Chereads / the broken cage / Chapter 16 - sixteenth piece of the broken cage: liar , liar , pants on fire

Chapter 16 - sixteenth piece of the broken cage: liar , liar , pants on fire


Diana was walking in circles. The soothing sound and soft breeze were making her skin crawl as she passed between the graves.

It was a weird place some of the ground had freshly bloomed roses as the other had dead ones. Half of the sky was baby blue while the other side was a bloody red color. Figures danced far away. A voice was singing a lullaby she had never heard before. As she passed one of the graves each of them seem to slowly take a black color.

She wanted to scream at herself to stop moving, to crown, to hide. But her body didn't seem to be listening as it moved towards the cliff where the sound of running water came from.

Her naked feet touched the fresh grass as she stopped and kneeled to look deep into the blood-filled river, a serpent was watching from the deep water. Its eyes black and unseeing.

Diana sat on the edge of the cliff as she looked into the eyes of the unforgiving creature.

Her hair flew with the wind. She wasn't feeling anything she was just terribly sleepy and as she kept gazing into the black void ... The bloody water was slowly coming up and up until it reached her knees ... The serpent was still watching her as it rose from the still waters and moved by her side. The lullaby kept playing. 

The snake let its tongue test the air and crawled away from her.

Diana was getting sleepier ... The blood was getting thicker and thicker.

She looked over to left. A boy was smiling at her. His eyes a deep green His hair a brown mess.

Her mouth fell open

" Adrian ? "

The boy smiled even more as he offered a hand to her. His brother's baby face was numb. His eyes dead

" Time to wake up sleepyhead. "


Diana jumped out of her sleep with a scream. Sweat had been built against her body as the drops of it slowly traveled down her spine. She placed a hand on her hammering heart. She could feel the rapid beating of it and the way her hands shook and bent around her shirt, she struggled to swallow down her salvia from her dry throat.

Not a good idea because her throat yowled in pain as she coughed herself to exhaustion.

The door she had no idea was there in the first place opened to reveal a girl with black hair and blacker eyes. Her eyes were wild and alert as she rushed down the room to put a cool glass on her dry lips.

" Drink, you'll feel better ."

Her voice carried no argument as she pressed it more on her.

Diana knew that trusting a stranger that you've never seen before, had to be the worst thing you could do. But the water or whatever it was, was just too soothing to avoid.  She drank slowly and after being done, she turned her head away.  The other girl took the glass away and looked him over.

Diana narrowed her golden eyes. The other girl had her long hair in a messy bun and was wearing a black tank top with shorter shorts that even Tia wore. She was half sure they were her underwear but the jean was too obvious to ignore.  Her body was lean and long. Not such girly type and the way her sharp eyes checked her, Diana could tell, it was t her first time doing it.

" W_ who ..are you ...where am I ? "

The girl looked up. Her brows up to her hairline. She straightened and looked down at her. The expression on her pale face was too careful and now that she was absorbing her completely; Diana figured that this girl had some scars on her pale skin. Her left brow had a white line running through it and as she stood tall in front of her, Diana could see the nice tattoo that had been planted on the side of her neck.

Her pale lips opened as she bit her lips and then pressed them together.

" A poor person who did not sign up for this. "

She gave a toothy smile before her expression fell into a bored one again. She yawned loudly and turned back to leave the room, just as Diana was about to ask her what she meant and to ask her if she could explain what was happening the girl gave a yell from the doorway.

" Julia! Your girl's awake! "

Then the black-haired girl leaned against the door frame as the soft padding on the floor got closer and closer. First came the little girl that Diana had missed so much that she didn't even know. 

Sandy was running to her with the same big grin on her face, her hair had been neatly cut and there were no bruises on her pale, smooth skin. Her little arms hugged her middle as the now bigger padding was heard.

" Diana! Oh my God, you're okay! "

Julia put a hand on her chest where her heart was beating and leaned on the door frame like she had lost her balance and she was trying not to fall.

Diana looked down at the tiny head that was pressed to her stomach. Unconsciously a smile tugged on the side of her lips. She scooped the girl up in her arms and petted her soft hair. Sandy snuggled closer to her side and hurried in the silky blanket.

Diana glanced over at Julia who was looking up at the ceiling like it was a piece of fortune.

The other girl next to Julia rolled her dark eyes and moved to get out of the room. As she moved, Sandy got up from where she had comfortably laid down and jumped out of the couch to follow her on her tiny feet.

Upon the going of Sandy; Diana took a look around where she was.

She was on a cozy woolen couch that was browner than any brown she'd seen before.

There was a long carpet on the porcelain floor. The black color of it suited the white-colored walls. There were some other couches in the living room where she was sat. There was a wooden clock on either side of the wall, ticking away the time. Making the seconds count by those unforgiving sharp needles.

Near the place where her couch was, a window was overlooking the city. The red thick curtains were wearing the frame of the window as if afraid something is going to rip it off.

" Diana? Do you feel better? "

Julia had sat on the edge of the couch and was looking at her with concerned green eyes. Her hair was in a low ponytail over her back. The brown shirt she was wearing, was a little too big for her smallish body. Her jeans were the same. 

" Forget about that tell me where the hell we are. "

Julia bit her lip as she looked away. The floor seemed to interest her a lot as it was.

" Julia ! "

A deep sigh escaped her mouth and she replied.

" After you were out to sleep_

" Put to sleep ?! How ?! "

Julia looked to be in shock. He sweats dropped.

" You .... Don't remember? "

" N! "

" Well ...umm... Yo...

" Juli, a, please. "

" Adrian is caught I think you heard that after that you kinda got in shock and then Jay was there I don't know if you know him or not, I have no idea how he found us but he calmed you down and then put you to sleep _

" He did WHAT ?! "


that .... Shot her up. Diana took a shaky breath and tried to focus on the fact that she was here and Julia was explaining not the fact that JAY of all people had to be the one to come.

" After all that you were unconscious and I carried you till here but sometimes I couldn't do it anymore and the snow was just too cold so I fell like you and then, Clark found us and brought us here. That's it. "

" So where is here? "

" Oh, it's Jody's apartment. "

Diana was getting flustered, every time she talked to one of her brother's friends they said the names she had never heard before, they had the memories together she didn't know about, they had shared smiles, laughs; they had cried on each other's shoulders had backed each other up and had made a family bond. She was just an outcast, her only family member was out there somewhere, getting ready to become headless.

Her heart clenched. She was about to lose her brother forever. She was never going to see him again. He was dying, maybe he had already died and Julia wasn't telling her.  With a heavier heart, she asked.

" Who is Jody ? "

Julia seemed taken back.  Then she smiled.

" Oh, Jody is the girl, who was here a few minutes ago. The tall one, back hair, black eyes. Bored as hell .. you know. "

' yeah... I know. '



Jay was smirking from the backseat as Clark yelled even more from the driver area. Tia was rolling her eyes as she muttered about stupid boys, stupid rules, stupid queens.

" Last time I checked you said that I don't have a brain, therefore no I wasn't thinking.  "

Clark slammed the breaks and turned around sharply to bore his outraged gaze into him. His eyes were twitching a little as the dark skin of his body was winking with sweat on the very winter day. It was freaking snowing.

"If you could be less sarcastic and a little more serious about situations maybe you wouldn't be in this mess now.  "

His voice was threatening him to say anything back and Jayson with all of his sarcasm and attitude knew better than to refuse the look of death. He shrugged his good shoulder and looked away first. He knew what it meant. He knew that he was a mess, who had gotten into a mess bigger than his own. Jay bit the inside of his cheek and rested his head on the moving window. 

After Clark's outburst, the rode was silent. Tia ran a hand through her hair as she adjusted the blanket Clark had given her.  There was still some more time until they reached the apartment complex. Jody lived Far away from the city it was almost a deserted place. No car ride there, only a market for food supply ... Well, it couldn't be called a market because it was one of those that were open twenty-four, seven.  The back of it was to the Pacific Ocean, just like how Jody liked it.

It was getting colder in the car, even though the heater was on. The snow seemed to have settled on his bones. A shiver went up to his spine.

With a sigh, Jay closed his eyes. It's not like he could sleep anyway...


Jody was a girl who seemed to have only two moods. Either she was too enthusiastic or too emotionless. Her smile would drop instantly that it would leave her thinking that maybe it was fake .her eyes would shine so brightly as if those fake skies had stars in them but then it would be one as cold as Ice and as black as coals.  The soul in her excited speeches would fade away as if it was never there.

Diana had asked a simple question that where were they.

Jody had turned away from the stove she was cooking something in to look at her with an expressionless face. Then she replied in the coldest voice possible.

" Are you blind? "

" Excuse me ?! "

Jody sighed as if she had been insulted deeply.

" There's a window over there, go there, open the window, look outside. That's it. "

With that, Jody stalks out of the room to go over to her bedroom. Julia bit her lips as she peeked over to Diana who looked like she was out to jump someone.

" She doesn't know the address. I mean she doesn't know the city. You can leave her anywhere in the city she'll find her way back by looking at the apartments or buildings. She'll recognize them but Jody doesn't know the names of the streets of nowhere. "

Then she added with a smirk.

" Jody hates not knowing. But she just can't help it with the directions. That's why she will be rude to people to keep them away from the question. She once was about to bit a guy's head off, because he asked her where he could find the nearest subway

Diana blinked .....well. That explains.

" Okay...I get it. "

Julia grinned and took her arm to drag her into her room.

Diana went along with itlia was so excited anyways____________________________________________

Will let out a deep, cold sigh as he stepped out of the huge castle.

The way the queen had grabbed his neck still hurt and he could make a bet that her strong fingers had left a hand shape like bruises on his skin. and he scolded Jay.

The air was colder than usual and every drop of the snow seemed forced. As the moon rises the blackness void of the night swallowed the sky and clawed at the porcelain surface of the only light in the sky. Clouds crashed together, making the earth cower in fear

William shook his head as he made his way to his car. He needed to go check up on Jody. She lived alone on the furthest part of the city and no matter how much he begged her to come home and to not stay all alone. She never listened.

Just that he was about to get his keys, soldiers surrounded him. Drawing a perfect circle as the leader of the squad, asked

" Scarlet was found dead. Where is your brother ? "