"Time, what is it? Where did it come from? Why is there so little of it and how do we get more of it? There are only so many seconds in a minute; minutes in an hour, hours in a day; and days in a year. We have twenty-four hours to spend our life until it's time to recharge, wake up, and do it again.
One thousand milliseconds is in one second and sixty seconds is in one minute. Sixty minutes is in one hour and twenty-four hours is in one day. That is one thousand four hundred forty minutes or eight hundred sixty-four thousand seconds. Thirty-one billion five hundred thirty-six million milliseconds is in one year. That is two billion six hundred twenty-eight million two thousand eight hundred eighty milliseconds in one month or six hundred four million eight hundred thousand milliseconds in one week. Thirty-one million five hundred thirty-six thousand seconds is in one year which in a month is two million six hundred twenty-eight thousand two-point eighty-eight hundredth seconds. That means in a week there are six hundred four thousand eight hundred seconds in a week which again is eight hundred sixty-four thousand seconds in a day. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes are in one year meaning that there are forty-three thousand eight hundred-point fourty-eight-hundredths minutes in one month. Ten thousand eighty minutes is in one week which in a day is one thousand four hundred forty minutes. Eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours are in one year which in a month is only seven hundred thirty point one thousand minutes. One hundred sixty-eight hours are in one week which in a day is twenty-four hours.
Why do I tell you all of this? I tell you this because this is what my life was like down on planet earth. Those are just numbers but as you can see they're long. Half the time I was mocked and ridiculed. Wasted time! Now I look down on my mockers and laugh. I am home. I have been accepted by my kind. No more being pushed to the ground. With great power comes great responsibility!! Do you want to know how much I just want to go down there and show them a piece of my mind? They one hundred percent deserve the judgment I will give them but I restrain myself. Only One can rightfully judge and that's not me. They will get what is coming to them but not through me. I wonder how my parents are doing there. Are they ok? Are they hurt? I wish I could go down there and help them but I can't. I left them in the care of my shapeshifting-teleporting friend. That should be enough right?"
The face that looks back at me in the mirror is no more of a scared small kid who doesn't know what the next day will bring. The face is now a face of a determined, proud, strong teen. My first day home. I can't wait.
I open my door then am pushed hard onto the floor by two bullies who stand by my door waiting. Nothing has changed.
I try to get up but they push me back then start calling me names. My hands glow blue with fire and they scurry out of there as fast as they can.