Hi everyone; Author speaking
I want to thank each and everyone for reading, reviewing, and commenting on my chapter. It got more love than what I had in mind...!
When I started this novel, I had a very clear view of where I want to go and wrote out a plot. I still have that plot and still think it's good.
So, why is there no new chapter you ask? Well, here is the thing. I planned my plot and time, expecting to post once a week. I used to post once a week, but, as you know, it got twice a week.
I've said a few times that I pre-write my chapters, and I do that to make sure the quality is good. The thing is, I've run out of chapters to post! I have a plot and I'll stick to that, but the words just don't come out. I know what I want to say, but it doesn't come out on paper. My fellow writers will probably (hopefully) know what I'm talking about.
There is also another factor in play. I am a full-time college student, and it has gotten busier the more weeks went by.
(Just more excuses! Write your novel and my story! -- Cinderella)
(I know, I know...! I'm sorry... -- Author)
(You really are gonna leave them hanging at a cliffhanger like that? -- Cinderella)
(*hides* sorry..... -- Author)
(You better come up with well-written chapters then! -- Cinderella)
(I will. I promise. -- Author)
So, what is the plan? For now, I plan on taking a small break. Probably around 2-3 weeks. In those weeks I will get on writing and write beautiful chapters. Maybe I will even finish the novel, but we'll see ;). When I have written the chapters, and I finish the novel, I'll probably upload it every day. If I don't finish the novel, I might go back to my normal upload system, but let's see how that turns out.
Don't worry. I will NOT drop this novel. I like the story too much for that and I see you guys like it as well. When I post chapters, I want them to be to my liking, not because I have to post. It's about quality, not quantity.
I hope you're not too disappointed! I promise: the best is yet to come!
As always, stay safe, healthy, and see you guys next time!