anywhere but here.

"I can't anymore, am tired", a tired Luen cried and threw herself on the ground.

"Rest for a while,I'll try looking for help". I assured her and left ...wondering around in the dark streets. Not knowing what to do or where to go I stood still and looked at the stars; hoping and eagerly waiting that maybe one of them would say something that would help us.

And of course they did, I was told to look left and after I did, I saw Sir Marco's car. I quickly turned around to run back but another car was coming from behind me. I was doomed. This was the end of me. Just when I thought it was all over,I figured it had just began.

Another Angel came to my rescue. A woman this time. She covered me in her cloak and slept beside me in the streets. We looked like street people. More of the homeless. The cars passed and she freed me.

"Thank you", I said getting up and helping her get up too. I looked at her and she sent frights all over me as my memory cells retrieved the long kept memory of this face. I've seen that face before. A face that means love to me. A face that would give everything for me. A face that wouldn't stop until am safe. A face I missed for a long time and longed to see again. Madam Violet. I smiled and gave her a warm long hug when I remembered I was forgetting something.


We ran back together and found her hiding behind a tree. When she saw me she ran and gave me a tight hug.

"Don't leave me again Omarion Green....don't leave me again", she cried. She was very scared.

"Let's go before they come back", Madam Violet led us to a house not far away from the road were we slept like babies to the next morning.

The birds chipping is always something I love to hear first thing in the morning. The chirp just feels so relaxing in my ears and gives me the power to have hope for a better life. Absence of those chirps made me know I wasn't at home anymore. I quickly pushed the sheets away and surveyed the room. Completely different. I walked around the house and smelled my delicious favorite tomato soup. I was already drooling as I followed the aroma all the way to wherever it was coming from. Madam Violet had made my favorite breakfast. Tomato soup was heaven on earth for me. I loved it so very much. Luen loved it too. We almost had the same likes and dislikes. As if we were twins. Siblings. From different parents. Her parents both died in a car accident when she was only a year old. Her relatives never showed up to help except for her aunt. Her mother's sister. Who on her own wouldn't manage to raise her so she kindly brought her to the orphanage. I find it weird that Luen talks about it with a smile on her face. Such a young girl but filled with hope and love. She made me feel free from all the sorrows I got after I couldn't find anyone from my home. Having her around was one of the best experiences I've ever had. Just like with Hendrina. Hendrina was another of my strong pillars. She used to protect me as if I was her real brother. Anyone who misbehaved with me would face her wrath. When she left,I was heart broken. I had lost another of my 'family'. Luen was all I had left and I literally wasn't letting her go anywhere. She was a year younger than me. I really loved her a lot. I always wished for us to live happily together. No problems. No people like Sir Marco and Tania, just everyone like Madam Violet.

Madam Violet was a very good woman.Love personified.

Always there when I needed her. She rescued me from the crutches of evil and kept me in her house until I was 16.

I told her I wanted to leave. I realised just sitting around and doing nothing won't help myself in anyway. Madam Violet was a woman already wasting away and sticking around with no fixed site to keep my eyes on would really prove to be fatal.

I wanted to go.

At least by moving I'd get exposed to many faces of the earth and find favour in one of them.

For all the dreams I had, I needed to wake up and being them to life.

Sleeping will help me dream and life with madam Violet was no other than sleeping. I finally had to wake up and go out to fulfil them. To see a better part of the world.

To see the best of me being showed to the universe. To bring out my real self and live a life of purpose. Madam Violet didn't want to let me go but she understood. Convincing Luen on the other hand wasn't easy. It was hard. Harder than I thought. I had to stay for another year because I was so afraid she'd harm herself. She had her way with whatever she wanted to happen.

Women can be dramatic sometimes.

"I'll kill myself I'd you leave"

"Am gonna die without you"


As if she'd pull a trigger into her head or plunge a knife in her chest if I dared to go.

You're gonna die without me?


You've lived a whole lot of years without me and did not die. Can you certainly die now after meeting me?

I don't believe in that. I am not a heartless person. I just help people face the reality of life. Sometimes we just flatter each other with words. Full of lies and a life we've never encountered.

Nevertheless, I left and by the grace of the most high God,I got picked in this program by the Child service programs.

They sent me to school, paid for my very expense until I was old enough to study engineering like I did. I work with the Nut and Bolt companies. I use some of my money as funding to the child services so that they do what they did to me, to a lot of kids all over the globe. Making the world a better place for everyone, y'know like how Michael Jackson put it in his song.

A droplet of cold water fell on my forehead bringing me back to reality.

"Oh!", I sighed after realising I've been in a memory moment.

"Fifteen more minutes",Liam screamed from downstairs.

"I'll be right down", I screamed back and laughed a little while putting the toothbrush down. I went into the bathroom and turned on the geezer. Took a quick bath and rushed downstairs.

"May we leave",I offered him my hand. Liam looked at me. From head to toe and toe to head.

"What up?", I asked so confused.

"You look good",he tapped my shoulder and walked out.

I smiled and followed behind him. Liam brought his car and we used it. Cassandra, Liam's girlfriend was having her graduation today. Tonight . They have been dating for years now. They met two years ago at the International Gaming Conference.

The IGC.

Every two years a different company hosts the conference. Different games are played just to influence togetherness and promote unity among the youth. Presents are given. The good part is it is for free. Participation is for free. Their relationship has been a success for the past years. I so bet nothing goes wrong to tear them apart. We packed the car outside the most beautiful fences I've seen so far in town. Cassandra's house. She lived with her mom and dad; a little brother who almost looks like her son. She's almost twenty and he's four.

Seriously how do people plan their child spacings?

I looked outside and saw the little boy running toward the car. He seemed so excited as if we were distributing chocolate. Liam gave me an am-sick-of-this-kid look.

I gave him an I-know-right? look. We both rolled up our glasses to annoy the little boy. Cassandra came out of the door in her pink dress. She looked cool. I bent over and whispered into Liam's ear "pretty pink princess". He burst into this rude laughter and am sure Cassandra saw him because she frowned after looking at him and pointed at her whimpering little brother outside the car.

"My bad", Liam said slowly lowering his glass "Omar said something funny and I was laughing at him not Carlo", he explained.

" Go into the house buddy,I'll bring chocolate in the afternoon ",Cass kissed her brother goodbye and waited for me to leave the passengers sit so that they can sit together in front.

"Geez!", I exclaimed unfastening my seatbelt "you just know the wife is here and it's your cue to leave".

"Yeah yeah", she pissed me off giving me the look. I moved out of the car and she got in giving Liam this smile.

"Hey baby", Liam bent over and kissed her warmly on the cheek. We drove off to town. Liam wanted Cass to choose the outfits she wanted us to wear. Seriously I don't understand why she had to pick my outfit too. Liam is her boyfriend and I totally understand that. I am her boyfriend's friend and I am not involved in their romantic-outfit-pick thingy.

Molly-Olly was Cassandra's favorite cloth store. Almost all her cloths had the Molly-Olly label. They sure do have a taste of women's boutique. They aren't that good on the men's side. That's why I buy most of my cloths from Mark 'n' Jean. No man would resist it. Their jean is a hundred times finner than that of Molly-Olly. Their leather is like the best leather across the world. I even read in the news that they give out orders to their different mini shops across the world. I wasn't surprised. Mark 'n' Jean is the best. Almost all ladies from my work place love it too. Their designs are so unique you can't find anywhere. They sure must have ordered the world's best designers there could ever be. Their jewelry is even fascinating.

Real diamond on the market.

Not forgetting rubies, pearls,gold ,emerald you name it. Each and every jewelry you could ever want. It's so amazing when you see people going in to buy their wedding accessories from this shop. Makes me wish I would get married. Ha! That ain't happening anytime soon though. I don't see myself as a good father. Besides I don't love kids. It's a lot to handle.

"We're here!", Cassandra squeaked excitedly.

"We're here boys. The world's finest cloth shop",she said waving her hands and twinkling her fingers ;blinking her eyes continuously.

"Er....we're not sure about that", I soiled her moment trying to pick a fight "let's try Mark 'n' jean first... then we can see if you'll think Molly-Olly is the world's finest cloth store". I raised an eyebrow at her making her gaze at Liam with a tell-your-friend-to-shut-up expression. Liam narrowed his eyes at me and wiggled his figures in my face. We got out of the car into Molly-Olly.

"Don't you just love the smell?... Omar?", Cass asked provokingly. I shook my head shoving my hands in my pocket walking away from the love birds. I didn't want to tag along them all through the while.

"Omar,where are you going?",Cass stopped me.

"Ain't we supposed to be shopping together?", she asked looking so concerned that I was leaving. I looked at Liam who seemed rather mad that she stopped me.

"Oh ,umm..... I don't wanna hang with the Molly-Olly team",I winked at her and left. I heard her whimper but ignored it.

"C'mon", Liam told her walking the other direction. Since I didn't really like Molly-Olly,I decided to walk around town for some fresh air. Besides I also felt like Molly-Olly was a ladie's shop. I went out of the building and stood outside with no idea of were to go next. I remember when we used to go window shopping. We wouldn't go back without vising the shops we planned to do. She liked having icecream on our daybreak snack time. I would have Oreo chocolate topping and she'd have a KitKat side plate. I miss those days. I miss her too. A lot .It's so sad to think that all I have left of her are memories. I kept on wondering around town checking out the new inventions that have been made. I used to love this restraint called "The giant chicken" but to my dismay they now call it "Ice cream on the giant chicken". I laughed . Seriously who would want ice cream on a chicken; but I know it's something just to let us know they also sell ice cream. My favorite ice cream bar is gone. They brought down all the shops and built these tiny cabinets all over. " Freezy-Frenzy" "Pizza Pun-Pit" "Sweezie-Bakerie" .

They're all lame names. Oh,and for the record am so hard to impress. Why didn't they come up with something cool like Mark 'n' Jean? I know,no one can be as unique as Mark 'n' Jean. No one across the universe can figure it out. I so dreamt of everything of mine to be of Mark 'n' Jean. My house,my furniture,my utensils,my food,my car,my everything. Even my wife should be from Mark 'n' Jean. How cool would that be. A Mark 'n' Jean phone ,computer and TV. My kids should probably be a girl and a boy so that I can name them Mark and Jean. Each time I'd wanna call them I'd be like "Mark 'n' Jean!", at the same time mentioning the name of my favorite store. Am not addicted to Mark 'n' Jean I just like it.


Totally nailed it. I am a genius.

I walked around for a few more minutes and decided to turn back. Just then,I also heard my phone ring. It was Liam. He was probably asking for where I was. I sent him a text that I'd meet him at home in the evening. I just wanted sometime alone. To meditate and reflect on what had happened so far. My dreams and everything. I was so eager to know what my dream meant. Why would someone want to die for me in the first place? That's what I couldn't understand. Anyway,the universe has its own way of tricking us. Makes you feel important when you're a complete bozo. A worthless lunatic. For a moment I decided to not care at all. To not mind. To act as if nothing happened. To live my life like I used to when I used to dream about roasted chicken drumsticks.

I walked back home. All the way from town. It was a thirty minute walk at least. I was in a hurry to get home. Plus it was getting dark and I didn't want to be anyone's fish on the bait. I arrived at exactly seven o'clock. The ceremony was starting at eight with an after ceremony party from ten till who knows when.... Rushed to my room to take a shower and by surprise I found my tuxedo on my bed. Liam must have passed by with Cass and dropped it for me. I smiled and went all the way to the bathroom . I seriously had to bath. A cold shower was what I longed for. When the bristles touch my skin it makes my body free which open my mind and relaxes my brain. Followed by a warm shower to put my thoughts in place. I closed my eyes to let the water do its job. She was right there. In her white hair and black jacket. Lying on the ground with blood running from her body. Her eyes looking straight at me not forgetting a smile on her face. I quickly opened my eyes.

"Phew!", I relaxed. I turned on the hot water tap to finish my bath and leave before someone haunts my thoughts again. I went out and looked at the time,seven thirty. Liam and Cass must be on their way here. I quickly drove myself through the tuxedo. Turquoise. This proves that none of those know what my taste is. Why wouldn't they buy a tux of a dark blue shade? The Mark 'n' Jean dark blue shade! I'd love it .Anyway, a gift is a gift.

Off to the kitchen I ran ,took my favorite cereal, Choco pops into a bowl. Quickly opened the fridge took out some cheese milk into the bowl and put it in the microwave. I fixed my bow tie while waiting for it to heat up.

"Beep!". A car honked.

"Beep! Beep". I know who it is. And I haven't had my supper yet. Geez! I carried the bowl. Locked my house and went downstairs to the parking lot.

"You're literally bringing a bowl?", Cass howled from inside the car.

"Yeah, I didn't have my supper", I told them getting into the car.

"What?", Cass gave me this angry face "What were you doing during the day? You left the shop in the morning. Where you lost in your thoughts again?"

"Hey!", I got mad. She has no right to interfere with my privacy. What did she know about my thoughts? "Mind your language and business young lady. You don't know what goes on in my mind and you have absolutely no right to mock or joke around with my feelings. Being Liam's girlfriend doesn't give you any right to stick your nose in my business. Get it straight".

I was so mad.

So mad I didn't want to eat. I threw the bowl outside.

"Hold your pants mister,you're building a mountain outta mole hill",she glared at me and turned around to fix her seatbelt. Liam just looked at us both. He didn't know whom to support. On one hand it's me,on the other it's Cass. I know how much she means to him. I also know how much I mean to him.

We drove quietly to the place. Washington's Palace. Another beautiful place in town. The biggest hall there is.

They decorated it beautifully. Tables set for two and three all over the place. With blue and pink table cloths. Each table had a rose-shaped candle stand. The light produced was of the colour of the stand. Some red,some pink some white. It was really beautiful. From the corner of a table to another was a velvet veil loosened a bit to form curves. Gosh I loved it.

"Come on in", Liam motioned for me to follow him. I followed behind him and Cass as we got it. My eyes were all over the place.

Everything was so attractive in my eyes. I was so mesmerized. I walked over to were Liam and Cass were.

We waited until the clock stroke eight and the ceremony began. It was really nice to see Cass get somewhere in life. She was now an official designer. I bet her very first job application will go to Molly-Olly. I excused myself and went out for a while. The ceremony was over and they were planning the dinner and then the party. I went out on the balcony for some fresh air. I felt really bad.I shouldn't have talked to Cass like that. It began taunting me. What did I do? How could I speak to her like that on a special day like this.I had to go apologize. I turned around to get going only to find her behind me. I was speechless when I looked at her.

"Am sorry I ruined your brought you this ",she offered me a plate . Spaghetti with two meatballs placed like eyes and a lettuce leaf shaped as smiling lips. I began smiling.

"A smiling spaghettis ", I said drooling. I was so hungry and this meal was smiling at me making me wanna eat it.

"An 'am sorry' smiling spaghettis ",Cass repeated after me. "Am really sorry. You were right,I am Liam's girlfriend and I have no right to interfere in your privacy. You get thoughts. A lot of things have happened to you lately and I should get it out of your hair...not stick it in. You go through a lot on your own and I shouldn't take advantage of the fact that you don't speak up. Am truly sorry". Cass has never been so sincere with me. This is the very first time she's apologized in a manner that is heart warming.

" really speechless", I began. "Thank you very much. Am so grateful. Am sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten mad over the petty issue. Am sorry I ruined your day..." I paused and looked at her. She smiled looking at her feet.

I pissed my hand into my pocket and took out a jewelry box.

"..I bet this will fix it" I gave it to her. She gasped. Girls!.

"Oh My Gosh ",she said putting both her hands on her mouth and nose. Her eyes brightened . She quickly took it and opened it. "OhMyGod!", she widened her eyes.

"...easy's just a bracelet..." I said shoving a fork full of spaghettis in my mouth.

"No...., it's not just a bracelet.... It's the Molly-Olly special jewelry. The one on the market. It's the one they just released.....", she said it still not believing it's hers.

"'s yours now". I smiled back.

"Thank you very much", she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

" Am so glad we're back on track" she said and left. "I'll be there in a few minutes.." I screamed. "Kay-kay" she replied getting lost in the crowd. I finished my meal,burped and started loitering around. This place had two floors. I climbed the stairs to check out the upper floor. It was quiet and empty. A bit dark and freezing. You could clearly see the stars from up here. Tiny little lights in the sky. That's what she called them. I wanted to go on the balcony to get a clear picture of the sky when I saw something....rather a someone. A she.

She was on the balcony too. She leaned on it facing her back against me. She wore a silver-blue dress that kept sparkling in the dim light reflecting splendor and beauty. It really looked beautiful. She wore her hair down in large curls that went down to the level of her waist. She really had long hair. It was snow white. Oh My God. Snow white hair?! I got a glimpse of my dream again. I walked up the stairs to were she was. I stood next to her and leaned against the balcony too. She seemed busy. Her eyes fixed on the stars. I don't know but I really liked her. She looked beautiful from the angle I was looking her. I couldn't resist but took a picture. She still didn't notice.

"Is that your natural hair colour?", I asked to get her attention. She turned around and looked at me. I was filled with fright. Fear ran in my veins quicker than my blood would have. I got so scared I backed away from her a little bit.

"Are you Okay?", she asked. With a smile on her face as always.

This killed me.

I can't believe it.

This is another episode of Bad dreams seem real.

I just met the girl I saw die in my dreams.