Chapter 35: Line Dancing
However, he made no sense of all this random dancing. Where was the order, the finesse, the decorum? What was even stranger was that his presence on the dance floor was largely ignored. He was at the back in all his shimmering finery. This included his actual three-cornered hat and cloak. It was the case that this particular bunch of clubbers had a reputation for dressing up outlandishly. So the ' Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom', was not especially out of place?
This considerably disconcerted the House Ghost. Wasn't everybody supposed to be really frightened of him? Yes, some regulars that also frequented the other bars had noticed him. They took him for granted now. The rest just thought he was another 'clubber' in some kind of fancy dress.
He listened intently to what was being produced. This particular DJ did generate a subtle range of different rhythms. There was still a pulsing four running through everything, However, there was definitely something there he could use.
Old Slippery immediately started using 'minuet' dancing steps up and down the dance floor. At first, he was ignored. Everybody carried on doing their 'own thing'. Bit by bit people joined in. Yes, most knew who he was, the Resident House Ghost, so what! He seemed to be there to enjoy himself. the eighteenth century, twenty-first century, whatever? Nobody was frightened of him or phased. At first, Old Slippery couldn't quite make this out. He then realized, just like in his day, people enjoyed coming together to dance. The styles of music and dancing were altogether different, but the principle stayed the same.
He was soon being copied. People stared down intently at the ghost's feet. Watching every move that was made by those fine hessian boots Old Slippery loved to wear. A number picked up on what he was doing very quickly and soon formed a line. They were 'line dancing'.
Sandra and Kevin were not there to record this. Several people did have some quality cell phones capable of picking up a reasonable image of the 'Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom'. Needless to say, these videos soon went 'viral' and were plastered all over social media on the web. Of course, there were consequences pretty soon afterwards.
Meanwhile, back on the dance floor, Old Slippery was really impressed. Just about all the young people had learnt these complex minuet steps very quickly. There was no need for any 'red-eye flicker'. There were none of the frustrations he had felt when he tried teaching these dance steps to some of the Hollywood 'stars'. There was a big beaming smile across his face. This again was picked up by a myriad of cells and immediately broadcast across the World Wide Web. People seemed to relish the challenge posed by this complex 18th-century dance form. The DJ was supplying just the right mix and tempo. This indeed was a magical moment.
It was now 3 in the early morning. Sid 'got wind' of what was going on next door in the Lounge Bar. Things were running down everywhere else so there was time for him to drop by. His jaw dropped. What next with Old Slippery? This was beyond crazy. He sent a telegraphic message across to the Old Ghost to say he was very happy with what he was seeing.
Sid also saw immediately what would happen next with all those cell phones flashing all over the place. He got in contact with a few bouncers he knew that operated 24/7. He told them to be at the Bull Pub Entertainment Bar ASAP. There would be good money in this too. He outlined the situation to them. It was not a moment too soon. The press operated 24/7 as well. It was out there live on the web. Old Slippery clubbing and line dancing. How would they present this? Yes, they soon came swarming round and tried to gain entrance to the Entertainment Bar.
Sid phoned the Detective Chief Inspector at his home, It was now 3.30 am in the middle of the night.
His phone rang next to his bed. A bleary-eyed John Higgins eventually got round to picking up his phone. His wife groaned and muttered, "Not again love?"!
"Bleedin' WOT??"
"Bleedin' ghost is line dancin'?? You are 'avin' a bleedin' 'laf'!?" was the Chief's response.
The Chief wondered if this was a nightmare he was in, but it was not. The press was going round there in hoards. He phoned through to his police station. Yes, they knew about the situation. Uniformed officers and a police van were already there.
He tried to explain all of this to his wife. She had now grown used to the general insanity of all of this and kind of accepted it. His young detectives were also contacted. Their young wives were not that surprised. They knew there had to be something done.
The Detective Chief Inspector soon got there. He went straight through the Lounge Bar entrance. It was locked but Sid had let him in. His two young defectives soon joined him.
He saw the crazy scrum at the Entertainment Bar entrance. The bouncers had been joined by uniform police in full riot gear. Two bouncers knew who the valid clubbers were. The press, whoever they were, would not be allowed in.
Screams of "press freedom" were met by threats that this was now a public safety matter. Which could well be the case if this mad press hoard encountered Old Slippery on the dance floor, who was really enjoying himself!
The Detective Chief Inspector looked across at Old Slippery with a big smirk. Somehow he managed to get surrounded by a group of very pleasant young ladies. Their minimal tight clothing was hiding very little. They were busily moving all their lovely curvy extremities in time to the music, to the total delight of Old Slippery.
For him, this was really Heaven on Earth.
The Detective Chief Inspector flashed across a message to the Old Ghoul about all the press outside trying to get in. Old Slippery telepathically replied stating he knew and was very grateful for what the Chief was doing.
It was now 5 am in the morning. The ghost simply faded away as did the DJ and all the dancers. The police carefully directed everyone, not the ghost of course, through a side entrance to the pub. The press luckily did not 'rumble' this.