The aroma of coffee beans freshly brewed sets her mind to a calming frenzy every time.
So she went on to the nearest coffee shop where she spends her me-time most of the time.. Just reading and leisurely sipping her coffee once in a while. Actually she has a spot already. A corner where her favorite book is located, The Time Traveller's Wife. It's her all-time favorite book. Maybe she really is a hopeless romantic believing in miracles and in a phenomenal love story for her to take part in.
And in most times, her day-dreamed love story consists of her and her long time crush since summer after graduation when she and her best friend, Mutya, landed their first jobs together.
He was their boss.
So she just came storming out of the building after her immediate resignation and all of her things, which only consist of a box of office stuffs, with a heavy disappointed heart.
She did not know a kept resignation in her files becomes handy until a while ago.
She just put an end to her four year job!
And what hurt more is putting an end to her friendship of eight years because apparently, Mutya, her best friend, is the girlfriend for half a year now of their boss who happens to be her long-time crush, yes, the same person and only her best friend, Mutya, knows that.
She really felt so well played at! Betrayed by her most trusted friend and lied on as well as led on to believing differently.
She has picked on clues actually but she kept on ignoring them. She even saw Mutya from the boss' office without having being paged publicly just like how their boss summons anyone, through the company's speaker.
But she casted that thought thinking Mutya would never betray her and her feelings like that.
She's her best friend after all!
Wow, what a shame she's been well played at.
If not because of their highest security's slip, she wouldn't find out.
She was asked by their building's highest security, Mona, where the boss' girlfriend is and when she was not able to entertain that thought at the sane time answer Mona, she then was asked where her best friend is.
She was least to say, dumbfounded!
Mona left her speechless.
But she managed to raise her shoulders to signal she has no idea at all.
But she really has no idea at all!
What the hell!
She went on to her cubicle and ask this nice new officemate, Leia, if she knew.
"Hey, Leia, is Mutya and the boss in a relationship?" She tried her best to speak steady but still, her voice had waiver.
Leia looked into her already messed up face, a red nose and about to cry anytime eyes because this is her when about to cry. Her face just becomes almost red.
Before answering, Leia gave her a thoughtful look and heaved a sigh but spoke,
"Yes, Hiraya. Actually half a year now that the boss is bringing her to social functions."
By then she nodded and Leia being so kind held her hand as if telling her she would be okay.
How could Leia be so honest to her when she just met her about half a month ago but her best friend, Mutya, shared her sorrows and joys for almost eight years and here she is, straight lying on her face as if she's not her best friend.
She then asked for a box from the curios maintenance and calmly collected her things, carefully placing them inside the box. It was too early for other employees to be noticing her and it only looked like she was just cleaning her cubicle.
There was this long drafted resignation letter seating in her files and she never thought it to be handy until now. She printed it out and headed to the HR's office surrendering her company ID. And at the same time filled in the form for clearance. She also submitted digital copies of it to the corresponding bosses.
"Are you sure as hell about this, Athena?" The Head HR, Ms. D. asked her again before receiving her clearance.
But she could only smile wistfully.
It was a perfect time because the speakers sounded a call for conference by the co-director for everyone to gather to the topmost floor.
At this, she went down and gathered her things towards her car. When she's settled in her car at the company's parking, her scheduled resignation letter must be received by now through the company's system to her bosses.
She lent an irrevocable resignation letter.
She must have kept it at bay while inside the company's premise but now in the confines of her car, she let all the tears flow.
How could Mutya do this to her?
About an hour, she pulled over at her favorite cafe and made herself comfortable. Long gone is her office attire. Good thing she has an emergency duffel bag for instances like this.
She looked around the coffee shop. There's no one but her at this busy time checking in to respective works in this business district. Well there was this beautiful woman who kindly picked up her fallen purse when she was ordering at the counter. The stranger introduced herself as Joey and she responded, Hennie. She can't be formal when this lady just shown her kindness. Joey even told her before she went out the cafe,
"It's a sunny day for a pretty face like yours to be gloomy." With all that encouraging kind smile from her.
Somehow she felt light at that.
How could strangers be that uplifting and her best friend of eight years just did the opposite.
The thought casted away what little lightness that short encounter with Joey gathered within her.
The cafe owner, Adhika, even gave her a complimentary sweets just to lift her mood up.
"Hey there pretty face, here's a house treat. Cheer up." He said as he placed down a plate of pastries looking down at her with an encouraging smile.
But she could only nod and spare a very fleeting glance at him.
All of these kind gestures from strangers she experienced today made Mutya evil to her to be honest. How could she make her so blind was very unforgiving.
All this time she just thought it's just Mutya and her odds. When she talks of her and Seth in fantasies, she would just pretend to be listening, not really saying anything against or supporting, she just goes mum about it. She just goes talking positively how her love story would be one worth filming and this was supposedly a sign for her. Because her best friend is just like her, so bubbly. But on this note, she would go mum.
But that's where she thought wrong.
She feels so dumb now telling the girlfriend of the man she's fantasizing all things she... stop!
At least her idiocy ends now.
Well, that's life.
Hello to the world being jobless!
Well at least she is not high-maintenanced. Her savings would do.
At some points in life, we have to be broken and fall apart in order for better things to fall together and keep us on track to what we rightfully deserved.