Jon heated up the forge to get the heat hot enough to melt iron. He was already covered with soot from the charcoal. After the forge was ready he started to make horseshoes as he was running low on them. Jon was the only blacksmith in the town as was he father before him.
The house that Sara and the girls were staying actually belonged to Jon's family. After the tragedy that fell the mayor bought the house from Jon and made him the caretaker of the house. Memories of his family appeared in his head but he snapped out of it when he heard a woman's voice. Thinking it was Sara he looked up with a smile but it faded when he saw who it was.
"Hello Jon" the woman said smiling, Jon took a rag that was near him and wiped his hands. "Hello Serena" Jon replied and Serena got closer to him "Hard at work I see" she said twirling a lock of her hair with her finger. "Well if I want to survive then I have to work" Jon replied.
"You know I can speak to the mayor and he could give you any job you like" Serena said and Jon glared at her. "I don't take handouts" he said coldly and returned to his work "I know you are better than this Jon. This work is beneath you and you know it" Serena said placing her hand on his shoulder.
Jon turned around and they were inches away from each other "If that is what you think of me then you don't know me at all" Jon said with a menacing look in his eye which made Serena jump back a bit. "Well then I'll leave you to your work" Serena said before taking off and Jon looked around him to see James looking in his direction. Jon scoffed and returned to his work.
Elizabeth was walking around the house when she saw Mary out by the garden they had in the back. She saw that Mary was making some flower buds bloom with a wave of her hand. Elizabeth was told by Eve one time that the gifts witches had mostly was in comparison to their personality. Eve would always joke that Mary was the exception to that rule.
Elizabeth opened the door and walked to the garden where Mary was. "Isn't it a little early for them to be blooming" Elizabeth asked. "It is but the key is to only have a few bloom so that its not suspicious to others" Mary responded. A little shocked that Mary didn't snap at her Elizabeth knelt down beside her and smelled some of the flowers.
"Looks like you are in a good mood" Isabelle said as she came up behind them and Mary turned around. "I am is that a problem?" Mary asked a little annoyed and Isabelle shook her head. "No" she responded "It's actually nice for a change" Isabelle saw that Mary was pruning the garden of dead leaves and flowers and growing new ones.
"I thought we had a caretaker for the grounds" Isabelle said as Mary was removing some dead leaves from the ground. "We do and he did do a good job with the garden but it still needs a bit more work" she said which made Isabelle smile.
"Hey I was wondering" Mary began to say to Isabelle "What is it?" Isabelle asked curiously. "Do you know anything about Sara apart of what Eve told us?" Mary asked and Isabelle paused for a second.
"All I know Mary is that she suffered a tragedy before eve took her in but that is it" Isabelle said and Mary nodded her head and finished up her work. They heard a sound and looked back at the house to see someone leaving. They all headed back to the house and saw Emily standing by the door. "Did Sara leave?" Isabelle asked and Emily nodded her head.
Sara went back to the market to see a merchant in purchasing a horse. In the long run it would be essential to have one as the land behind the house would be good for farming. She went near the docks to see if anyone was selling a horse but no luck. She was told though the only people that had horses were the mayor and the sheriff's team.
Sara was about to give up when a rogue horse was running frantically in the market. It crashed into some stands making a mess of fresh goods all over the ground. Some men were around it trying to calm it down. More men ran past her to help aid and noticed that Jon was one of the men there.
The horse in a circle kicked at the men and some failed to dodge the kicks in time and fell to the ground creating an opening for the horse to run. Sara turned around and was leaving the market when she heard someone shout out her name. "Sara!" Sara looked back to see Jon waving his arms in the air signaling her to move out of the way. She saw the horse charge straight towards her. She was too late as the horse stopped and stood on its hind legs getting ready to use its front legs to attack her.
Sara stretched her arms out "Whoa easy girl!" Sara yelled out and saw the rope that was tied to it. She grab it and pulled on it so the horse would go down on all fours. As the horse lowered to the ground Sara then grabbed the mane and wrapped her arm around the horse's neck to help calm the horse done.
"Easy now" Sara said in a calm tone as she hugged the horse. The horse eventually calm down and Sara let go of its mane and stroked the body of the horse. Jon ran towards her and saw that the horse was completely calm and Sara was smiling as the horse nudged towards her.
"Sara are you ok?" he asked and Sara nodded her head, the horse trotted around her as Jon approached them. "How were you able to do that?" Jon asked her which made Sara confused "Do what?" she responded.
"There was like 10-15 men that tried to stop the horse and you did it on your own" Jon said as everyone began to gather around. "I grew up with horses, it was just instinct" Sara said as the horse nudged her again and she bumped into Jon.
"What will happen to the horse?" Sara asked Jon and he shrugged his shoulders "I don't know" he said.
"That horse couldn't be tamed by the sheriff so it was to be put down" a man said emerging from the crowd. "I heard long ago that sometimes horses chose their riders" Sara said.
"Maybe it was not in the sheriffs destiny to ride this horse" Sara said turning towards the horse. "Miss if you want the horse then you need to talk to the sheriff about ownership" the man said. Sara agreed as it made sense it was still the sheriff's horse, Sara decided to ride the horse to the sheriff's office as it will help her to claim the horse and prove it is sane.
As if the horse understood Sara's intention it knelt down to the ground so that she could mount up on it back. Sara easily hopped on the horse back and it stood up. Sara grabbed the rope and urged the horse forward. Everyone was amazed and made a path for her and cheered at her skill in taming the horse. Jon was in awe of Sara and he could see at the moment she was truly happy by the way she smiled and was riding.
Among the crowd Serena watched everything and how Jon was with Sara. She was furious and jealousy took over her. She was determine to make Jon hers and she was going to start by getting rid of Sara one way or another.