Chapter 55 - Update not a Chapter sorry.

Yo so not a Chapter just an update is all. So just to not make anyone worry STILL NOT Dropping said I wouldn't so I won't.

Still have my Notes and Plot-line so no problems there just don't have that burning need/desire to write still is all. That plus some IRL stuff Kicking my A** that also doesn't help with wanting to write is all. You know basic Life Crap we all know and don't love but can't stop so lol.

Was in the Hospital for a NEW Health problem so FUN... Not... Not "Better/Fixed" but meh I'll Live so nothing to do but move on. What I DO find atleast somewhat funny is that NORMALLY when someone's in the Hospital they LOSE weight, but nope not me gained almost 20 lbs lmao... BUT that's cause was just PUMPED with Fluids the whole time. (Lost all that extra weight a week after going home... SO MUCH PEEING.. *Shudders* lol.)

Now not using that as an excuse or for pity/Etc just an FYI is all.

Anyways like I said still NOT Dropping just still not up for writing is all. Also if anyone wants to adopt/rewite/Etc? I'm still all for it have been since first started just cause I know/knew someone could definitely do it better. (I mean that are a number of FFs out there that are 100% better than the OGs so... lol) And IF someone wants to just let me know so I can read it. (and/or also send a copy of my notes if need be.)

But even IF that happens? STILL NOT Dropped, and would/will finish eventually... No joke though their's would probably be the better version though, as we all know how bad the first chunk of this is... well was? as I mean it IS better NOW but still not that great so... πŸ˜