Chereads / Undertale funny moments / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: a rainy day part 1 for the pie

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: a rainy day part 1 for the pie

toriel pov

I woke up and open the curtains in my bedroom and see... it was raining out side, i went downstairs and see sans drinking coffee in the table i was surprised to see sans wake up before me, i sat next to him and grab me some coffee to drink.

sans: morning tori whats up

toriel: sans you''re awake early

sans: yeah i thought i can go to work early but... its raining

toriel: its okay sans we can go out tomorrow

sans: heh! sure tori

toriel pat sans head and start to cook breakfast, sans help toriel to cook breakfast after a while frisk woke up and sat down in the table looking sleepy he grab his mug and start to drink some milk, the others woke up and went to the couch open the tv to watch some news. the weather says its going to be a rainy day for a week... i gasped and look surprised to see its going to rain until next week the weather man said.

i look at sans he was shocked then he look at me and just smiled i smiled back and pat his head to make him feel better, after a while i went to the kitchen to bake some pies for everyone, frisk and frisk was having a competition whose going to take the first pie, undyne suggested an arm restle frisk said no it was unfair because she has the advantage to defeat frisk.

frisk thought of an idea how to play safe and have fair match

frisk: how about we play flip the bottle

undyne: what? is that flip the bottle

frisk: okay the rules are simple look at this bottle you have to flip it like this

frisk flip the bottle and stand up, undyne was surprised and amazed undnyne smiled and accept the challenge. the game start sans was sleeping the kitchen while frisk and undyne was doing there match, toriel was watching who is going to win the match. frisk was the first one to flip toriel was cheering for him then he flip the bottle... it was standing frisk jump in excitement then it was undyne next he grab the bottle and flip it... it was standing undyne screamed in victory.

then it was frisk turn he took the bottle and flip it... it didn't stand up undyne was laughing at frisk sad face, undyne took the bottle and flip it... it was standing undyne laughed to see frisk face disappointed face.

frisk sat beside sans, sans woke up and see frisk face sans got startled and hear undyne laughing victoriously sans ask frisk what happen.

sans: frisk what happen

frisk: well i just lost to undyne in a match now shes the first one whose going to eat the pie.

sans: what match is it

frisk: its a bottle flip that i have learned in the show, you supposed to flip the bottle and it should be standing but... but i just lost to undyne

sans: ohh... wait here

the pie was ready undyne was excited but suddenly stop by sans, sans challenged undyne into a bottle flip challenge, undyne laughed and accept sans challenge the winner will get the first pie and the losser will get nothing. everyone was there watching the match sans vs undyne, everyone was cheering for the two undyne was laughing all mighty and took the bottle and flip it... it was standing everyone was amazed then it was sans turn he took the bottle it abd flip it... it was standing everyone cheer for sans undyne grin and took the bottle and flip it... it fell down it was not standing everyone was shock to see undyne just lost sans smirked and took the bottle and flip it... it was standing sans laughed and took the pie they were all surprised and happy undyne felt defeat and had shake hands with sans saying that it was a nice game.

frisk was happy to see sans holding the pie then he quickly run towards sans and took it, sans got startled and quickly used his blue magic to stop frisk from taking the pie in his hands.

sans: sorry kid but i win haha!

frisk: why you!

sans quickly eat the pie... it was all gone sans laughed and fall asleep into the seat smiling, everyone in the kitchen was waiting for the next pie there eyes were red staring at each other... the pie was ready eveyone getting ready to take the pie but it was stop by frisk... they all see frisk holding a bottle and challenged them into a bottle flip challenge sans woke up and see the second pie was ready.

they all gather in one circle except toriel still baking another one, frisk took the bottle and flip it... it was standing the room was filled with serious faces determined to get the second pie, it was undyne turn he took the bottle and flip it... it was standing then it was alphys he took the bottle and flip it... she failed she lost, she have to wait for the third pie then it was papyrus, he took the bottle feeling nervous his hands were shaking but then he flip it... he failed then sat next to alphys, then it was asgore he was serious about the pie he grab the bottle and flip it... it was standing he laughed victoriously, then it was sans undyne was making fun of sans just to make him loss, sans took the bottle and flip it and it was standing.

undyne: tch! lucky

sans: what was that undyne?

undyne: uh n-nothing sans

then it was frisk turn he gulped and took the bottle then flip it... he failed undyne laughed at frisk who just lost, frisk look disappointed and sat next to papyrus and the remaining player was undyne, sans and asgore undyne took the bottle and flip it... undyne got disappointed to see the bottle not standing frisk was laughing at the seat seeing undyne reaction. then it was asgore turn he took the bottle and flip it... it was standing he laughed and see sans getting nervous, then it was sans turn he took the bottle and flip it... it was standing asgore was surprised to see the bottle standing. asgore took the bottle feeling nervous he flip it and... failed asgore was shocked and stunned to see the bottle not standing and see sans laughing, asgore grip his fist to stop him from punching sans in the face... sans took the bottle and flip it... it was standing sans laughed again seeing the look in there face all disappointed sans went to the kitchen and eat the second pie and he was laughing everyone got angry and just sat there feeling disappointed to see snas win again.

sans view

pfft!! they didn't even had a chance haha! i thought they notice it but... pfft haha i used my blue magic to make mine stand hahaha!... wow that was fun hope they wont get angry at me hehe.

( hehe he won using blue magic hahaha)