"Oh come on guys, you gotta give a little more effort than that." Night then glances over noticing Vox shooting off electricity at Alastor. Night then throws his sword in between Alastor and Vox blocking the electricity. Night then notices that the electricity parted ways and was heading towards Justin. "Justin, Move!" Night then dodges another swipe from Valentino rolling back and pushing off the ground towards Justin, Night is then tackled to the ground. "Hello brother." Says a sinister creepy voice. "Let go of my brother." Night then uses his legs and pushes the beast off of him rolling back grabbing his sword. "How did I get over here next to Alastor?" Night then dodges Vox, Valentino, and Justin at the same time. "Oh, and the name isn't Justin anymore, the name is White Fang." Night then uses his power and teleports everyone back to base. "Staying here and fighting us is a mistake." Night then smirks and whips out his revolver. "If I don't do this then they die." Night then fires two shots at the group hitting Valentino in the should and Vox in the knee. "As long two of you can't move at your maximum I'll be fine." White Fang then cuts at Night but Night quickly counters it kicking him in the chest and smacking him across the nose with the hilt of his sword. Night then holsters his gun and grabs White Fangs foot and cuts it off. "I win." White Fang then slashes Night across the chest standing on one foot. "Yeah, sorry to say but that won't work on me." White Fangs foot then regrows and he lunges at Night. "I knew you weren't gonna die that easily." Night then jumps back and uses his powers and teleports both Vox and Valentino back to base. "Taking them while their angels?, you just spelt death for your group." Night then ducks a claw slash from White Fang and swipes his feet underneath him and points the tip of his sword at White Fangs throat. "Well if you were paying attention you would have noticed that those bullets were infused with darkness and purged the angels controlling them." Night then jumps back cutting off the heads of two angels while throwing a knife into White Fangs shoulder. "Maybe you should pay attention to what peoples true actions are." Night then uses his power and teleports back to base. "Where am I?" Asks Valentino as Night picks him up by the shoulder. "Put them both in a cell until we guarantee that they aren't angels anymore." Night then notices Vox fighting against the people and in one swift motion Night throws a knife in between Vox and a soldier stopping the fight. "Vox if you wanna live and make sure to fight on, you might wanna go with them." Night then walks over to Charlie. "White Fang is back, and stronger than ever." Charlie then nods her head at Mrs. Red. "She will take you to the project." Night starts to follow mrs. Red. "You can put your sword away." Night then just glares at her. "Not until White Fang is dead."