Chereads / Wolves stuff / Chapter 3 - A Few Years later

Chapter 3 - A Few Years later

** before the Battle of the Siege**

A high-pitched, furious scream cut through the late-morning silence.
The protest was of a newborn baby who, for the first time, contemplated the world, away from the protective heat of the maternal body
The midwife made the sign of the cross when she sighed willingly.
-It's a girl! - Her voice showed no emotion.
Christina chose her eyes for a torn moment, before opening and landing on supplicants over an old woman. There was no time for her to bitter. The child's life depends on it.
-Please .... - She never imagined would be so forceful to speak. - Please, Jezebel. I'm begging... Save her.
The midwife shook her head in disbelief.
-The little one is their puppy, isn't it? - Jezebel sighed deeply. - Foolish girl. You knew and did not try to miscarry a child or even request protection from the wolf who was her father. What did you expect?
The scolding fell heavily on Christina's still recent pains. The rejection by pregnancy was absorbed by something totally unexpected. The girl was his daughter. She could see the same strong features of the man she had despised in the delicate features that framed completely black eyes.
She wasn't going to give in to despair. Naturally, the child would inherit the parent's abilities.
-Jezebel! - She insisted pale. - You know as well as they want to kill a child. Take it from here. By Hecate... Tell everyone she was born dead.
Jezebel frowned.
-The little one has a little thirst and cries. As expected .... Give her drink ...
Christina knew that. Only there was no time for discussions.
The old abbey, still asleep, awaits the dawn for the beginning of activities. It would not be possible to remove the baby before it was too late to save the girl's life. All she could think was that at least one child would survive to all that horror. The baby would not share the fate that awaited her mother when she violated laws.
- It's a girl with the ancient lineage of wolves ... You know as well as I do ...
Jezebel grunted, arranging a blanket around the newborn, muffling her screams
A puppy of wolves! Who would say! And she was born alive ...
- Give it to the father. - The midwife scolded in annoyance.
-I can not! - Christina threatened to fall apart.
He would never accept a small one after the sorcerers' levity. Only after many years, once again, did a Lich walk among them.
The Harvest ritual ... Three tribes of wolf lineage combined by an ancient curse ...
The pure blood of lineage should be collected to restore the Staff's magic. Just as the Pieces of Four regain their original power.
At the beginning of time, a race was unique...
Chistina woke up screaming, looking at the damp and cold cell that held her without forgetting the hellish nightmare.
The child ...
It was just another dream.
The child was dead.
That time Valerius would be relentless ...