Chapter 33: Telepathy How It was Being Misused And The Consequences
It was clear the Old Slippery had many descendants. He was very popular with the ladies and consequently produced many ', love children'. So what about telepathy?
It could be just a genetic quirk, but a lot of his direct descendants were able to connect and communicate with the Old Ghost telepathically. The obvious example is Detective Chief Inspector John Higgins, along with his sister Dr. Amelia Smith and also Sidney (Sid) Higgins, the pub landlord. This was also the case with Professor Hudson.
This was not just happening with the direct male line either. Ladies, descendants of the Old Pub Ghost, could also have this ability like Amelia.
On any day in the pub, there would be a few regulars and some newcomers that had this link with Slippery Jake. If Old Slippery was present in his chair during opening hours, he would know immediately who these people were. They too would have a slightly uneasy feeling, as if their minds were being probed, which they were.
This was, by and large not a problem, in fact, a massive advantage as the meeting, and the role telepathy had via the Detective Chief Inspector in communication with the House Ghost, and higher powers, so to speak, was proving.
However, as was the way with human nature, some regular members in the Lounge Bar were starting to abuse the gift. They were listening in to conversations between the Detective Chief Inspection and Slippery Jake. Snippets of information were starting to appear on social media and in academic papers. It would only be a matter of time before the general press would get wind of this. Sandra and Kevin were tasked to make the 'official recordings' so to speak. The every industrious Pamela Parsons would then write up the official minutes that would be circulated to the committee members. Collectively in meetings and via correspondence decisions would be made regarding what should be put out there for general publication, as a number of these topics were very important and potentially explosive.
The individuals involved in this should have had more sense. They knew full well that Slippery Jake knew who they were. However, the temptation was too great for them.
It had been going on for a while in a small way. There was a middle-aged couple that sat midway between the ghost and the committee. There was also an elderly, well-dressed gentleman at the back. The lady in the couple and the elderly gentleman had the 'gift'. They all had academic connections.
Information started to filter out into publications. Various committee members started to get suspicious. They asked the Detective Chief Inspector to look into this. He duly queried the Highwayman telepathically, begging him not to be too dramatic.
Old Slippery Jake duly acted. He of course knew full well who they all were. He was just biding his time. They often used their cell phones to record the committee's deliberations. They would carefully dictate what they were hearing in their heads from the Detective Chief Inspector. Some had more discrete sound recording equipment.
So 'Slippery' went to work. Once an individual started recording on whatever device they were using, they found it was starting to get very cold. So cold in fact they had to drop their devices. Some even had a touch of frostbite in their fingers. They also felt a drilling pain flooding their brains. This was enough for them to stop their activity. They knew they were found out.
They all got up and left. Sid told them they were not welcome back. The Detective Chief Inspector told everybody in the Lounge Bar not to worry. This had happened before. The committee meetings were very important. Minutes and recorders were carefully dealt with. There could be no room for misinterpretation. Detective Chief Inspector Higgins also publically thanked Slippery Jake for his restraint. Regulars to the Lounge Bar Restaurant knew full well what this meant. The Old Ghost would merrily have skewered all of them using his rapier blade. This way, however, there would also be no adverse publicity.
Everybody in the Lounge Bar duly got up and applauded Old Slippery. He reciprocated by making a low bow combined with an extravagant twirl of this three-cornered hat. A nice relationship had developed all around. Everybody got back to the business of eating and drinking. Sid and Beryl also looked very thankful.
The committee meeting continued. The Rev William Frampton then bowed very deeply. He asked the Old Ghost via the Detective Chief Inspector, "What is the nature of Life after Death?". He really wanted to get back to this topic again and get more clarification as it was so important!
By this the reverend was hinting was there a Heaven or a Hell? The Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom again replied via the Detective Chief Inspector again this was very much down to your belief system when you were alive. There was no one system fits all. For Buddhists and Hindus, there was Reincarnation. For the monotheistic religions, they all had forms of Heaven and Hell.
Old Slippery mentioned that there was still Purgatory as a kind of holding pen. For nonbelievers of whatever kind, they ended up in the dominant cultural version of an afterlife, if they liked that or not, be it reincarnation or a Heaven or Hell. Pagans etc again would have an afterlife that fitted their belief systems. He said this was the case across the Universe. The life force was not lost but transmuted and reflected the life that had been led. Chi/Qi was not lost.
Bethany. The Wicca representative wondered about animals and plants. The Old Ghost replied that they too would have a presence befitting their role in life. He said Ginger the old ginger Tom was with him by the throne. Major, his beloved stallion was never far away. They had both been devoted to each other during life, and this bond remained. This was also the case with his trusted dog, Horatio, who was also nearby.
There was a Native American belief that before a soul can cross the Rainbow Bridge to Heaven, every animal that the person had dealings with will also determine whether or not that individual soul could enter Heaven. Old Slippery indicated that this would also be an important factor in who can pass through to Heaven. Again Bethany was overjoyed when she heard this, as this vindicated her own beliefs.
Via the Detective Chief Inspector, Old Slippery related how energy could be transmuted and changed, never really going away. This really started to intrigue Professor Alistair McCullough, Professor of Astrophysics. He was wondering if this background energy could be detected? Old Slippery related back that in time, if humanity was to pass through this present crisis then that could be the case. The Old Ghost hinted to the professor that the scientific community worldwide was on the right track. He applauded scientists for their dispassionate pursuit of knowledge.
However, there was an important caveat. He was less than happy with their interest in helping to develop ever new weapons and weapon systems. He knew that this could eventually lead to disaster. He again knew of several civilizations across the universe and across time where this had happen.