I am dreaming and yet I'm not. My mind is telling me that I just fell asleep on a bed but my body is telling me that I'm moving around.
My eyes see other monsters, all fighting each other. And I am fighting too...
In a strange way that is. My body is moving without me doing anything. Biting, constricting, lashing out with the tail, and every other thinkable way of killing everything around me.
Blood continuously flows everywhere. Both mine and that of the monsters killed. It begins to cover my entire body, drenches me to the point that it seeps into my scales, flesh, bones, and even my soul.
The sanguine liquid fuses with me and that familiar feeling of my blood boiling returns. This wonderful boost of strength runs wild in my veins and I feel invincible. I am the king of the world bathing in my enemies' blood.
The killing continues. On and on it goes. I grow tired of it but my body doesn't stop moving. Injury after injury I continue to rend a bloody path through the mob. My wounds heal but the fatigue remains and it continues until I'm about to reach the breaking point.
Then with a surge rushing through me, a barrier is overcome and my body ceases to move. Blessed silence sets in as the fighting around me fades into the background. Finally, I can rest!
I wake up with a jolt. The ceiling I see is the same one I saw before I went to sleep. Well, except for a few scratches that weren't there before.
I sit up feeling a bit confused and freeze in shock at what I see. The walls are completely filled with scratches and other signs of destruction. Except for the bed I'm lying on nothing in this room isn't covered in them.
What happened here?
Having a bad premonition I hurriedly open my status and take a look. And indeed my guess was right.
Status Jade Lv. 1 sanguine snake
Mp 10+10+10
Strength 3+10+5
Constitution 3+10+3
Speed 6+10+7
Magic ability 5+10+2
universal humanoid language, universal monster language, dungeon map, thermal detection
Sanguine bite lv. 2; blood-stealing constriction lv. 1; weak sanguine venom lv. 2; enhanced stamina lv. 5; sanguine boost lv. 2; stealth lv.1; energy fang lv.1; hardened scales lv.1; tail whip lv.2;
I evolved! Most of my stats had grown a little, I had gained the skill tail whip at level 2, enhanced stamina leveled up to level 5 and sanguine boost reached level 2. That feeling of overcoming a barrier must have been when I leveled up my sanguine boost.
But why did all of that happen? Darwin clearly said I would have to wait until the next day and get some rest.
The first evolution is usually a bit problematic so we have adopted this method to get through it with the least amount of effort.> What do you mean by problematic? What happened in this room? And what in devil's name was that dream I had? But there isn't supposed to be a dream where I murder things, is there? Worse than Darwin's? What kind of monster is Darwin anyway? Guessing skills? Like appraisal, you mean? I'll just ask him then. Now, what is that evolution procedure? As you said I already evolved so it can't be that. I stand up and notice that the scales that had previously been white had now all turned into a beautiful sanguine red. So had my hair and according to Navi my eyes too. I was fairly confident that those three traitors would be unable to recognize me if we met in the streets. Assuming no one would try to murder me after they see I have scales on parts of my skin. I wonder how those three are doing. It would be a shame if they died before I could get my revenge!