Chereads / Counter Dungeon-Delving / Chapter 177 - Frail mishap (4)

Chapter 177 - Frail mishap (4)

Did I perhaps deserve things like happiness and justice after all?

I had received justice. Over the past few days, I heard how my tormentor's situation kept getting worse through the gossip of the nurses.

As an idol, the poor girl was put under constant pressure by her own fans. Those fans had gotten into fights online while defending her honor. They were laughed at and humiliated by other users since the subject in question had yet to respond to the invitation.

The sudden and extended silence of an idol that had been interacting with her fans and the world on an hourly basis was deafening. Silence could truly say more than a thousand words.

Just this morning the nurses had been discussing the statement that had finally been released. As an idol, she would not debase herself by even humoring such claims and she didn't need any of the fans that doubted her or asked her to prove her innocence.

The statement had been released through official channels but the words plainly indicated that she was the one who had come up with them.

A mournful cry from the room next to mine caught my attention. I could hear the doctor explain to a husband that his wife had just passed away from the grievous injuries she had sustained in the aftermath of a fight between two hot-headed mages.

I had heard countless stories like this one and had believed myself completely unmoveable. But to my great surprise, I felt sad upon hearing of this married couple's tragedy.

Did they deserve this?

For the wife to die so unexpectedly and the husband to be left alone in this world forced to deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Wasn't it sad?

It was...

I hadn't cared before.

I hadn't wanted to care.

But now I did.

That feeling of sadness was bittersweet. The joy from feeling compassion for others again and the sadness from seeing them suffer.

"You're not smiling."


That man was driving me insane!

How could I not hear him? My ears could pick up everything around me with superhuman precision and yet he just seemed to appear from thin air.

"And now you are frowning."

"Who wouldn't frown if someone just suddenly showed up this close to them?"

"You've got a point, I'll knock next time. Now, why did you stop smiling?"

"The man in the next room over just lost his wife."

"Last I checked such things brought you joy?"

"They did. But now..."


"I feel sad for them. Maybe you were right and no one deserves something like this."

He grew silent again and I heard him clear his throat.

"Then you finally believe me that you deserve happiness?"


"Come on, I'm getting justice for you and you can't even admit that you deserve happiness!"

"Does it matter if I deserve it?"

He paused for a while and cleared his throat multiple times. Why was he so hesitant to answer? I couldn't be fixed so it did matter.

Or did he have a way to make me walk again?

I wanted to ask but before I could he began to walk out the door.

"We can continue to discuss this when that fraud of an idol has been completely dealt with. Have a nice day."

And dealt with she was.

The next day another statement was released but this time it came directly from the producers. They claimed that they knew nothing of the accusations Darwin had put forth but agreed that this would have to be investigated.

They asked all their fans to keep this matter separate from their other idols and should the accusations turn out true to only fault the guilty. They went on to state that they required each and every one of their idols to clear all doubts that could be held against them.

The official statement made no specific mention that the idol who had pushed me would have to visit the temple of purity but it was evidently in the subtext.

This whole fiasco must have cost them many loyal fans on all fronts. Hence the attempts to

separate the matter from other idols to at least protect them. They already knew that this would end badly for at least one of their idols so they tried to minimize the damage.

The idol in question was now met with an impossible choice. She could either go to the temple of purity and lose the trial fair and square or she could keep refusing.

Both choices weren't ideal but the second one was the way to go. The only consequence would be the end of her idol career but in return, she wouldn't be found guilty and the matter would probably blow over.

If she took the first choice she might face heavy charges, still lose her career as an idol, be scorned by her fans, and ruin any decent future career choices.

I was completely sure that she would take the second option and disappear from the public's view for some time.

However, she chose to show up. I wasn't there but I heard that she lied and got burnt by punitive fire. Throughout the whole thing, she kept yelling that this was a conspiracy against her and the results had been tampered with.

Not even her die-hard fans believed her at this point.

Darwin came by and asked me if I wanted him to begin pressing charges against the poor girl. After being supported by a verdict from the temple of purity the case could only be won.

I told him that there was no need to press charges. The girl had been burnt by punitive fire. Her looks were forever ruined and her career had ended in every aspect of the public sector.

Despite her being the direct cause of my suffering I felt myself pitying her.

Darwin seemed relieved after hearing my answer but then he fell silent again for a while before speaking solemnly.

"I have to admit that I haven't been entirely honest with you. The reason I came here and decided to help you is that I need to ask an immeasurable favor of you."