Chereads / The Witches of Salem / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Sebastian knocked on the door to the mayor's residence and a maid opened the door. "Is the mayor here?" he asked and the maid nodded her head, she let him in the house and lead him to the mayor's study. 

"Mayor Sybil Sebastian is here" the maid said as she knocked on the door, they heard a faint voice allowing Sebastian inside. He closed the door and walked right up to the desk and sat down on one of the chairs.

"The ladies didn't show a sign of witchcraft or had anything resembling witchcraft" Sebastian said and the had a look of disappointment on his face. "Is there anything wrong Mayor Sybil?" Sebastian asked.

"My mind keeps replaying where I met that beautiful woman today, I can't get her out of my head" he said and Sebastian chuckled "Hope your wife does not hear about this" Sebastian said making the mayor smile.

 "Do you know her name?" Mayor Sybil asked and Sebastian nodded his head "Her name is Sara, she appears to be the leader of them" he said which made the mayor curious. 

"Interesting" the mayor said "She also said that they will be at the center square tonight" Sebastian added. 


Sara looked at the papers and saw that there was a house listed on there. "We need to find this house" she said and the ladies didn't respond to her. 

Sara turned around and saw that everyone had different expressions on their face "Is there something wrong?" she asked and Emily scoffed. 

"Do you hear yourself?" Emily said and Sara sighed "Why are you acting like none of this is affecting you?" she asked and Sara pulled her aside away from listening ears.

"Why aren't you?" Sara said which caught Emily and the rest off guard "The best way to protect ourselves is to blend in and act like this doesn't bother us" Sara said in a harsh whisper. 

"How did we pass the check they did on our bags?" Isabella asked and Sara was a bit agitated. "What did you do Sara?" she asked again and Sara avoided eye contact.

"I found some stuff in the bags that would make us suspicious and got rid of it" Sara said and everyone was shocked.

"It's a good thing I did too or else we would join that woman and be burned as well" Sara said but no one was grateful for what she did.

They found the house and went inside it was nice and spacious with nice big windows so lots of natural light was able to come in. None of the girl said anything and Sara got annoyed with them. She headed up stairs to look around around and saw that there were three bedrooms. She took the one at the end as it was not as big as the others and placed her stuff on the bed there. Once she placed her bags on the bed there was a mist of dust that floated upwards indicating that this house had not been used in a while. "I guess it's time to clean" she said to herself and went to look for a duster.

"It's a nice house" Emily said with no enthusiasm and the other ladies agreed "Do you think we overreacted with Sara?" Elizabeth asked as she looked around the kitchen. 

"Well she did go through our stuff without telling us and not to mention she threw away all of our talisman and charms" Mary said and they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw it was Sara.

"Just looking for a duster" Sara said completely ignoring them and went about her business. 

"I don't see what Eve saw in her to be our leader" Mary scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Well she did do it to save us" Isabella said and Mary chuckled as Sara went back upstairs minding her own business.

"Of course you would defend her Isabella you have always been by her side since Eve brought her in" Mary said with an attitude. 

"So you would rather die and blame her for not protecting us than be thankful that she did save us and spite her for doing so" Isabella said having enough of Mary antics and took her stuff upstairs. 

"Isabella is right" Elizabeth said "Eve made her the next coven leader and she has done her job well" she continued to say "It's not fair to judge her as she protected us" Elizabeth also went upstairs with her things.

"Whatever" Mary muttered and Emily just stood where she was awkwardly and Mary continued to look around the house. 

Isabella and Elizabeth went up the stairs and saw Sara down the hall dusting and cleaning a room. They went closer and saw that she was cleaning a bedroom and Elizabeth knocked on the door. Sara stopped dusting and saw both Isabella and Elizabeth standing at the door way with somber looks on their faces.

"You don't need to apologize" Sara said continuing to dust the bookshelf that was in her room. "Sara you don't need to put up this act with us" Isabella said coming into the room. 

"We understand why you did it but unfortunately Mary doesn't see it that way" Elizabeth said and Sara nodded her head in agreement. 

"There are 2 rooms left" Sara said "They are both big enough to share between 2 people you better pick before Mary and Emily have a claim on one of them" she said and both Isabella and Elizabeth left Sara to be alone. 

Sara cleaned most of the room and went to work on refreshing the bedding. She gathered the sheets and bed spread she spotted a well outside from her window and went downstairs to the back of the house. As Sara descended the stairs she noticed Emily and Mary looking out the window and chatting amongst themselves. "There are only 3 bedrooms upstairs and 2 have been taken" Sara said before heading out to the back.

Mary and Emily went up the stairs and saw Sara belongings in one room and both Isabella and Elizabeth were in one room as well. "So Sara gets a room all to herself" Mary said wanting to cause some trouble.

"She was the first one up here so she chose first" Elizabeth said not wanting to start another fight. 

"That doesn't give her a right to have a room all to herself" Mary instigated but no one was engaging her whims. 

"You better get started on cleaning your room" Isabella said appearing behind Elizabeth "It's covered in dust, if you want a good night sleep tonight I suggest you get started" Isabella gave Mary the duster and both Elizabeth and Isabella retreated back to their room. 

Emily didn't say anything and went into the empty room and Mary soon followed. Sara lowered the bucket into the well and then began to pull on the rope to raise the bucket. She pulled the the rope effortlessly and the bucket was an arms length away "Impressive" a voice said behind her which made Sara lose her grip on the rop a little bit and the bucket plummeted back to the bottom of the well. Sara turned around to see a young man covered in dirt and was holding a shovel. "Who are you?" Sara asked the young man and approached him.

"My name is Jon, I am the towns blacksmith and caretaker of this house" Jon said and Sara noticed a freshly made flower bed behind Jon. 

"Did you do that?" Sara pointed behind Jon and he turned his head around and then back at Sara "I did ma'am" he replied. 

"You did a good job" Sara said and returned back to the well and lifted the rope. Jon rushed behind her and took the rope in his hands. "What are you doing?" Sara said raising her voice a little. 

"I made you drop it the first time, it's only fair that I pull the bucket this time" Jon said with a smile and Sara felt her cheeks heat up a little and took a step back to give Jon some room. 

Jon pulled the bucket up with ease and pulled the bucket towards him as it reached the top. Sara took the bucket from Jon and their hands touched for a brief moment and an image flashed in Sara's mind. All she could see was fire around her and she could hear screams all around her. The image disappeared and she was looking at Jon again "Are you ok?" he asked and Sara looked at him confused.

"Yes I'm alright and thank you for the bucket" Sara said and turned to walk away. Sara didn't know what she saw but was confused. When she turned around she saw Jon walking back to the flower bed that he was working now. Questions began to fill Sara's head about what she saw but chose to ignore it as it could bring trouble.