Chereads / Over And Over / Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

Amos held unto Zoe's wrist as he ran with the group. He wasn't sure why he held her so tightly. But he definitely knew, the thought of losing her was just too terrifying.

"What the hell was that?" Sawyer's voice rang around the forest.

"That wasn't loud enough Sawyer, why don't you shout that louder so we could get caught" Aria's voice was barely audible but Amos knew she was heard.

"No offence but I don't think that freaking matters right now". Spencer whispered.

"We can't run forever. I don't know about you guys, but I am getting tired. Does anyone remember how we can get the fuck out of here?" Aria voice broke even to her.

"If we did, do you think we would still be in this damn forest sis" Zoe asked her sister.

"Guys, stop running, I think we lost Whatever that thing was".

At Amos words, everyone stopped.

"If that thing can turn to anyone, how are we sure it isn't here with us?" Sawyer's question caused silence among the group. They thought of his words and knew it could be a possibility.

Slowly everyone took a step back from each other.

"Guys, this is insane. That thing is a shape shifter, and from what I've read about shape shifters, they take people's form but not their memories". Spencer said.

"How do you know so much about shape shifters? Could you be one yourself?"

Spencer sighed at Zoe's words. This was why she wasn't really close with her. "I know so much about them, because I read. Maybe if you read more, instead of spending so much time wearing that stupid cheer leading uniform and parading yourself as queen B, you would know so much more".

"Eh…. I am guessing Spencer's not the shape shifter. So, who's next? Tell us something about each other". Sawyer said, beside a furious Spencer.

Seeing the mood, Aria decided to go first. "Okay. Eh. Zoe and I are twins".

Sawyer laughed at her. "Don't be stupid Aria. Anyone can tell your twins. Jesus, you look alike".

"No, we don't". Zoe and Aria denied. They never liked being called identical.

"Tell us something else Aria". Spencer said.

"How about, I never wanted to come for this stupid trip. I was forced by my dear sister here". Aria said, pointing an accusing finger at her sister.

"Hey, I didn't drag you here. And you weren't saying that when you were having fun". Zoe whispered, scared of being heard.

"Fun. You call being chased by a shape shifting thing. fun. A monster that killed my boyfriend. And it's probably eating his remains as we speak". Aria snapped at her sister. She hated Ryan, but not enough to wish him death.

"Shape shifter Aria". Sawyer told her.

"What?" Aria asked confused.

"You said shape shifting thing. It's called a shape shifter".

Spencer slapped her boyfriend at his back, while everyone gave him a weird look. They had no idea how he could find humor in this situation.

"We need to get the hell out of here. I don't want to end up being someone's dinner". Amos whispered to the group. He tried keeping his voice as low as possible.

"No kidding. But how do we get out of here?" Zoe spoke the question on everyone's mind.

"I saw a house. Or at least I think it's a house". Aria could remember seeing a house around the woods when she was trying to get back to her friends. Although, she only had a glimpse of the house, she was sure it wasn't far from here.

"You think? Aria, this is not the time to think". Spencer murmured.

"Doesn't matter, that's all we have. Since we don't have our cell phones. At least, there's a chance whoever lives there, might be kind enough to let us make a call". Amos reasoned. It was Spencer's bright idea to leave their phones at the car. She thought it would help everyone bond better. Amos would bet she was regretting that decision right now.

"Who do we call? The cops? I could picture how that will turn out. 'Hey, our friend was killed and eaten by a thing that can turn into anyone'. Yeah, like that will end well".

Aria was tempted to correct Sawyer on the shape shifter word, but she knew better. She was more focused on getting the hell out of here. "Look guys, we have two choices. Either you follow me to find the house or we stay here and get killed by a shape shifting eaten monster".

"Gosh Aria. Shape shifter. Why can't you get it right?"

"Shut up Sawyer". The group yelled.

With a sigh, Sawyer gave everyone a serious look. "Why don't you guys give the shape shifter an invite as you yell?

Shaking her head at Sawyer's stupidity, Aria wondered how Spencer could stand him.

"I am going to check the house out. Who's with me?" Aria asked.

She knew the answer, when everyone followed behind her without a single thought.

The group of teens walked in silence, scared of making a sound. They were far too concerned with watching their surroundings closely. This was a hunting day, they had watched a friend die and yet it felt unreal. The look in the monster's eyes as it devoured their friend hunted them as they walked in the woods, silent and frightened.

Who knew what could come out of it next?

Aria led the group deeper into the forest, she knew she was close to their destination.

She felt drawn to it somehow. Drawn to the place like it was a second home.

No, not even her own house gave her these unexplainable feelings. She had to get there.

Walking to a familiar tree, she gasped as her eyes landed on the house. No, this was bigger and grander than any house she had ever seen. She wondered how it was possible no one in town had run into this building. It was besides beautiful to ever be missed. This was the kind of place that could be called a castle.

The castle weathered stone walls stood proudly, showcasing intricate carvings adorned with creeping ivy, as if it was entwined with nature. She could tell time had left its mark on the structure, with faded hues given it a timeless charm. As they approach the castle, a sense of anticipation built within them. The entrance Aria could tell was guarded by a wrought iron gate adorned with delicate scrollwork.

As they teens passed through the gate, they found themselves in a courtyard adorned with beautiful wildflowers, their vibrant colours contrasting against the grey stone.

"This is one hell of a house. How did you miss it?" Spencer whispered behind a frightened Zoe.

"Forget that. How did anyone from town not notice it?" Amos asked. He was starting to discover a lot of things about the town he lived in all his life. Secrets, they were unaware of.

Amos was starting to think, maybe all the stories they told were true. Probably, not all, but the question was. Which were true and which wasn't. As kids, they were told so many stories, their town was famous for housing myths and legends and now he was starting to question them all.

Funny how, a few hours ago, this was the last thing on his mind.

"Are we going to knock or what?" Sawyer said, already going closer to the huge iron doors.

"Wait. You can't just knock like that. We have to come up with a plan…'' Zoe started, but was interrupted by the sound of Sawyer's knocking.

"We don't have time for that" He simple stated and continued tapping on the door. He was impatient, that much was obvious. There was an eagerness to his tap, that portrayed his hidden fear.

"Are you sure someone's home". Zoe asked no one in particular.

"Not sure. Try opening the door Sawyer". Spencer said, moving closer to him. She watched as Sawyer twisted the knob and to their shock, the door opened with a crack.

The group stared surprised at the door and the clearly empty house. They took a step to enter, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Should we really be doing this? This is an offence, punishable by law. Breaking and entry". Zoe tried to reason.

"Technically, the door was open. And there's another choice. You could stand here and keep guard while the rest of us go in and try to find a way out". Sawyer smirked at her.

What Sawyer failed to realize was Zoe considering that option. "Maybe I should keep watch".

Aria angrily walked in and turned to her naive sister. "While you do that, maybe the shifter could come by and eat you. That will give us a fair warning of its arrival, don't you think"?

The group hurriedly walked into the house, not wanting to be part of another sister drama.

"On second thought, I'll go in". Zoe said, and she slowly walked into the castle.

With all the teens in the house, the door shut loudly behind them. Darkness surrounding them.

Spencer gasped. "What the fuck was that?"

"The doors locked". Zoe answered.

"Why would you lock the door?" Aria asked, already trying to open the door.

"I didn't". Silence followed after Zoe's words.

"If you didn't, who did?" Sawyer questioned.

No one answered.

"Could someone turn on the fucking light? I am starting to freak out". Aria whispered.

"You're just freaking out now?" Sawyer yelled. He was frustrated. He wished he had never come out to these woods. He thought of home, his bed, the thought made him angrier as he wished this was all a nightmare he would awaken from eventually.

"Did you feel that?" Spencer whispered.

"Feel what?" Amos asked back.

"Someone just fucking touched me". Spencer whispered, already freaked out. She could still feel the warmness of the touch on her skin.

"It's probably Aria". Sawyer said, trying to calm his girlfriend.

"How can she touch you, when Aria's by my side?" Zoe murmured.

Spencer was sure someone touched her. She knew it couldn't be any of her friends. No, the hand was way too strong to belong to anyone she knew.

Someone else was in this house.

They were not alone.