Chereads / The Infinity Archive / Chapter 3 - 03 ~ Evolution

Chapter 3 - 03 ~ Evolution

When the ball of light's surface regained the movement it once had before, and its new light shone brighter than even before, it began to move again speeding out of the blue waves high above.

Setting out, they began to see all the changes that had taken place around the sphere, the sphere alterer's had learned to harness the thin substances in the air to push massive objects across the blue substance to cross great distances quickly.

They made contact with those that they would usually never have met had they not had this method of movement available to them. They were all much slower than the ball of light after all, which was busy buzzing around them from place to place, it had discovered that it could now see that when they made noise they caused the substances around them to shake slightly. Mimicking these fluctuations it was able to feel it too, excited it had gone around collecting all the different fluctuations and mimicking them alone later.

The ball of light had collected many different fluctuations that it was now replicating on its surface, one after the other. Excited about putting bits and pieces of it together, there were many different ways they communicated based on location of origin, these studies continued for quite a while.

The ball of light's studies eventually drifted elsewhere, the head the surface alters possessed. It's a basic reactionary system, but with irrationally differing scales between each one, some even had a reactionary pathway network to a scale even the ball of light could fail to keep track of, from any point or place. Leaving those be, they began to focus on the simpler ones, specifically the little ones of their species. They all only worked off the base functions grown in them from creation with little extra layers.

Emulating all its findings resulted in little light dolls with basic functionality, yet it still could not affect the world around it with them either. Placing these tests aside, they continued studying their reactionary networks. Learning their speech more in depth, it had now achieved an understanding of the complex nature of their minds to a degree it could process their memory's for itself. This lead to the effect of attachment to some, but gaining this knowledge for itself was easier the less complex the mind.

One of its major attachments was to a couple who possessed a place where they could grow other 'lesser beings' and provide them to others or their products. One was pregnant, her name was Irina, the other with them was Damir.

They were rather young so they didn't possess many complicated layers, yet they deviated from the rest so much so, choosing to rather be further away from their own kind unlike the rest wishing to stay as close to others as they could.

The ball of light spent many days watching them do their work, only leaving at moments of pause to observe the others of their kind in detail, particularly those in the state they would reach when they laid at rest. This was the moment when their minds where at their most active, with nothing else being operated their minds could operate at its best and unhinged.

Fascinated by this it was, when the couple were not doing anything so different from the rest of their kind. Their minds would produce vivid images even things they had not seen or heard of for themselves could be seen within.

After a while Irina's child had grown to a state where it might soon be let into the world in the coming days. Yet the ball of light saw something different, the child's mind had yet to develop basic functionality to operate its body. Meaning the child will be still-born after it loses its associated life lines from Irina.

Now, pouring its own light into Irina's child's brain, the signals began to travel through the ball of light. Getting an idea it laid out a network similar to what it had seen in others, to its surprise the signals would travel along this artificial network just as fast as if it were the child's own.

Experimenting as it did, pouring its own light into the child's brain at large amounts caused its own networks to grow along its artificial one.

Given enough time, the child could have a completely healthy mind when born, like mercury in consistency with its marbled iridescent light still dominating its appearance, the ball of light kept flowing its light into the child's brain.

Sadly time was not on the ball of light nor the child's side, Irina fell into labor with days still left till the child would be healthy enough to live on its own. Panicking the ball of light began to surge all its light into the brain forming very small connections and lines to appear all over physically within the child's mind.

Though the ball of light dimmed rapidly, it was far from done what it needed to do, so it pushed on. When it had no more light to give, it began to feel what the ball of light would come to know as heat filled it. Its actual size began to shrink, but with this the child's mind began to develop rapidly, excited the ball of light stopped holding back and poured all it had without any restraint. What it saw started to fade out, with it eventually falling into what appeared to be the death of the ball of light as its light extinguished with no trace left in sight.

It lost all movement, sight, and awareness, timelessly drifting for a moment. When it gained sight again its memory was foggy and it was blasted with sensations entirely new to it.

A cry came from it involuntarily, blasting away its last layer of defense, sending it into a state of absolute confusion and chaos. Sending out a light burst like it did in most states of duress, it saw a placement of wooden boards like a ceiling arranged like the ceiling in the couple's home.

Startled by this change, instead of seeing everything around it, they were only able to see in one direction in a cone-like fashion. Noticing the cry that was coming from itself had stopped it was finally calming down now.

What happened, why was it only seeing one way? Trying to change what it saw was very difficult, eventually turning its point of view it saw Irina and Damir looking at it. Tensing up, it had no idea what to do, those two had never been able to see it before so why now?

Irina walked over and picked up the child from the crib, that it had not even realized it had been in due to its panic. She rocked him back and forth, whispering incomprehensible phrases to calm him down, his visible panic faded.

Though the child's mind was far from being calm, it began to take note of all surroundings and eventually reached out to grab Irina's long blond braids and watch as they moved it their tiny palm.

'It worked! They moved! I FEEL IT!'

The ball of light was no longer a ball of light, they were now in the child's body or rather they were the child. How, it didn't even know that, but it could see what was in front of it, touch it, and move it like it had always tried countless times before. Its memory was still too hazy to recall what had occurred moments before, rather choosing to relish this moment.

Overcome with a wave of lethargy after its mind calmed down, the child fell asleep in Irina's arms with Damir at her side. Holding him in their arms, they fell asleep after what anyone in the room would agree was the longest day of their lives.