Chereads / Undertale funny moments / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: cleaning... I think9

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: cleaning... I think9

toriel pov

I woke up early and went to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast I see sans waking up again early in the morning, I'm starting to get worried about sans always waking up early in the morning. I his favorite mug and put some chocolate milk in it, I pass it to him and he took a big sip.

toriel: sans you're awake early again

sans: heh just going to work early today

toriel: okay... but please tell me if there's anything wrong I'm here for you sans

sans: sure tori... so what's for breakfast today

toriel: just some hot dogs,eggs,vegetable soup, and you're favorite ketchup just for you

sans: wow thanks tori

toriel smiled and went back to cooking and after a coulpe of minutes the others woke up and sat down in the kitchen asgore was drinking his tea and alphys was next to undyne and frisk sat next to sans making fun of him hood. toriel was done cooking everyone grab there plates and start to eat sans was the first one to eat then he went outside going out to work, asgore and undyne was at the couch talking about there job while alphys went to her lab and was working with something and frisk was watching some televison.

time skip (10:00 am) mansion

everyone was cleaning the house and there room sans was out while the other were stuck at cleaning alphys and undyne were cleaning the living room papyrus and frisk were at the kitchen and toriel was cleaning her room, asgore was at the hall way, after a while toriel finihed cleaning her room he notice that she never had seen sans room, toriel got curious and want to know what is sans hiding in his room toriel blushed thinking about sans room then he notice a white sock in his door toriel felt a little bit frustrated looking at sans sock in the floor.

toriel got more curious frisk coming upstairs frisk saw toriel at sans door he smirked looking at toriel, frisk walk towards toriel got startled and see frisk, toriel smiled and pat frisk head.

frisk: mom... why are you standing in sans door (evil smile)

toriel: uh... nothing my child i was just curious about sans room and notice his sock was at the floor next to the door

frisk: ohh... is that all?

toriel: y-yes m-my child we sould go now come on

frisk smirked and took out something in his pocket laughing toriel got confused at x

frisk: to bad... i have the key in sans room what a shame

toriel paused for a moment and see frisk holding a silver key toriel got more curious and want to see sans room so bad, toriel went back and see frisk smiling like the devil.

toriel: my child how did you get that

frisk: well... thats a secret mom

toriel: you know stealing is bad frisk you shouldn't do that frisk

frisk: well do you want to see the room or no

toriel paused again and blush she really want to see sans room for this time is he hiding something or is it just... toriel was imagining for a moment frisk used the key to sans room. frisk got startled and see undyne and alphys walking towards them and see papyrus coming upstairs while asgore was stuck cleaning the hallway.

frisk: guys you startle me

undyne: what are you two doing

frisk: hehe do you wanna hear a secret

papyrus: ohh! what is it human

frisk smiled and took the key in sans room everyon got curious about sans to they never seen his room, papyrus,undyne and alphys gasped in curiosity undyne smiled and alphys got nervous papyrus was excited toriel was blushing. frisk put the key into the houl and open sans door slowly... it was dark and messy frisk open the lights and see the room was messy even the bed was at the wrong place everyone was shocked it look like it got it by a tornado or something they went inside to see the floor messy.

toriel was disappointed by sans messy room it was all messy his bed were at the corner and has some holes in it, alphys and papyrus were scared the walls has some huge scratch in it and the floor was messy, toriel notice a book and grab it... she was shock it was sans diary she quickly hide it and put it in her clothes so no one can see it after a while they got bored and just went outside it was nothing just some messy stuff around, toriel got angry and starts cleaning sans room she pick up all the trash and put it on the trash can the other help toriel clean sans room and put it back to normal.

after a while they finished cleaning sans room it was back to normal they all look exhausted and happy sans room was completely cleaned it's all better, they went down the stairs and see asgore exhausted to they all sat down in the couch looking tired. Sans went home and see them all look tired sans got confused and ask what happen.

sans: w-what? happen to you guys you look like you run in a marathon haha

toriel and the others look at sans with anger sans gulped and scratch the back of his head looking embarrassed sans took a sit and still they still look angry.

sans: uh... what happen?

undyne: well we just cleaned you're stupid room it was all messy and stuff how do you live like that sans.

alphys: y-yeah it was all scary the scratches on the walls were scary

papyrus; yeah sans it's much worst than the last time

asgore: wait you cleaned sans room?

sans: you did what? how did you get inside

toriel: well... frisk had the key to you're room

frisk: sorry sans

sans: No no no (murmuring)

toriel: what's wrong sans?

Sans: no no no

Sans run upstairs quickly heading to his room and see his stuff all arranged sans was looking for something the others went upstairs and see sans room were all messy again undyne got angry at sans and shout.

undyne: hey! what are you doing we just clean this up are you stupid

toriel: what is it that you're looking for sans

San just stay quite and was keep looking for something, undyne got irritated and shout again.

undyne: hey! are you even listening

sans: were is all my stuff?!

toriel: w-we just throw it out in the trash... w-why sans is there something there

San quickly went downstairs and went to the trash can out side and see it was gone.

sans: i-its a-all gone he... he (tears forming)

sans was outside standing the others quickly went outside were sans was standing, undyne grab sans shoulder and see sans was crying his eyes turned black toriel was shock and quickly went to sans.

toriel: sans! sans what is it that you're looking for tell me

sans: i-its a-all gone w-why he...he...

undyne was shaking toriel grab sans shoulder and tried to ask what is he looking for papyrus got worry about sans and talk to him.

papyrus: brother what is it you're looking for is it something special

sans: (start crying) w-why i-its all gone my s-stuff

toriel: sans please tell me is it you're diary

toriel grab the diary and give it to sans hand sans took the diary and put it on the trash him, everyone was shock.

undyne: sans what is it that! youre lookimg for

toriel: i-i'm sorry sans it was my fault i firm know that you have something special in there in there we can go bye it again I will replace it with my own money sans... so tell what is it please sans

sans: ha...ha... it's all gone (murmuring)

frisk: sans I'm sorry it's my fault that I took you're key in you're room I just got curious what a inside

sans: its all gone! (shout!)

toriel: sans! what is it that you're looking for

toriel grab sans shoulder but sans refused it and put his hood on toriel got startled and look sans walking away, tears were forming in toriel eyes undyne felt guilty while papyrus got shocked and tears were forming in his eyes. asgore look at toriel and see tears in his eyes asgore walk towards toriel but toriel run inside and went to her room crying. undyne and alphys went inside trying to calm toriel down frisk felt guilty and see papyrus crying frisk took papyrus hands and went to the living room helping papyrus cheer up.

sans view

I must find it... it's all my memory of him its the only thing that I have him I need to find it quickly...

third person view

toriel was crying blaming her self undyne sat beside her trying to cheer toriel up while alphys was holding a tissue paper, frisk and papyrus was at the living room while asgore was trying to cheer toriel up.

time skip (8:00pm) dinner

it was dinner sans was not home toriel got worried and call sans phone but no one answered, everyone tried to call sans but no one answered toriel felt bad, they all sat down in the table it was quite when sans was not around, no one to make them laugh with his joke... sans went home looking tired and exhausted toriel quickly stand up and walk towards sans.

toriel: sans! are you all right

sans: I'm fine (murmur)

toriel: look sans I'm sorry I didn't ask any permission to clean you're room... but we can go to the mall to bye new stuff that you lost I can pay it with my own money so sans cheer up

sans: huh... it's fine (low voice) I don't want anything just leave me alone for now I need space

toriel: but sans I'm sorry I-I didn't mean it

sans went upstairs ignoring toriel, toriel start to cry again and went upstairs and grab sans shoulder and see sans crying to, Everyone in the room was looking at them.

toriel: Sans I'm sorry I didn't really mean it so please tell me what is it that you're looking for I-i can help you just ask me

sans: no just leave me alone for now tori

toriel: no sans I won't leave you alone until you wont tell me what are you looking for

sans: sorry tori you can't fix this

toriel: Sans I can so please tell me I won't leave you alone until I fix it right now

sans: please leave me alone thats all I want some space

toriel: i-Im sorry if I did something bad if that's what you want then then fine

toriel went inside her room crying again asgore got angry and grab sans Shirt and pull him, papyrus was shock trying to calm asgore down.

asgore: you made toriel cried sans I won't forgive you I'll will kill you if you made her cry again

San laughed his eyes were pure red looking at asgore, his smiled were strange frisk felt a chill in his spine making him scared at sans face, from all the time when he fight sans he never felt this kinda feeling his eyes were different like the last time when they fight.

asgore: w-what are you laughing! at huh?

sans: kill so you think you can so it (grin)

asgore: why you... do you think I can't do it

papyrus: asgore stop sans please just tell us what is it we can find it

undyne: yeah sans chill out were sorry okay we can look for it if you want

sans just look at them his eyes were still red then went to his room, asgore got angry and punch the walk leaving a small crack, papyrus was calming asgore down and frisk run up stairs and went to Sans room using sans key.

frisk view

I never see sans like that I must help him, I went upstairs and used the key in San room... I see sans smiling looking the edge of corner, I tap his shoulder then suddenly my heart turned blue, I see sans eyes glowing red like the devils eyes.

sans: kid... just reset

frisk: n-No sans we made a promised

sans: just do it kid

frisk: sans were sorry okay its all my fault i have the key I'm sorry okay... now tell me tell me please what at you looking for we can help

sans: kid get out

frisk: no sans

sans: get out!

frisk: no! not until I know what you're looking

sans used his magic to put frisk outside of his room sans grab the key in frisk hand and lock the door.

toriel view

why why it's all my fault I shouldn't have say that I-i such an idiot, I just want to help my best friend now he hates me I'm sorry sans.