Chereads / Wolves stuff / Chapter 8 - Much better than dreams

Chapter 8 - Much better than dreams

Ah, they were not transformed.

Mon Dieu!

It was maybe worse! She gasped as she closed her eyes for another attack. Was that a guardian of the forest, mercy? They probably hunted and also killed sorcerers. A new scream came after the surprise when she hit the floor once again. Her arms had abrasions and small claw cuts.

But without waiting, between her and her predators, there was suddenly a compact mass of strong muscles.

A growl thundered as she covered her ears with astonished hands.

She had never seen a wolf there before.

The huge dark-haired animal howled furiously as it stuck its feet into the damp ground with fallen leaves and dead as it moved forward.

The dark and shadowy shadows by reflection receded with his presence.

It was going to be a snowstorm. The night brought low temperatures.

Richard Morgan could curse with an excellent and enviable bad mood.

Who was the unhappy girl? Damn it!

His ears could, from afar, catch the sound of festive music and its guests. At least it was to be expected that he was in the castle. He was the second oldest son and the heir to the Duke of Winter, the lord of those lands and the sovereign of the Scarlet castle. His family ruled those lands for years. Only that night, against all traditions, it was not Richard, who was the eldest duke's firstborn who would be chosen.

The Council of Older and Experienced Men of the Clan had appointed his name as Leader of the Wolves. He would be the pack's new alpha. An exhausting and boring ceremony awaited him.

It was definitely absurd!

Willian would have every reason to complain. William Morgan, after the unexpected death of the clan leaders, had taken control of the clan until the majority of the heirs. Only he was there in the forest. The compulsion that had driven him here was almost as overwhelming as the need to quench his thirst. He was hunting when something caught his attention. Complaining mentally as he took on human form once more, he turned to the figure lying in the damp vegetation with displeasure.

-Have you hurt? Dieu aimé.

Kassuim looked at him in a trance without the heart to answer.

If someone that day had said the end of the night, she would have doubted it.

It was him. It was just him, there in the forest. It was accompanied by the future alpha of the pack.

Willian would kill her once.

A thousand times, who knows ...

Maybe with luck, she could someday explain everything to her father.

She couldn't believe it. And just wanted to die. Please, the thought struck her.

She blinked her incredibly green eyes, drawing the man's attention for the first time with greater care. Without waiting for, the object of her dreams...

It was there in front of her.

Ah, he was too tall. Even if she was on her feet and not lying down, she would have to raise her head to see his face. It was a little intimidating. She had never been this close to him before. The black strands of hair were attached to the back of the neck by a leather strap. Black as the color of the wolf that had saved her.

She didn't like wolves.

They were unpredictable animals. And dangerous and wild. Only he ...

The deep blue eyes shone when he faced her with an intensity that could disturb anyone. They were too penetrating and too deep for anyone to hide secrets from him. It was a handsome face with aristocratic features with a square chin. He was undoubtedly an energetic man. Perhaps too energetic. And the controller.

She assessed the muscular chest with some shyness, imagining the feeling of refuge there to get warm against the cold at that moment. The broad shoulders were proud and slightly arrogant. He was undoubtedly the type of man who used to solve everything. He was used to giving orders and certainly being obeyed.

Ah, she was never very good at obeying orders.

-Are you okay? - Rick repeated a question, softening the initial irritation. Est-ce que ça va?

Maybe she was dead.

That could explain the dangerous delusions.

How many times have heard that shouldn't venture into the forest after dark? His voice was low, hoarse and deep. Almost a caress. Undoubtedly too inviting.

He should also always get everything wanted. He was certainly a man used to dominating. It was difficult to concentrate on what he asked. God! The cold started to freeze. She was shaking so much with clothes soaked in snowflakes that her teeth chattered.

Richard Morgan frowned, very aware of her suspicious manner. He looked like an animal cornered and ready to flee at any moment. The dress ...

The girl was not a peasant in those fine clothes. Although torn, the thin and delicate dress outlined a young and perfect body. She was not tall. The hair escapes from the hairstyle, in some rebellious strands, almost unraveled in wavy and red curls in a face capable of taking the breath away with the shade of those green eyes. Richard knew she was scared. Could naturally see that from the fast heartbeat, the heaving breath ...

"Diables! What did she do around there alone? "

He never forgot a face. That girl didn't go to the castle, maybe she lived in the village.

-I won't hurt you. You don't have to run! - His voice was calm as he raised his hands in the air, spread out.- N'aie pas peur. Have no fear.

She moaned at a loss. They would never again let her return to the castle. The man approached slowly. The throat was dry. She bit her lip in distress. Perhaps with luck, she would be left grounded with no right to complain about the rest of her life. Up close he was even more handsome and charming.

"Diables! What did she do around there alone?"

It was unfortunate to find that girl right now. Perhaps she should have stayed at the castle. The position of the leader of the pack bothered him. All he sought most was revenge. For the first time ... The opportunity came unexpectedly. He was fed up with the Council's intransigence.

-Cold ... - she managed babble- Froid...

It was all at the same time: the temperature was suddenly very cold, the proximity of him and the provocative look.

- No, it's not that cold. Not yet! - He sighed as he rolled his topaz eyes. He knelt beside her hesitantly as assessed her pale face and slightly purplish lips.-God! You're freezing. We will seek shelter. You were lucky that I decided to stay in the forest for a few days.

Kassuim closed her eyes like a wretch and was unable to protest. The teeth clenched. It was a trial of fate. At the very least, her condition was depressing before this man. During the nights, she imagined what would be like to meet him, only that none of her most daring delusions was so frustrating. She found herself lifted in the air with incredible ease, her head sliding against his strong chest as she was carried as if were nothing.

-P-please ... Dieu ....- She thought of begging him to put her on the floor. Her dress was torn and wet. -Oh, no. Go away! - She groaned, disconcerted.

His smile was overwhelming at her sudden frustration. He seemed to be enjoying himself. His face relaxed with relief as he shook his head.

-A gentleman never leaves a lady in so much trouble, baby. -He was laughing. -You look horrible, chéri. You'll be lucky don't get sick. I have a tent nearby. Perhaps a little brandy can warm you up before return to the castle.

-Please ... I ... put me down. - Kassuim pleaded mortified.

He carried her in his arms like a feather. The feel of his arms was surprisingly familiar. She closed her eyes in agony.

Why? Why only when she was in that situation?

-You know, most of the girls I know would have passed out in front of a guardian. - He winked maliciously. - What were you doing here alone? The forest should be avoided especially after night falls.

She took a deep breath.

Could drown in those blue eyes. Not knowing how she was inside a modest tent set up next to the stream. The wind howled outside. The warmer temperature inside made her have an exaggerated notion of cold clothes. She found herself disconcerted even more lying on his bed.

It could only be a hallucination...

That really wasn't happening. It was just one more of her dreams. Perhaps too real. Only she was starting to not want to wake up. She sat down slowly blinking.

Mon Dieu! That man was just ... She gasped in surprise. Before she managed to protest the man took off her soggy sneakers. The steady and warm hands slowly pull at her socks. She opened her mouth to let out a complaint, but the groan of relief surprised her. He with agility massaged her foot making the blood circulate again.

This was certainly very disconcerting. It was impossible that the simple touch of him could make her so uncomfortable.

It was a surprise how the light caress reflected throughout her body. He held her heel, massaging very calmly on the sole of her cold foot. There was an echo of his movements in her gut as the heat started to rise up her face.

-Are you scolding me? - Kassuim tried to pay attention to anything but the thumb on her heel.- Est-ce vrai? Truth?

Rick looked at her seriously.

The girl had at least courage. Another would surely have passed out. His intention at first had been just to get her circulation back. It was common for the fingers and extremities of the body to react to the cold with complications.

Only he had a problem.

.The simple gesture was suddenly too intimate. His hand held her calf delighting with satin skin. She tried to look expressionless.

-Well, if you were mine, certainly wouldn't be venturing into the forest. - The answer surprised him. -Do you have any idea how dangerous the forest can be? How old is it?

"What are you doing, man?"

Cassie, as she was called by her foster parents, struggled to look away without believing that he was going to start all the slow torture on the other foot. The sensation was unbelievable. She couldn't believe the simple gesture made her so sensitive.

-I can take care of myself very well. - she replied rudely. Your age ?! Ah, it was a total disaster.

She was fifteen on that day. Most of the girls her age had already been introduced to the clan. She noticed his smile spreading more and that was enough and wouldn't be treated like a child.

-Seventeen years. - replied defiantly.

He raised an even more amused eyebrow.

Seventeen? He could very well remember his seventeen years. The temerity of that age ... At least there was no child to take care of on the cold night that arrived.

-So ?! - He teased by raising his eyebrow.

"She is certainly attractive. It's amazing that those eyes aren't flirting with me!"

-I'm not a child anymore! -Kassuim stubbornly crossed her arms.

-I don't agree, Rick replied to provoke her. - It was a reckless and risky attitude.

Mentally he caught the way of her trying to appear indifferent as his fingers slid over her delicate foot. It was pure pheromone. It was a complete mixture of small gestures, her scent and her unconscious posture that attacked his most primitive senses. The caress made her very aware of his presence no matter how much she was trying to appear otherwise. Richard shook his head.

It was incredible. No other girl would have done that. It would have taken the opportunity. The delicate face was of unique beauty. He let himself watch her lips, her well-made mouth, wondering what it would be like to experiment and test her control. How old was she? It couldn't be seventeen!

The satisfied low moan between clenched teeth had direct communication with his body reacting to her presence. Was there a smell around it ... jasmine? And something else he couldn't identify ... Oh, no! The female body showed feminine curves and firm breasts.

-It was ... it was a distraction.

- You didn't quite know what to say.

A distraction that could have caused her death.

"I would love to take care of you, baby. "

-I can guarantee that you won't be doing such nonsense. I would definitely keep you busier.-Rick sighed again.

What absurd thoughts were those?

The temptation was hell!

For three years, high-level life in command of the ship was his whole life. The people around do not usually trade with their clan. The practice of raising wolves, infecting humans with their blood, had created terrible and bloody creatures. Transformed. For almost a decade the pack hunted them, fearing an intervention by the Sucessorium in the matter. Clan men were forced to engage in the spice trade to keep secrecy protected.

There was another, perhaps even more important, rule. Their existence should not be revealed to humans. Her scent, however ... He took a deep breath, his inner animal evaluating suggestively. She was not human. Once again in doubt, he was unsettled. He never failed to notice a face like that.

-Got to go. They must have noticed my absence by now. - Her embarrassment was even greater.

"You will not leave like that, sweetness. At least not alone."

Cassie sighed trying to break contact. There was a wave of pure and intense magnetism that drew her to those eyes. It was clear that she remembered very well the first time she had seen him. God! He had hardly changed anything.

Sometimes, Thalagar used to court her, which was annoying. She never reacted like this before with the presence of a man. She had grown up surrounded by men on a deck. Was the face attractive? The deep eyes that seemed to be able to see any secret? Power? The heart came to the mouth.

"I need to get out of here!"

-I really need ... - she repeated very awkwardly looking around.

Richard frowned. He wanted her to look him in the eye to know what she was thinking. Only it was promising the way she failed to face him. The girl definitely piqued his interest. Her elusive way.

It was a challenge ...

"Look in my eyes" ..., the thought surprised him even more. It was instinctive.

The emerald eyes stare at him with genuine amazement. In a fraction of a second, there was a momentary, intense black flash and she looked surprised. As much as he did.

Was the girl one of them?

A wolf?

How had he never felt her presence before?

As an alpha, he always knew when new wolves demonstrated their ability. It was instinct. She was a mystery. That explained the interest it aroused. More inopportune thoughts flooded his mind.

She looked at him intently as if she could share like any wolf in the pack of her thoughts.
