The most reasonable thing to do was eating it.
The sandwich that Tia had made for herself was looking rather tempting on the plate which was on the neat table of the kitchen.
The lettuce and tomatoes that were inside the food were fresh as dawn and the pink bacon with those delicious cheeses that were on top of it were the best kind as they were just as tasty.
Julia licked her suddenly dry lips as she looked away from the food that was right in front of her.
'it wouldn't hurt if I tried a little bit right? '
Tia had spent hours trying to find the right ingredients because the kitchen of the ship that they were sailing on was rather full but not full enough for Tia's large hunger for anything edible.
Julia tried so hard not to glance at the sandwich but as the time walked away from the world, the harder it got. She could taste those spices in her mouth as the vegetables gave away that sweet crunch that she was imagining.
Or maybe not imagining...
Julia snapped her eyes open as she looked down at her hand and felt her heart sink.
Her mouth was full and she just knew her cheeks were puffed out. The sauces of the sandwich were kissing her lips and she knew by the steps that were following from the corridor, her lips wouldn't stay red from just the sauce.
Tia had the habit of stabbing people... Especially those who ate her food...
It's wrong...very wrong...
But Tia is one of the kind right?
By the time he got back to his apartment, the rain had stopped. But not soon enough because during the time he was outside he had been soaked to his deepest bone and he just didn't have enough time to pass away from the guards of the palace and go inside.
Before Jason had decided to return to his place he needed to solve the problem of 'Scarlet'
- Flashback to when Jay had gone to castle -
The tall unforgiving walls that were standing proudly on top of the grounds were heavy with portraits and those meaningless designs.
With the first step he had gotten into the palace, hundreds of Black Hunters were running toward him with their guns ready to shoot. he had held his hands up over his head as they came closer to bound him with chains that didn't affect him much. all of them knew that if Jason wanted to leave...he would.
But Jason had grown up with rough treatment so he ignored the confusion and some judging looks as he was pushed hard to move forward.
Of course, they were confused. who in their right minds would come back to the place they knew they would not get out of?
apparently Jason.
Ah...the walls.
Jason rolled his eyes as they passed another portrait. Oh for God's sake, that was 21 century stop with the panting on the walls like in the nineteens. Who was the Queen kidding? They weren't even her own family.
His wet hair was clinging to his forehead and he wanted nothing else but to rub it out of his eyes.
He considered telling one of the guards to do it for him but he didn't think they would take him seriously. it was probably a good thing to do ...as long as someone didn't take him seriously, they wouldn't get offended.
But there came another question...
Was he nervous about the Queen's decision?
Oh hell no! She wouldn't kill him.beat him up most likely.
He was pushed by his left shoulder to go inside the double doors as they opened with the second knock a soldier had done.
As he stepped inside, Jason felt the chains along with the rough hands leave him.
Oh, so she was pissed.
His blue gaze tried to adjust to the darkness of the room. There were eyes on him he could feel it on his skin as his senses were screaming at him to move forward and be ready for any kind of blow.
The sound of the closing door was all he heard before he felt an unknown force bend his knees to kneel... probably before the throne.
" It's been a long time since the last time my eyes fell upon you, my boy."
Her voice was icy and he knew she was mad beyond his wildest dreams. he couldn't see her yet but he could feel her coming near him.
His knees were still locked in a kneeling position.
Jason should learn to keep his mouth shut but doing anything that involved closing his beloved lips was something he could never be successful in.
" Why are you talking like you're way older than me? C'mon you are what? Like thirty maybe_
A hand was on his hair as his head was yanked backward.
He could only hope she didn't see his grin in the dark.
" I have missed your aloofness towards mostly everyone... Why did you come here, Jason? "
" Um...I missed your way of talkin_ OW! okay, okay! I killed her! She was annoying as fuck! How did you deal_
The woman that was holding him captive released his hair in an intense second as the lights turned on in the large throne room.
He rubbed his head as the woman in front of him, was looking down on him with eyes so cold, so distant like they were planning something and Jason was not very glad to know what she had in store for him.
" My sister was my army. she was my family and you took her away from me. but then you had the guts to even come here, my house to tell me that. impressive Jason I give you that."
His knees were starting to hurt as the ground beneath them was forming sharp rocks to get deep into his flesh.
He tried to talk. But his mouth was kept shut.
" I have lost enough people on my side...but you are right...she was rather unpleasant to have around my presence."
He gazed at her dress, a black gown with crystals that were glazing red. Her black hair curls around her bony shoulders. how delicate she looked...but how strong she was.
She grazed his jawline with her black nails as they stretched down his neck to his collarbone.
Her eyes were sharp as they never left his blue orbs.
" She was my sister no less. therefore I can't leave her death be unjustified. if you survive it's on your own. "
" So I'm still your worker? Even though I killed your sister ? "
His mouth was released from whatever force she had on him. As he spat out the words.
Her lips turned into a grin as a cruel look represented the inner self that she so lovingly kept to herself.
" You wouldn't get any comfort from being away from me. and yes you are still needed. So I'm going to forgive you for this little...' accident ', but I am hoping it never happens again."
End of Jason's Flashback
To say the least the BH beat the hell out of him. He was bound as well so it wasn't like he could dodge anyway. they had bruised one of his lungs so breathing was quite hard at the moment and there were many bruises to suit his skin now, but not only that, they had dislocated his left shoulder too so he had to stay outside for longer to slap himself against the building to pop it back in, which earned him a lot of confused, worried stares along with lots of mother's as they covered their children's eyes and ran away from him. he grimaced at the memory. chill people! Can't a guy pop his shoulder ?!
His legs were working fine though as ( after he had embarrassingly popped his shoulder back in and a girl came running to him, saying that he needed a doctor and a great help, let's not talk about how he responded to her with a bloody mouth he knew would scare the poor girl off and he oh so affectionately had said that the help she was talking about was needed in his brain cells rather than his body which was embarrassing too because brain cells were a part of the body, why did he even bother with talking ?) The BH had not touched his legs.
He tossed his keys to the basket next to his door as he walked inside his house after what seemed like years.his house was rather in a small size as the whole place wasn't in a busy part of the city. He didn't live inabounded buildings like Jody or in a luxurious mansion like William or Clark or anybody. He lived in the town which was full of noises as this was the part of the big city that had finally been repaired. Noises of cars and the heavy smell of gas were his only way to make himself believe that he was still alive.
He didn't have a room. Everything was into each other. There was no bed as he had never bothered to buy one. Will had insisted he slept in his house for at least two days of the week so that his poor back would get a rest from sleeping on the couch all those times. There was only one couch as well.
The kitchen that he rarely cleaned was full of broken or dirty dishes he still wouldn't wash or put away. The kitchen was mostly empty as he didn't have a washing machine and he did not have a fridge. He cleaned his clothes in the laundry places everyone went and he ordered takeouts for his food. No need for extra money. His clothes that were half on the time unfolded were all over the back of his couch and his only blanket was on the couch where he had slept. There were a TV and many used CDs with a PS player attached to them. The bags of chips he ate late at night had fallen off the couch sometimes he didn't know when as they were all over the place. His window was closed, thank Jesus on that one The curtain was closed and his bloody bandages and his beloved first aid kit was beside his clothes.
Jason rubbed the back of his head as he took his phone out and called Mcdonald for a few bites of food he could use, after that was done he took his jacket out and placed it over the couch, and moved away from that to his bathroom which was just too small to fit him. Well, half of his body had to stay outside of the shower while the other half of him got cleaned. He scrubbed away the dirt and the dried blood with soap that he didn't know when he had bought. Did soaps get expired? Oh well he, didn't know that too. He just had to go for it.
" Uh, fuck it."
He applied the same shampoo Jody had told him to use and washed at his bangs and entire scalp. Then washed it out. Either he couldn't feel his wounds or the wound weren't that deep but as his azure eyes fell over his naked chest he could see the gashes ran kind of deep but as long as he didn't feel them he was okay. He could take some pain killers later as well. He turned over to wash the other part of himself and after he was done he pulled the towel to dry his broken body. He winced as he tried to go slowly over the bruises.
He remembered the first time Diana had touched one of the deep black and purple bruise on his arm. It had hurt like hell as his eyes had watered and he could see nothing but pain and anger. He had raged like that which wasn't right. He should probably say sorry later too...He had a lot of things he needed to do later.
He pulled the needle and thread out of the box as he moved to his broken bathroom mirror. He took a deep breath as he inserted the needle into his flesh. he bit his bottom lip in with enough force to draw blood but fortunately, there were none. the needle was on his chest but he needed to do it.lt had to be done otherwise he would bleed to death. Jay took another breath as he inserted the needle again but it just hurt more this time. perhaps he shouldn't take cold baths while bleeding and obviously in need of stitches.
With another insertion, he let out a yell of pain and he slammed his hand against the sink as some blood came out of the wound he had given himself. He needed to get this done... He had to... Even if it meant that he had started to see stars in his vision. He was about to put the needle in his body again when the doorbell rang...
Oh... Food arrived.
Would it be inappropriate if he walked out of his bathroom to open his door when he was in only his underwear?
It was. If taking it from the way the poor guy paled ten times lower than his skin color as he took in the way Jason had shown up. His brown eyes had winded and he had started to stutter.
" I_i... Y_y_yo... S_sir.."
Jason was starting to get worried, he didn't need this guy to pass out on him.
" Okay, man! Thanks for the food( he took the bags out of the delivery's shaking hands), I already paid so thanks again! Have a good day! "
With that, he snapped the door shut. and then let out a breath. he placed his wet head on the door and closed his eyes.
Okay, it was a bad idea to get in front of the guy with underwear, freshly out of the shower, and a needle in his gut...
He looked at his bags...
At least he got his food.
Diana placed the blanket on the sleeping girl's body as her chest moved up and down in a steady rhythm. Her black hair was on her pale face as her eyes which were those blue rivers were closed in her deep sleep.
Sandy had cried herself to sleep and the only way she had found that out was when the girl had nuzzled her neck as she mumbled about being good so that others would love her. Diana still felt rather protective and her eyes still felt quite wet at the realization that the poor girl that moved on and about, happy with everyone, was hurting and begging for the slightest chance of being loved back.
it was after some time that Jody came back with arms heavy with bags that she just knew were half full of sweets.
But she was surprised when the other Lewis opened the bags and some actual food came out of them. Vegetables and ingredients for cooking something and as Diana stepped into the kitchen she saw that Jody was cocking something on the stove that was smelling rather pleasant. She was spinning and smelling the food herself and as she turned away from the stove to grab some salts she came face to face with Diana who was leaning over the countertop.
" What are you doing here ?"
"Sandy's sleep."
Jody raised an eyebrow as she sniffled at nothing and she bent down to grab the salt in the cabinet.
" Well, whatever. I don't care."
Diana took a step to come into the kitchen. she passed the table and came to stand next to Jody as she spun the potatoes now that she could finally see what she was cooking.
" Sandy was crying today."
That stopped her in her place. Her hand froze in its spot as she slowly turned her head to look at her with stormy black eyes.
" Why?"
Her voice was icy and her tone was chilled to a rather unpleasant way.
" Oh, I don't know about what. But she was crying that's all I know. You are her family I thought you'd want to know. "
With that, she turned away from the girl to get back into the living room. She didn't want Jody to know what Sandy had said. It was a secret and it wasn't her place to say it to Jody.
" Did she say anything about me too? Or .. or others? Like... You know... The gang...or... My mother? "
Diana turned away from the door to look at Jody coldly. Her face a mask of indifference as she opened her mouth to reply.
"I think you should pay more attention to her. And... Try harder to keep her away from a mother who you as an adult, know is abusing your sister. Who is way younger than you. "
Jason flipped the remote in his hand to finally settle on the channel that was showing a movie he hadn't seen before. He had managed to wrap bandages around his chest and for now it seemed, there was no blood. He might be bad at stitching but he did a good job at making it happen so that it would stick his skin together.
The food he had bought was eaten but his drink was still full.
Breathing was hard but he had to deal with it because going to the hospital was out of order for him.
The Queen had said that she didn't care about her late sibling...but the broken state of his body was saying otherwise...it would do good for everyone if she stopped lying to herself and others.
He ran a hand through his messy hair as he then placed it against his chest that was covered with his black hoody. He was wearing his purple pants that he hoped would stop him from getting cold.
He pulled the covers up to his chin as the painkillers he had taken were finally kicking in. His eyelids were getting heavy and his blue gaze was becoming shinier, he closed his eyes and just titled his head back.
His eyes cought a window of a building that had people moving around it. There was a boy who was telling something to a woman excitingly and as a woman turned around he hugged her close and nuzzled his head to her hip. The woman smiled lovingly at her child as she placed a hand on his blond locks.
Jason turned away from the window and focused on the movie.
Poor boy... It was just a matter of time before he was tossed in streets.
" Jody? , Why didn't Jay come back ? Mummy doesn't want me home right ? "
Diana stopped herself from taking the bite she had prepared for herself as Jody froze beside her.
They were at the kitchen table, eating fries that Jody had cocked for them and it tasted good but it started to taste like rotten egg as those words left Sandy's lips.
Her eyes were shinning with hope and her hands were playing with themselves.
Jody placed her fork back down on the plate as she chewed some more before swallowing her food.
" I haven't gotten a massage from her to get you home yet. So I think you can stay here tonight."
Diana smiled at the way her bright eyes, shone over their table like the moon that was hiding behind the stormy, rainy clouds witch were the only way that could somehow guide the way home to anyone who were lost.and she decided to ignore the fact that Jody did not say a thing about Jason.
" Yes ! I love him so much ! "
The smile on her face dropped.
Diana didn't know why but she just didn't have a good feeling about Jason. He was too annoying and he was a bit too much to handle, also he made fun of mostly everyone and he was noisy and whinny and too loud sometimes and his smirks were too much to handle and let's not talk about how she wanted to slap that smile off his face again maybe punch him too, just how many flaws did this boy have ?!
" Diana ?...DIANA!"
She snapped out of her thoughts by Jody's snapping fingers and Sandy's tapping.
" What?...what's wrong ?"
Jody frowned at her as she pulled her hand away from her freckled face.
" You were spacing out. You okay ?"
She blinked and placed her left hand of her forehead to rub against her temples.
" Yeah, I'm fine . I'm sorry"
Sandy was looking at her with diamond blue eyed as she leaned over to give her shoulder a squeeze.
" You have nothing to be sorry for."
Her smile was bright like stars and Diana once more wondered why her mother abused her daughter that was the definition of an angle.this girl whose smile shamed the shine of the sun and broke away those dark thoughts.
" Thank you Sandy. You're a good girl. Really good."
That seemed to make the small girl hesitate but then that toothy grin broke through her cheeks and even Jody couldn't help but smile.
" Yeah I talked to her. That one sided conversation that your mum loves I mean. "
Jody clinched the telephone as she took a deep breath.
" So it's okay for Sandy to stay?"
His voice had an edge into it behind the wires of the other side of the phone as he exhaled a tired sigh." Yes sugars, that's what I mean. Giggles can stay in your place for as long as she wants."
Jody placed her head against the window of the payphone room and let out a breath that tickled it's way out of her throat as if she had been smoking. A smoke didn't sound bad anyway.
" Where are you Jay?"
There was a pause but then he answered.
" Not on streets."
" You went to the Queen's doorsteps."
Another pause. This time a little longer.
" Yeah I went there. Fixed the issue and now it's done. Anyways if there isn't anything else I wanna sleep Jody."
The girl let out a smoky sigh as a tired yet sad smirk cracked her unshed tears to finally breaks the fence of her eyes and those lonely tears that Jody had long ago learned to hide fell over her scarred cheeks that William used to pinch and Jason used to poke.
He never called her by her name.
Sugars when he was okay...but Jody when he was lying.
" Okay. I'll see you around."
" Yeah..."
" Yeah."
Sharply green eyes were rolling all over her body as lazily as they could go.
Their bodies were tangled in each other as his glazed hands skillfully rubbed over her left naked breast. He kept kissing her neck as if it was the sweetest thing he had eaten from forever .
" Tommorow is looking bright my love."
His deep, husky voice was her dream but she just wished that his green orbs were not her cage that forbid her from flying just like how she wanted to.