Making a run for the tunnel when I hear footsteps following me. I pick up my pace as I hear them getting closer. Leaping over a log when I got tackled; I can feel their heavy breathing on me. The creature on top of me just smiles as the others let out a sinner laugh; feeling the urge to snarl which makes all the creatures' laugh before one of them speaks.
"Looks like we have a wannabe."
"Can we play with her?"
"I want to feed off her fear."
"Sure. Go on then.", the creature on me says while getting off me.
Not having been told twice, I continue my way to the tunnel; once again I hear their footsteps coming after me, so I once again pick up my pace. I see the tunnel and I also see one creature coming at me from my right, so I do as I was told and go left just as they leap. Now, I just need to find the water quickly. All I see are trees; shit… listen for the water! Stopping where I'm at and closing my eyes as I try to listen to the water. I can't hear or smell the water; I can feel the fear creeping up on me.
I breathe heavily as if I'm about to pass out; shaking my head, but it only makes it worse. Glancing around, hoping I would find something, anything. I see the creatures coming closer and I can feel the fear growing stronger.
"Angela! Keep going straight!", I hear Max yell.
Making a mad dash in front of me, just as they went to get me. Not batting an eye, I keep going straight until my gut tells me to go right then left. That's what I did and I avoid another attack; I keep listening to my gut as I finally make it to the water. Leaping into the water and the hisses coming from the creatures.
"You'll never escape."
"We'll be seeing you again."
"And this time, we will kill you."
They all say as they go back into the woods. Lifting my leg but it doesn't budge; I use my hands to free it when something pulls me underwater. I was about to scream but something told me not to, becoming still as the creature pulled me deeper into the water.
"Where did she go?!", someone screams out.
"You need to yell Cerberus."
I opened my mouth but quickly closed it and dodged the fireballs that were being shot. "Come out, bitch.", Selene says, sounding demonic.
I stay put as I try to pinpoint where she's at, but before I could figure it out, a fireball hits me. Cursing under my breath as I hold my injured side; sucking in a breath before mumbling, "Elemental breath ice." the wound forms an ice-like bandage, just as another fireball comes flying toward me so I just let my body do what my gut says. Eyes flying open as I feel myself floating above the water until I land on the surface. Selene comes down, but she's unable to touch the water, which gives me my plan; throwing a wave of ice at her as she deflects just as the smoke almost clears, there's a wave of water heading toward her. I quickly thank the creature before continuing the search for the angel. I get to an obvious area in which I can feel the atmosphere change to make it feel like it's stuffing me; a figure comes out of nowhere.
"Welcome, Angela.", it says.
"How do… you… know… my name?", I ask.
"Shouldn't you be more worried about how much air you have left?", they say.
Throwing my best glare but it doesn't faze him. What the hell are they? Don't show fear. Do not show fear. I keep repeating inside my head; quickly grabbing my throat as they suck the air out of my lungs. I need to figure a way to get away from this creature.
"Answer this riddle and I won't kill you.", it says.
"Only one color, but not one size, stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies, Present in the sun but not in the rain, doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is the answer?"
"A shadow.", I mumble out.
The creature shrinks up his face as he disappears, just as the air comes back. Suddenly, there's an angel; jumping in fright while placing my hand on my chest.
"You almost gave me a heart attack.", I say.
"I apologize that wasn't my intention. All you have to do is head toward the light but listen well, there will be creatures who will try to stray you from the light. Whatever you do, do NOT move away from the light. I won't be able to save you if you do.", they say.
Nodding my head before walking on the light path. Whatever happens do not stray away from the light, no matter what. Must not stray from the light. Was repeating in my head as the path became narrower.
"Angela, help!"
"Don't listen to them! It's me, Max!"
"Keep moving, Angela.", I mumble to myself.
Moving closer to the light when a hand reaches out and grabs me. Shutting my eyes because of the brightness; I'm being pulled into hugs. Wrapping my arms around the person in front of me; they wrap their arms around as well. Inhaling the person's scent to calm my nerves; pulling to see that I was in Max's arms also standing in my living room.
"Are you alright? You and Selene were both frozen for almost two full hours!", Max asks and says.
It didn't feel like two hours, only a few minutes; feeling eyes on me so I looked around the room to see Selene glaring at me. So I glare back; Max's eyes moving from my body to Selene's but either of us looks away. I'm sick and tired of her, so if she wants to fight, I'm willing to fight. She throws a fireball, and I quickly put an ice shield, just so I could move without getting injured.
"That won't work, Angela.", she says.
"Why are you doing this?", I ask, hiding behind the couch.
"Simply, really. You're trying to get in my way. They're mine; not yours. If I have to kill you, then I will.", she says as she sounds demonic.
"What the hell are you talking about?", I ask.
"Stay away from Jareth and Spike!", she tells me.
"Okay.", I say.
She stops her fireballs and leaves; nothing was damaged. Max puts his wings away as Jackson moves from in front of him. He shakes his head, letting me know that we're not hurt. Jackson ends up carrying me to my room and then he leaves with Max; sleeping for a few hours before my phone goes off.
{Rex, come back! Please… And hurry back.}-Tala
{Why?}- Rex
{Rex, don't ask questions just do it.}- Ang
{Is it dealing with Serenity?}- Rex
{Yes!}- Tala
{Wait. Isn't Serenity your girlfriend?}- Ang
{Yeah, but I needed to know if she would cheat. She's already tried.}- Rex
{She let a stranger sit with us. Please come so I don't feel uncomfortable.}- Tala
{I'm coming back.}- Rex
Rolling my eyes at my phone, I make my way to the living room where I see Spike. Giving him a confused look as I move to sit on the couch. The tv wasn't on and he was just staring off into space. Wanting to snap him out of it but something told me not to, so I headed to the kitchen to heat leftovers that dad made. Once the food is done, I make my way back to the living room and turn on the tv. As I'm eating, Spike comes out of whatever he was in; he looks around confused but then he remembers where he was at so he relaxes.