My nieces are sitting in the car's back seats in silence, and I am also not in the mood to speak. I understand their reasons to go, but understanding is far from accepting. Very, very far. I am not really surprised about their leave, there were certain signs about something will happen. Savannah and Taylor went too much to the storage room, and their clothes and shoes seemed to vanish in the last two weeks. Not all of their clothes gone to unknown places, but a spectacular amount. The number of daily quarreling decreased, and both girls spoke less during work. They didn't even rebel against the housework.
Yesterday I accidentally eavesdropped their conversation about traveling to Hardersfield. So I have at least a night getting used to their plan. I was thinking a lot, and came to the conclusion: I don't want to stop them. All of us had enough of my nieces. We were all tired from hoovering on eggshells, while they were present, and also didn't like the girls' sarcastic, poisonous remarks, and their mischieves are also went too far. Everyone of us reached their limits, so the breakup was certain, just the exact time wasn't sure. Until today.
"Are you angry?"
Savannah, my older niece ask me. The younger one just sits with straight face. Savannah was always the more smooth and adaptive one, it was always so easy to love her. Taylor… well, she was just born too late. My brother's family was perfect and balanced with Tyler and Savannah. They were very good siblings, despite the age gap, and the family life was like in the movies: it was perfect. Taylor's arrival broke up the harmony. Their parents were too old, and didn't crave for another baby, so when Isabelle found herself pregnant, well, not the joy was their first reaction. Is it the cause of Taylor's rude personality? I don't know.
They are both my nieces. Relatives. I don't like them very much in this moment, but usually they are cute. I take a glance to the rear-view mirror, just to see my beloved brother and sister-in-law's eyes in the girls faces. That's why it is so hard to let them go. I will miss them, and the remnants of my brother and his wife. They are my flesh and blood, and they are young. Too young to live by themselves. I am afraid of they will being heartbroken, or spend all their money and become hungry, but I have to let them go, and try their strength, as the old saying goes.
"No, I am not angry."
"You didn't stop at the bus stop."
"Do you mind, if I drive you to the train station?"
Savannah shakes her head.
"It is nice of you. After all this happened."
After all this happened? I don't really know what's happened. They just grew up. Maybe it is the right time to let them living alone – despite Savannah's failure four years ago. It took her two years to spend all the money she inherited. It wasn't too much, but she didn't have a single coin in her pocket, when Tyler brought her home from the university. We had to teach her a lesson about money, and now, not even she wants to live alone, she wants to cover her sister's expenses. The only hope is, that she is four years older, and maybe somewhat wiser. I also hope, that we have made a good work, teaching her how to make a budget, and I can't let them leave without money, damn it!
"Stay in the car for a minute!" I asked them, when we arrive to the train station.
Their impatience and anger sit on their faces, until I get two envelopes out of my bag.
They carefully take an envelope away my hand, they suspect a trap.
"What is it?"
"Whose money is it?"
Yes, of course, the question is from Taylor.
"It is yours, in the envelope, there are bank cards, belongs to bank accounts with your remaining salary, and Taylor's inheritance. Use them wise, because there won't be a next time, I could help you with money."
" So you are really angry, and hate us."
"Neither of that. I just told you simple facts. If you goes to bankrupt, you could always come back to my house, but..."
"But mind the consequences."
"Yes. Your behaviors have consequences. You can come back. Anytime. Honestly, you will be welcome. But things won't be the same. You can't come back like nothing has happened. Taylor said, that you are both adults. So, be adults, and behave like adults."
My words don't touch the souls of the girls, I see it on their faces. They are bored to listen to me. Otherwise they are excited, and hardly wait for the train, they want to start the big adventure, and getting rid of me. I get out of the car, give them their suitcases, and leave. There is no teary farewell, heartbreaking hugs, just a simple good bye from each of us.
I don't drive far, just where the trees could cover the car from their view, but I could see them. I am silently wait while Taylor and Savannah get on the train, the doors close, and the train runs to infinity.
I am in line to make lunch, so the others don't stay in the house when I come home. It helps a lot. I was planning a little feast – because of Taylor' birthday, but since the celebrated one ran away, the menu has to be adjusted a little. We live in the county, a basically work in the agriculture, so we are able to eat enormous amount of food. We need the energy, but the amount I have bought, well this will be too much for six people. I check the freezer part of the refrigerator, to store some of the remaining food, when I find a little surprise. Candy decorations. Unfortunately Christmas decoration, and we are in the beginning of the summer…
Well, I think nobody will mention it, when the cake is down, in the stomach. The taste is the same as candy flowers, and the whipped cream is like snow, so it will be perfect. I have to hurry, because I hear voices from the direction of the bathroom. I just quickly remove the candles, and with the help of a whipped cream spray, the original decoration of the birthday cake is covered. I put the Christmas-decoration, and some colored candy on the top of it, and tamdaaam: the cake is ready. Not a big deal. Easy. Anyone can cook.
My family slowly gathers around the dining table. All of them are freshly showered, but there are traces of their previous activities, which can't be overlooked, at least don't avoid my attention. Erica and Heather spent the day with the horses, I still smell the animals and the greenery on them. Their eyes are shining, and their skins are a bit red from the sunshine. Dame obviously did some gardening. There are black soil under his fingernails, despite the thorough scrub. His fingers are still red from the cleaning. Andrew, and my nephew were in the training room, and counting their red patches, they were training all the day. I think, Tyler needed this to overcome the happenings in the morning. All of them eat, as they would have starved for a week, but when the cake is on the table, each of them is stunned. All they could do, staring at my masterpiece. I am a bit disappointed.
"Where did you get the candy?"
It is Heather, who asks first.
���I found them in the fridge. The back of the freezer."
"So, that's why we didn't find it at Christmas."
"I told you I had bought them!" Erica says quietly.
It is enough, to make me remember the last Christmas. The huge quarrel about things, which were disappeared mysteriously. Some of them were found in strange places, some of them are lost forever. All of them were hidden by Taylor and Savannah. We thought then it was a little mischief, but now… They probably just wanted to sabotage our happy Christmas time. They were successful, by the way.
" The taste is still good, so let's eat!"
"What's the name of the cake?" Andrew asks suspiciously.
"Mount Blanc." Erica answers."The hill is covered by snow still in the summer."
" There is cake, named after Mount Blanc, and that is also full of whipped cream" Dame, our glutton notice the fact.
Tyler eats slowly, small amount of cakes vanish in his mouth.
"So you don't like this kind of cake." I tell him, but he shakes his head.
"It is good. Honestly. I am just a bit depressed."
"Don't worry! Taylor and Savannah come home faster, than the swallows."
"How do you know?" Tyler looks at me hopefully.
"Don't you know what does Harderstown to women?"
"Well, it seems that town is better to attract women, than the Rat-cather of Hameln."
" Three women is not so much." Heather says with a small smile.
"Four." Tyler and I answer in unison.
"My exwife also lives there." I smile to the stunned company.