Every Thursday after school Eva, Kiersten and Lisa have been attending the Anime Club at school. The Anime Club involved activities such as watching short, hilarious clips from popular anime shows, character drawing contests, sharing passages from the club member's fan fictions, swapping manga books and learning Japanese. Today was like any other day, until 'he' showed up. A tall, slender kid with a black leather jacket joined the club. His name was Steve and he was the leader of the bell tower kids. Everyone at the bell tower looked up to him and respected him.
"Hello everyone!" Steve said as he leaned back on a chair. "It's Steve!" Everyone started to say as they crowded around to greet him. "Geez, he's not that great." Eva whispered. "I know, but everyone loves him." Kiersten said. "I think he's hot!" Lisa said leaving them to join the crowd. "Would you like to be the leader of our Anime Club?" A girl asked. "Sure, why not?" He said. And in saying that everyone cheered.
"Great." Eva said, not realizing that Steve could hear her. He walked over to her. "Hey." He said. "Huh?" Eva asked. "Stupid people aren't allowed here." Steve said degradingly. "Heh, well I can fix stupid but you can't fix ugly." Eva said staring him down. "Now, you two!" The teacher interrupted. "We'll be having none of that in this club! Now apologize." Steve hesitated and then reluctantly let out an "I'm sorry." "Sorry." Eva said.
"Now, let's begin!" The teacher announced. "Did everyone bring their fan fiction today?" "Yes!" Everyone replied. "Good! Now who would like to go first?" "I would!" Eva said raising her hand. "Go ahead, Eva." The teacher said. Eva stood in front of the group and began reading where she last left off. "Ahem." She said. "Sakura laid in bed as Dog Boy watched her. But how could she sleep knowing that this strange being with strange powers was watching over her? She didn't know rather to feel safe or scared-" "Boring!" Steve interrupted as everyone began to laugh.
Eva became angry and decided to sit down. "Steve!" The teacher exclaimed. "Well, it's true!" He said. "That's alright Ms. Heather. Steve wouldn't know a good story if it bit him in the rear." Eva said. "Are you sure you don't want to finish?" "No, I'm fine." Eva mumbled. "Um, very well. Who's next?" As each member read a portion of their fan fiction, Steve didn't interrupt a single one of them. "What the- why is he only picking on me?" Eva whispered. "Because you refuse to worship him." Kiersten laughed. "What an egotistic maniac!" Eva said quietly.
As the last one finished, Ms. Heather announced that there would be just enough time for a drawing contest and that the winner would receive a king-sized chocolate bar. Everyone pulled out their colored pencils and began to draw. "How could you like a guy like Steve?" Eva asked Lisa as she drew a picture of Dog Boy posing with his sword. "Because everyone likes him! And he's easy on the eyes!" Lisa said giggling. "Is this the bell tower kid you want me to hook you up with?" Kiersten joked. "Would you?" Lisa asked hopefully. Everyone turned in their drawings and the members voted on the best one. "Well, you all did great but Melissa took the prize today!" Ms. Heather announced. Everyone applauded.
After Anime Club was over, the girls walked outside. "Hey, I have to use the bathroom really quick. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Eva said. "Bye!" They replied. After Eva finished using the restroom she stepped outside to see Steve standing at the door. "Steve? What do you-" As Eva said this Steve shoved her back in the bathroom, causing Eva to fall down. Steve threw himself on her. "What are you doing?!" Eva exclaimed. "I always like a girl who's hard to get." Steve uttered. Eva was in shock as he leaned in and forced a kiss on her. "Stop it!" Eva said trying to push him off but to no avail. As he began to undress her, someone threw the door open. "What's going on?!" "Leo!" Eva shouted. Steve casually got up and turned around. "What do you want, punk?" Steve asked. Leo grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him up against the wall. "If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you." Leo said angrily. Steve couldn't break loose. "Alright, I'm sorry! You can have her! Just let me go!" As Leo dropped him, Steve picked himself up and ran out the door.
Eva watched in unbelief. As she quickly pulled her shirt back down Leo walked over to her and kneeled down. "Are you alright?" Leo asked helping her back up. "I think so." Eva said, shaken. "Let me take you home." Tears started to well up in Eva's eyes and she rushed to embrace him. "Thank you, Leo." Eva said sobbing. "It'll be alright." Leo said as he held her.
As they made it home, Leo walked Eva inside. She was still crying. "Oh, my God! What happened?" Bertha said rushing over. "A student tried to rape her." Leo said. Craig angrily got up from his chair. "Oh my goodness; Eva." Annabelle said consoling her. "When I get my hands on that kid I'm going to-" Craig began. "I recommend you tell the principal tomorrow so that he may be expelled." Leo suggested. Craig composed himself and nodded. "Yes, you're right." As Leo headed out the door, Eva stopped him. "Leo." Eva said in between sobs. "Eva?" "You really are the best friend I ever had." Leo smiled, then he closed the door behind him.
"What happened, Eva?" Craig asked. "Well, I made an enemy at the Anime Club and afterward he followed me to the bathroom and tried to-" "Did Leo save you?" Bertha asked. "Yes he did, Mom." Eva said. "Don't worry, Eva. We're going to make sure you never see that creep again."Craig said.
The next morning Craig and Bertha drove Eva to school and they accompanied her to the Principal's Office. When they explained what happened the Principal was outraged. "Steve's not just going to be expelled. He's going to jail!" The Principal declared. And in saying this, Steve was escorted out of the school in handcuffs. "Do you need a day off?" The Principal asked. "It's alright, I'll be fine." Eva said. "Are you sure? We can take you out for some ice cream!" Bertha said. "It's okay, really!" Eva said smiling. "Very well." Bertha said.
As Eva's parents left, the bell tower kids approached her. "What did you do to Steve?" One guy asked. "You should rather be asking what he did to me. He tried to rape me!" Eva said. "Yeah right, you're just making that up because you're mad at him for calling your fan fiction boring!" One girl objected. "If you don't believe me, ask Leo." Eva said crossing her arms. "Leo? As in 'the' Leo?" One girl asked. "Did he stop Steve?" "Yes." Eva replied. The kids murmured amongst themselves and then apologized to Eva. "Sorry, we had no idea Steve was like that." One guy said. "But if a guy like Leo bothered to save you, then you must be popular! Would you like to be the new leader of the bell tower kids?" A girl asked. Eva looked over at Kiersten and Lisa, who were nodding their heads violently. "Uh, sure." Eva said. The group then cheered for their new leader, Eva.