Chapter 22 - Tour

It was the next morning I heard the alarm go off and I shot right up I seen Ashton already up packing all of our things including mine.

I started smiling, "Aww you're packing my stuff for me," I say as I unwrap myself from Michael which woke him up, "I'm packing some of your clothes and your hygiene products but if you want anything else you have to pack it this tour is 8 months long," Ashton said as he grabbed some more clothes and packed them.

I stand up and start packing some stuff I want to take when Luke runs in the house and says the tour bus is here.

We take another hour packing and loading the tour bus up I take my last shower in this place for the next 8 months, I walk up to the office to pay the rent for the next year no one knows this but when I worked At McDonald's I was stacking some cash in my bank account.

I paid one of the kids down the street for the summer to keep up with the yard so I don't get evicted since mom and dad passed the trailer got put in my name.

I also paid Crystal, and Joana to take care of the house while I'm gone so it'll be alright when I come back home.

I have everything taken care of for the next 8 months now I'm ready to go.

I get onto the tour bus and look around they only have 4 beds in here that means someone gotta share or I'm taking the couch one or the other I really don't mind because a bed is a bed.

I hear the boys getting onto the bus and yell "WE'RE BACK BABY!" I started laughing as I walk back up to the front of the bus.

"When do we take off?" I ask but my question was answered when the bus started moving, I almost fall backwards but catch myself before I do.

I'm happy they didn't forget me but wait! I feel my pocket and I don't have my phone "Wait where's my phone!" I yell as I start looking for it, Ashton smiles and hands it to me "You left it on the table like always," I sigh from relief and grabbed it.

"So when's the first stop?" I ask , Calum looks at the schedule, "Looks like Cincinnati Ohio," "Thats about a 2 hour drive" I say as I sit down and start texting my friend Crystal.

Tara: Hey don't forget to go to the house Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday to clean it and make sure it's okay and to make sure the kid down the street actually mows and keeps up with the yard.

Crystal: Okie will do!

Tara: Thank you!

Crystal: Anytime!

I put my phone back into my pocket and grab a water, "What time is the show?" I ask Calum, "The show starts at 9p.m. But we have to show up at 2p.m. To start setting up and practice" "Ah okay" I say as I chug the water.

We finally get to the place and people are already setting up, this is so huge! I can't believe I'm even standing here right now!

The boys are running around and taking it all in that they're back I can hear the screaming of fans outside of the stadium it's loud.

I climbed up to the top of the stadium with the boys and they start screaming even louder then before from seeing them, one person yelled bang me like you do your drums which made Ashton laugh.


Done stay tuned for a part 2!