Chereads / GINKEN - The Silver Sword / (2020) Halloween Special: A witched arrival! Golden Hour Treasure!

GINKEN - The Silver Sword

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(2020) Halloween Special: A witched arrival! Golden Hour Treasure!

[??? Cemetery - Friday, 10:05 p.m.]

Once looking around, Tim was found near cemetery. With confusion and wonders, he scratched his head. "Where... exactly... how did I...?" Tim had no words since he never meant to go to a scary cemetery. "It creeps me out, why am I here for again?" He began walking forward once a bat blasted past his head. "Gaaaaah!" From a jumpscare of loud wings, Tim dropped onto his bottom. "What are bats doing at the cemetery! Aren't they usually in caves?!" Tim loudly called while gulping. But then he noticed something strange, a mansion in the distance. "To be exact if I'm in Tokyo, I should probably go ask around... but.. I never remembered a mansion being so close to the cemetery..." Tim scratched his head when standing up and walking forward. Once closing in on the cabin-like-mansion, he knocked with the handle. "Excuse me, is somebody here!?" Tim asked polietely and gently.

"Just great... Am I actually trying to get answer from this creepy-ass home?" But then, the door opened on their own. "Oop! It.... opened, how... convinient!" Tim slowly entered but the mansion seemed to be in darkness. "I swear there was light in this mansion before...." Tim scratched his head but still entered. He noticed a giant staircase leading up to both sides. ".....I wish I wasn't here alone..." But as he asked somebody stepped.

"Oh, hello? Tim, what the hell are you doing in this creepy mansion?" Tsukimi walked forward with her confused attitude. ".....What are YOU doing here?! How is a person that I know, the one who stays in this mansion!?" Tim asked with a funny face when pointing with a shout.

"Oh, bah! This is just my home, like it, huh?" She knocked onto the wall. "What?! Don't lie, you came from...." Tim was quickly interrupted. "Ah, yup! I am just... just joking.... calm your cheeks down..." Said Tsukimi with a knowing look. ".... I wish there was somebody else here, jeeze..." Tim and Tsukimi looked around. "So, what exactly are you doing here?" Two of them asked at the same instant but became unamused. "You kiddin'? I asked first you idiot!" They kept copying their words. "No! I said it first!" They shouted. "You mean asked?! Are you ignorant?!" Both of them swung with their arms over their topped head. "Are you kidding me?! Seriously? We have to stop!" Finally after they shouted that, they became quiet. "Finally, may I talk now?" Tsukimi asked politely. "Ya, ya... go ahead, don't have all day...."

Tim sighed when crossing his arms. "Right... so, basically, I came to this cemetery somehow... then included some of my curiosity and decided to enter this creepy-as-hell-rusty-old mansion..." Tsukimi spoke with her hair spiking up from fear. "Oh, is a poor kitty scared?" When saying it he even made a smurk smile. Soon after a broom went flying into Tim's face as he almost collapsed. "Hey! What the hell was that for?!" The broom that dropped even spun and slipped Tim whirled in a flipping spin and smashed his head at the floor, landing on a head-stand, then making his drop onto his butt. "That's for calling me a cat and that I'm scared! You foolish lobe!" At the shout, Tsukimi even shouted at Tim's face.

"L-lobe?! Let me tell you missy! But a lobe is a roundish and flattish projection, and I am pure skin and blood, not even rounded!" He sat on the floor in annoyed rubbing face. "You forgot, pure skin, blood and idiot..." Of course, Tim snapped in annoyance. "Quit it!" But after that shout a cold breeze lassed by. "Who bothered to enter my domain?!" A female voice was heard and Tim became rusty. "Why does that sound like Sayori."

After such call a silouhette appeared at the top of the stairway. Orange hair waved when a skirt also appeared. Tim became unamused when the moonlight shined on the female. Seeing Sayori Tim almost flipped, quickly after that he noticed Sayori having an extremely long nose like a witch with pimples. "Sayori! What the hell is with your nose you ugly tricker!!!" Sayori threw the nose away when leaping down the stairs. "Whoa! Hey! Sayori! What are you!?" Sayori dropped on Tim as she pinged him on the ground, she sat on Tim's lap while he layed on the floor. He faced near his stomach when becoming embarrassed. Sayori had spread legs while sitting on Tim's private part, serious and very intimidating.

("Why must she be in skirt! Why, just why! Please, cleanse it! Cleanse it!") Tim thought through his weird minded expression. "I asked why are you here? You foolish intruder?" Sayori closed in with her daggers on the neck. "Whao! Hey! Whao! Whao! Calm it! That's too close! I came here, somehow, no clue, just did! I'm not going to harm anything! Just keep that sharp edge away from me!!" Sayori continued to be unamused and moved a little, that made Tim even more uncomfortable. "Hm... you're still an intruder... how may I know you're innocent? You smell like trouble."

Tim became very unamused. "I swear, if you don't move away with your crotch and those boobs of yours... I'm going to really do something to this home." Soon as Tim called it in unamusement, Sayori continued to be serious but very embarrassed. She quickly flipped away and gave a speeching cough. "So then, why exactly are you here?" She asked very seriously but finally calm. Tim stood up when looking at Tsukimi, who was a few meters away, very unsure of Tim. "What are you looking at me for?!" Tim asked, clearly but yet loud. "You sure you haven't been living under a rock.... why are you suddenly so weird, mentioning a human's body, especially a girl's one..." Asked Tsukimi when sneaking away.

"Hey! What else was I supposed to say??? If I asked 'please, could you get off me', she'd be like 'answer me' and if that was the case,what would I have acomplished there! Death or probably constant sitting on someone like me?!" Tim asked, in the front, Sayori spoke with a red mark of angry feeling on her forehead. "I asked...why the hell are you here again?!" Sayori shouted when waving with her arms. Tim and Tsukimi backed away when seeing crazy Sayori swinging with her daggers. "Heesh, she is crazy, are we sure that she's Sayori....?" Tsukimi asked with very polite confusion. "At least she threw her fake long-ass nose away..." Tim added as they kept looking forward. With a cough out, Sayori clapped with her hands. "Now then if I shall, come in." Sayori smiled cutely while foreseeing Tim and Tsukimi confused.

"Hold up! What's this about! Just a minute ago you were like *cough* 'who bothered to enter my domain', but now you're saying 'please, please, come in'" Tim sighed constantly annoyed. "What is spanking ya, be glad I'm letting you in, stop being annoyed of this, christ..." Sayori gave a look to the side with a flinching eye. "It's not that! What's creepy here is you, calling out, at us, cutely! Like what? Did a witch put a spell on you? Or is it, just that you're dumb enough to first be rude and only then polite?! While Tim complained about few.... well, several things, another broom lashed out into his face. " Tsukimi, what the hell was that for?!" But as he shouted, he noticed Tsukimi confused.

"Wh....What?" His ally Tsukimi questioned with a couple of blinking eyes. "Don't 'what' me! You just threw that stupid broom at me again!! Are you actually trying to make me hurt!?" Tim louded with an angry red mark on his face, no stopping in pointing at Tsukimi. "Not me..." "What do you mean, 'not me'?!" Tim followed up. "I'm saying that it wasn't me who threw that ugly broom at you... stop being foolish..."

Tsukimi outclaimed when still facing away. "Then who the hell was it, if not you!?" Tim asked, but then Sayori spoke. "Me..." Sayori was confidently standing up with her hands up on her hips. "Huh?" Tim became squiggly into his confused eyes. "I only used my telepathy to control such magnificent aerial broom, nothing much..." Tim and Tsukimi stayed quiet. "You never, ever had telepathy as your ability! What do you mean, freaking orange!"

Once Tim called Sayori an orange, she immediately rustled in anger. "....You called me an orange....." Her mouth and eyes were flinching in angry attitude. "Yeah! It's a perfect 'nickname' for you, orange hair and short, perfect for an orange..." Soon as Tim called, Sayori outraged and threw a dagger past his head. "Eeeek!" Tim jumped from surprise while frozen on the spot. Sayori walked next to him. "One more time, if you call me an orange..... I will break your limbs!" She called in anger as she pointed her fingers between Tim's nose and eyes. Unamused well enough, Tim added up. "Sure, just like you tried one time, but then became all cute and backed away." Sayori reached for her other dagger and swiped it near Tim's neck. "Don't be a cruel guy to a girl.... would you..." She called knowingly and backed away.

"Well now! Of we go!" Sayori giggled and walked forward, meanwhile Tsukimi and Tim neared together. "She's acting very strange...." Tim said with a sighing node. "Agreed." Both of them followed Sayori further into the hallways of the mansion. "This place gives me some violent creeps... what exactly is she doing here anyways?"

Tim asked after scratching his head. Tsukimi sticked quiet and in the next few minutes the three of them arrived to a room which was somewhat differ than the rest. Sayori turned around with a pacifistic smile. "This right here is my treasure...." Sayori confidently called with a creepy laugh. "It's the most beautiful and majestic! And nobody can take it away from me! Unless they want death!" Sayori began laughing out loud like a witch and immediately a thunder struck the floor on the outside which reflected in the window. "..." Tsukimi and Tim sticked quiet for a few seconds.

"At least she has good effects...." Tim added with a scratch onto his nose. "Anyways! Here it~" Before Sayori finished, Tsukimi spoke. "Hold on! If it's your treasure.... why are you showing it to us and yet we didn't even ask, don't you think that's a bit strange?" Tsukimi blinked couple of times and then put her arms in a cross. "*cough*, that's a good point, but.... or should I say! HOWEVER! I trust you, so feast your eyes on this dramatic treasure! Named! Golden Hour~" After her opening of the chest she immediately froze with widened squiggly eyes. "Where is it!!!!???" She shouted with her body skin switching to white, feeling extremely painful. "Oh... well, that's unfortunate..." Sighed Tim and seemingly rolled his eyes onto the left of his view.

Sayori dropped onto ker knees with eyes frozen. ".....This..... is.... it.... I guess, I'm done for..." Sayori slapped her body on the floor and looked asleep. Tsukimi and Tim both turned around. "Then I guess I'll be going." The two of them walked away but Sayori's voice became much more creepier and terrifiying, with her shadowed eyes, she stood up. "No you aren't, you... two will help me find it! Time to find the stealer!" Tim and Tsukimi both gulped when they felt heavy breathing down their necks. "Right away!" Spinning around the two of them agreed. "Good, good! Without it! I am powerless! You two will be my eyes, we'll go visit.... the Shadow Castle!" The thunder once again struck and the two teenagers back stepped.

[Shadow Castle - Friday, 11:10 p.m.]

Once another thunder struck the three of them arrived. "Can somebody explain.... what is going on? How can we be sure that this is where the 'treasure' is?" Tim added up with annoyed announcement. "Simple, this is where my only enemy lives! Having this empire to themselves! I'll show them who deserves this treasure!" Sayori laughed and faced at the top of the castle. "Is this a dream?" Tim asked while looking at his palm. Tsukimi smashed her fist into Tim's face and rolled him away. "Gah! What the! Whoaaaaa!" Tim shouted when smashing his bottom into the dusty tree.

Tim quickly stood up. "Hey, woman! What was that for!!!" Tim yelled while shouting with his tongue and angry waving arms. "Well... you asked if this is a dream, so we tested.... not much." Spoke Tsukimi when shaking her hand up and down. "You didn't have to punch me! What if I got a nose bleed or something?!" Tim yelled and making a fist, Tsukimi turned around with closed arms. "Would make you look better..." Hiding her pain in the fist as she shook it away from Tim's view for him to not notice.

("Man! What's his face made out of and if this is dream, it shouldn't hurt me...) "Let's hurry up along then!" Called Sayori as the three of them entered the gate. "They say an empire... and all that is here.... it's only the castle..." Tim sighed but the bats kept flying over the dark castle. "Why did they name it, the Shadow Castle anyway?" Tim foreasked. "Very simple!" Sayori smiled with a nod up and down. Tim and Tsukimi looked at her quietly. "W...what? What are you looking at me for, get your nasty faces away." Sayori called. "Then explain! You said it was very simple!!" Both of the two called. "Gah! Fine! So basically~" She froze on her wording. "Have no clue...." Tim and Tsukimi dropped to the floor from their given answer. "You're dissapointement, you know that." Said Tim, but Sayori stomped into his face. "Ow!!"

Then a few seconds after they entered the 'scary' castle and found themselves in a shadowy hallway.

"This place is hella sucky..." Tim answered and breathed in. "What are you doing?" Tsukimi was uncomfortable of his look, but then. "HELLO! IS ANYONE HERE!!" His shout bursted at Sayori and Tsukimi's ears as they made a girly scream, Tim's voice echoed into the distance and soon disappeared. "Oh, well... guess not..." But then, both of the girl's squashed their fists into his face and smashed him into the floor. "Stop yelling, you fool!" The two girls faced at the distance. "Who the hell is yelling in my castle!" Girls and Tim faced when seeing a shadow standing in front of him. Tim stood up. "What the hell are you doing here! Codey?!" Tim loudly shouted and pointed directly to the front of Codey. "Do I know you matey?" Codey called in confusing expression. "You! You have my treasure! I thought so!" Sayori loudly called with intimidation. "Yes I have! That treasure belongs to me, not you!" Called Codey with a laugh. "Ayuka! Chapple! Rachel and Tooru! Throw them out!" Codey laughed when pointing at his frenemies. "Huh...." Tim circled his view and noticed, Chapple, Rachel and Tooru. "What are you, hold on! Don't tell me that Ayuka too?!" But as soon as Tim called, Ayuka came floating from above them. In confused look, Tim faced at her outfit and immediately became uncomfortable. "Why are you dressed like some sort of a seductive woman?!" Tim outcalled loudly while pointing up and down, directly at her. "Seductive woman? I'm so called succubus." She explained. "That's literally what a succubus is! A seductive woman!" Added up by Tim, he immensely stroke his hands followed up by annoyance. "Do what your job is! Succubus Ayuka! Seduce that~" But then Ayuka declined the order from Codey. "No thanks..." Ayuka slipped onto the wall and leaned back, falling asleep. "W....Wait.... what?" Rachel asked confusingly. "You must listen to our master!" Chapple added annoyingly while pointing at Ayuka. "M...Master? Okay, anyone else is fine, but Codey, being their master! You may as well go dump yourself underground and come back to life after 20,000 years, that way, you just may be a proper master!" Tsukimi bumped Tim's shoulder. "How dare you speak to our master like that?!" Tooru shouted. "That's disgraceful! Wipe them away! And then! Put them inside of a plushie toy!" Codey laughed out when pointing at them. "We must get out Treasure! We won't be wiped away that easily!" Sayori added, but then she noticed Tim walking away. "W...Where are you going?" Sayori asked and looked at the walking Tim. "If you want to keep that treasure, Codey, I won't stop you! See you! I'm going to sleep, I have dealt too long with this crap!" But before exiting, Ayuka flew in front of Tim and stopped him. "W...w...what? Are you?" Ayuka seemed to be quite lazy and bored. "Could you at least make this more fun for me... I hate the boring endings of a tale..." She explained with her too 'showing' clothes waving. "Put some better clothes on, first! But also, what tale?" Tim asked afterward. Ayuka flew above him and reached for her book and pencil. "Oh... no.. not again.." She begun drawing. "Right now you are in a special dream! You are here to finish your dream for that reason you must defeat Codey~" Codey heard it. "Whoa! Hold up! What are you doing you winged girl! What do you mean by 'must' defeat me, don't get any hopes!" But he was stopped. "After that's done, you have to find the treasure...." Tim's eyes kept flinching with his sighes outraging. "Your drawings suck.... and I asked... Can you put some more appropriate clothes!" Tim shouted, Ayuka sighed and quickly spun, everybody became red into their face. "Aahhh!"

[We'll skip that! Inapproprate for children! But you may enjoy some entertaining ads!]

[Have you ever wanted to keep your hair as beautiful as~]

"Quit this! This is not time for this! Back to me, you stupid Television!" Tim smashed the television into the ground and looked at you readers. "Oh, don't worry, she was dressed, we were just uncomfortable by~" "Oh will you shut up! Go back to reality!" Tsukimi yelled. "Reality? I'm in a stupid dream!" "Who cares! Move your ass from that!" Tsukimi yelled. "Anyways! See you back in action guys!" Tim smiled at you.

"How do you want me to defeat this stupid windy whirly guy! I can but without a weapon! Come on! Give me at least something!" Tim shouted annoyed to look at Ayuka who had daily clothes on... still, she seemed to love showing her bra shirt with an opened hoodie. "Can be done, I suppose..." Fire appeared around Tim when a weapon rose, he became unamused. "What is this?" He asked while others still kept annoyed. "Oh... sorry... that's just one of my bras to use..." Tim was shaking on the spot when he threw it in the air. "Why do you have that ability right now?!" But then after his shout. Orange flames outwhirled through the area and bursted high in the air, a blacked out edge of the blade grew outward with another cloth waving behind Tim. His kimono finally reappeared when leaning his sword onto his shoulder. "Much better." With a confident smile, Tim already readied his sword. "Attack my minions!" But when Codey orderer, the others backed away. "Uh...guys.... hey..." But his unefficient 'minions', as he likes to call them, hid behind the wall, afraid. "You know... maybe you can just deal with him for us.." The three of them giggled. Ayuka was floating behind Tim while leaning backwards. "You guys are useless, as a cream in a pie!" Codey swirled his arm when a two boomerangs came spinning and spiking through the air into his hand.

"Tim-guy! Then put this guy down to his rests! Beat him down, you girl!" Sayori angrly called. "I'm a boy ..... I'm not a girl who'd polish their nails instead of fighting." But of course, on what Tim said, Sayori dropped a beating rock which squashed at the back of Tim's head. "Damn it! Can you stop throwing things at me and hitting me, are you ignorant of some babe-like-feelings, or what ?!" Tim asked with anger issues. "Then retrieve that treasure at once." Tim began to hate on the orders from Sayori but listened and grabbed his sword. "This should be a gale and a half!" Codey laughed with an outpinging claps.

Black lines appeared in front of the viewers. Tim and Codey both looked at each other. "...." Something zoomed onto Tim's face as his eyes kept flinching with annoyance. "Where did these movie lines come from?! Quit making it look so disgusting!" Tim shouted and waved his arms to remove then and then faced at the right when a boy jumped. "S .... Sorry ...." Chapple backed away.

Tim moved forward with a preparatory process during the time he noticed Codey's smile. As he ran forward, Tim drew his sword behind his back and let out a blazing fire that roared behind his back, with a slip and a leap forward, he disappeared and swung toward Codey. Codey swung his hand as he grabbed his boomerang and defended it, releasing the wind when touching it. He blew fire around Tim and behind his back. Tim quickly approached and cut down towards Codey's face. Fortunately, Codey disappeared from the spot and appeared at the top of the stairs. He swung his right hand and triggered the wind and then threw a boomerang along, which the wind blew through. Tim squatted and disappeared from the spot. The Boomerang flew into the distance but immediately returned to his hand. Tim, however, quickly scrambled over the fence and released his Firestorm Gesture, which flew towards Codey and triggered his surprise. He backed away with a leap and ran down the stairs, overturned, and then threw his boomerang behind his back. Tim landed and slashed against the rotating boomerang, but the wind blew under the ground and threw Tim high into the air. "Wahhhh!" As he spun, Tim fell to the ground and with Codey's smile, Tim noticed another boomerang flying toward him. With a serious look, Tim disappeared from the spot. Codey also noticed that his boomerang bounced down, Tim showed up behind Codey and quickly heard a girl's scream, Tim stopped as he noticed it was Codey. Codey backed away. "W...what was that girlish scream?!" He asked. "Hah! It's my way of preventing others from attacking me, cool, right?" Codey confidently scratched his nose but Tim's sword handle was smashed into Codey's face. "Gyah! What the hell mate!?" Codey asked as he held his nose. "Oh, you are gonna regret!" Codey backed away with a twisted jump and pulled his right arm, outstretching it when the boomerang begun gathering wind. "This my friend is my ultimate attack Super-Special-Windy-Combo-Throw-Attack!" Everyone became unamused. "What the hell is that name?" Tsukimi asked but the wind was finally gathered within Codey's boomerang.

Codey swung forward with both hands and threw the windy boomerangs, which flew honestly fast toward the others. "Gah! Watch out!" Tim called and everyone jumped aside on the floor, at that moment the wind blew quickly and strongly over the others when ripping of clothes was heard. Tim and others stood up when still quite shocked onto the event that happened, the boomerang at the end, struck its way through the night sky when it was seen like a comet, flying above others. "No! My boomerang! It's gone!!!" Codey shouted when frozen on the spot. "Ayuka, you could have made this a bit more fair! I had to keep my distance....." But then when Tim faced at Ayuka, everybody froze in a very reddish face and cheeks. She was unamused when her bra was split on the parts.

Her skin was shown between her breasts and she kept being unamused. "Look away!" Everybody looked away, as Codey gulped. Ayuka who was bored, lazy and uncaring began slowly flying towards Codey when another gulp arrived. "You're a perv...." She opened her palm and with unamusement froze Codey on the spot, making him a statue. She quickly covered her front body by zipping her hoodie and floated towards Tim. "I didn't want to~" But on what Tim saw, it made him confused. "'Golden Hour' is in the cage in the basement." With her lazy feelings and wings she flew in the distance. "That's one way to finish it...okay... t...thanks..." Tim blinked with several surprises. "Tim! You successfuly made it!" Sayori giggled with claps, caring about treasure and nothing else. "Whatever, let's just go grab the treasure, so I can get out of this dumbass dream!" As they rushed and twisted through the castle they arrived to the bottomfilled basement in which they found a golden treasure. "There it is! The 'Golden Hour', I finally retrieved it!" Sayori ran towards the clock as she raised it in the air. "Now! Can I please go back to where I am supposed to be?!" Tim loudly shouted when the yells reached out from the castle. "Well the problem is... we don't know how to~" Sayori was interrupted. "Hold up! Why am I in this dream anyways!?" Tsukimi asked with a twisty look and scratch. "What do you mean, you don't know!?!" When Tim shouted, Ayuka puffed out from smoke and appeared in front of him with heavly confused appearence. "There is only one way to get you out of here." Tim faced at Ayuka severely confused. "What is it! Just get me out of here!!" But Tim hoped to not be something weird. "I have to seduce you so that you, wake up with warm thoughts..." Tim spotlight dropped on his back. "What! No way! No way! I'm not doing this! Just wake me up otherwise!" But as he shouted, Ayuka already warmth in. "Get away! Get away! Gaaaaaah!!" Tim began shouting and yelling.

[Tokyo City - Furò Street, Friday, 11:25 a.m.]

"Get away! Get away from me! I don't care, sure you have boobs! But this is not how I'm going out! No! Stop doing that! Whaaaaaah! Get awaaaaay!!" Tim finally bursted into sitting when facing to the front. Ayuka was looking at him with her eyes flinchy, when uncomfortable. "W....what are you doing, it's... morning?" Tim faced at his room. "Wait! Ayuka! No! Get away! Let me go!" Tim bursted from his bed and slammed his body inside of the closet. "That was too close! That was so unfair! Why can't I be a girl!!" Shouted Tim when dressing up his hoodie. Ayuka was blinking several times when looking at him. "What's your problem, you've been yelling and didn't even say, what went on..." Ayuka asked, standing in front of him. Tim looked at her. "Good, you're dressed! Don't ever try to think of seducing me with your warmth, or boobs squeezing into me! I'm out!" Ayuka immediately became embarrassed and very, very uncomfortable. "..." - "What was your nasty dream about!!??" The scream of Ayuka, twisted throughout the aerial area and echoed on the outside.

[Well... Tim... sure had an interesting dream... that's quite a strange one too.... well! Everyone! Enjoy your Halloween Day! Happy Halloween of the 2020 October, see ya again soon!!]