Floating far above a giant blue and green sphere, a ball of tranquil grey and white light sits still, waves of seamless light of the same colours danced around the outside slowly with no real pattern, similar to that of an aurora.
Periodically a burst of light would shoot towards the sphere only to return a while later. Each wave bringing back a crystal clear image of the surface for the ball of light, and it would grow a little bigger.
Normally there would be no reaction whatsoever, but to merely repeat the process a while later. This continued for an unknown amount of time.
It watched on ever so intensely, at what must be its favorite scene since it had been there since not long after it's formation. now watching huge spans of a blue substance surround and swallowing massive amounts of other substances only to return to its not quite tranquil but usual position once light faded away from it.
Strange beings dwelled in this blue substance, but so could be said for all the other substances something moved around, along, and/or above all of them, independently of the cycle it endlessly loved to watch over and over.
After a long, unknown period of time the pulses of light it shot were so rapidly sent out that they could no longer be counted by how many appeared each second. The ball of light was also much bigger now, it displayed unique fluctuations along its surface every so often and would even move around to get a, faster, more vivid image of what was below it.
The strange beings it was watching had drastically changed now, all of them were so vibrantly different, it flew all around the sphere to see all the different beings making sure to get a good look at them all.
However, it made sure to still observe the blue substance wherever it went, though compared to what it focused on most of the time now it only seemed to be of minor interest to it now.
While the ball of light did spend time around all the different beings, it appeared to be mostly invested in one in particular. There was one that had spread out around the whole sphere, they had moved across and around the blue substance like no other being had done before and this wasn't the least of it either. They were able to change substances into one another, work together in large groups to change the entire appearance of any given area, work together with a wider variety of beings than any other had done before, and much more.
The ball of light would appear to be engrossed in what made these beings so different. It would constantly watch them then move and view one of the other beings to see if anything they did was similar but failed to find one with all the qualities the sphere altering ones had.
It continued to watch on, if observed it would be seen that it would glow brighter watching the beings make monumental changes to the sphere. However, it would dim very low when it witnessed a sphere alterer destroy another sphere alterer. Less so from when it was a different being, it had seen all the other beings fall to one another constantly for a very long time.
The sphere alterers were different, they were the only ones to destroy their own in such large quantities, often leaving them lying on the surface, left for another being or substance than themselves to deal with. This always caused the ball of light to dim becoming almost completely transparent for reasons it could not understand.
Eventually it seemed to have lost interest in the activities of the sphere alterers entire activity's as a whole, and began focusing on them as individuals. It would watch as they appeared, grew, and ultimately turn back into substances that made up the outer layer or into another being of the sphere. It would glow brighter watching these beings grow, eventually reaching a peak, then slowly fading until the sphere alterer would join this cycle naturally, like the blue substance it could never take its eyes off, following the cycle rhythmically.
And so the ball of light had found the second cycle that had grown to capture its light.
It started paying greater attention to the details of this cycle, sending faster pulses of light each time it observed the being do something it had not seen before.
After some time the sphere even began to use its light to imitate their actions as if to try and understand why they did it. Very crude reconstructions became more and more advanced, and soon enough the ball of light could fully replicate the shape and figure of the sphere alters at will.
Even so, the ball of light could never create any effects like what the sphere alters could. No matter the scale or complexity, after it finished its reenactments of their actions nothing would cause permanent change like what they had done. The ball of light seemed to grow more and more discontent with it's inability to do anything but observe.
Seeming to have grown what it one day would know to be frustrated it was glowing brighter than ever before, the ball of light began to try all different kinds of things as fast as it could. It would send light into substances then try to move or change them, then fly around somewhere else and try and repeat this. Sometimes changing its form and trying to recreate the exact method the sphere alters had used to do all the things they had done.
It was acting truly manic.
At times it would even stop sending pluses of light out and hold them back for a period of time only to release an even bigger and more powerful pulse. In spite of its best efforts all it got was a deeper view into substances, along with a clear view of the tiny substances that made up the bigger ones.
But despite its best efforts it could never affect the sphere nor do the things the sphere alters had done.
So for a time it lay dormant, not sending out any pluses of light or moving at all. It remained like this for a very long period of time, in a state of unknown thought and comprehension.
The light around the ball would flow in a very rhythmic pattern similar to that of the blue substance it had seen before. The light would pull in, then push out from two axes, then fold over the outside layer, and finally recede back into the center.
As it did, small strands of light began to be pulled towards the center however the ball of light would never appear any bigger or smaller this time, it merely continued this process in peace without any disturbance far above the surface of the sphere.